July 14, 2023

JF3235: How to Navigate the Commercial Lending Space in 2023 ft. James Eng




James Eng is the national director of Old Capital, a commercial mortgage broker. In this episode, James discusses the landscape of commercial lending, especially why many investors transitioned from bridge loans to fixed-rate loans over the past few years. He also shares the true purpose of a bridge loan and shares strategies for how investors can approach the refinance process on a bridge loan in 2023.

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James Eng | Real Estate Background

  • National director of Old Capital
  • Portfolio:
    • GP and LP positions in over 20 multifamily properties in Texas totaling over 10,000 units
  • Based in: Dallas, TX
  • Say hi to him at: 
  • Best Ever Book: The Most Important Thing by Howard Marks
  • Greatest Lesson: Make sure you look at the demographics of a market in comparison to the rents you are projecting. 

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