Commercial Real Estate Podcast

JF2969: Mitigating Risk without Missing Out ft. Randy Langenderfer

Written by Joe Fairless | Oct 21, 2022 11:00:00 AM

“Wherever you're at in your journey, whether you’ve been doing this for 10 years or 20 years, continue to educate and persist and hone your game. Because there’s always a new aspect of this business to learn.” 


Randy Langenderfer is a chief compliance and audit officer at Baylor College of Medicine who began flipping houses with his brother-in-law in 2009. After moving from Cleveland, OH, to Houston for a job opportunity, Randy began to learn about multifamily syndications. His interest was sparked, and he decided to spend a few years learning the intricacies of syndication, underwriting, and the legal aspects of it all. 

Today, Randy is the president of InvestArk Properties, LLC, a syndication business focusing on identifying, acquiring, and operating large multifamily properties. In this episode, he tells us what he sees most syndicators miss in terms of due diligence and deal analysis, what it takes to obtain a non-recourse loan, and why outsourcing is the key to scaling, growing, and protecting your time. 


Randy Langenderfer | Real Estate Background

  • President at InvestArk Properties, LLC, a syndication business focusing on identifying, acquiring, and operating large multifamily properties.
  • Portfolio:
    • GP of 787 units & recently sold an additional 139 class C units
    • LP of 3,587 units
  • Also works full-time as chief compliance and audit officer at Baylor College of Medicine
  • Based in: Houston, TX
  • Say hi to him at:
  • Greatest Lesson: The importance of good property management and of joint venturing to expand your business.



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Ash Patel: Hello, Best Ever listeners. Welcome to the best real estate investing advice ever show. I'm Ash Patel and I'm with today's guest, Randy Langenderfer. Randy is joining us from Houston, Texas. He is the president of InvestArk Properties, which is a syndication business focused on multifamily properties. Randy is a GP on 1,100 units and an LP on over 3,000 units. He also works full-time as chief compliance and audit officer at Baylor College of Medicine. Randy, thank you for joining us, and how are you today?

Randy Langenderfer: I'm doing well, Ash. Thanks so much for the opportunity to be here. Been following you guys for a long time, and I feel like I'm kind of going to Mecca here, to the Holy Land to be on your show, so it's a privilege.

Ash Patel: We're very glad to have you here, my friend. Randy, before we get started, can you give the Best Ever listeners a little bit more about your background and what you're focused on now?

Randy Langenderfer: I'd be happy to, Ash. So Randy Langenderfer, Houston, Texas, [unintelligible 00:01:39.05] to be specific, in the Southwest corner. I've been in Houston about nine years; I came down here from the Cleveland, Ohio market, on a job relocation, in 2013. When I got here, I discovered multifamily, fell in love with it because of the non-recourse financing aspect of it, and learned the value of syndication, and the ability to buy multimillion-dollar assets with other people's money still just strikes me as phenomenally unbelievable... And since then, like you said, I've done several deals, and hope to do many more in my remaining useful life.

Ash Patel: Alright, what you've just said sounds like you're talking from the very top. How did you get started in real estate?

Randy Langenderfer: I got started in real estate - I'll try to be brief, this is [unintelligible 00:02:21.02] but I had a brother in law who was an executive for a large regional bank, a guy I really trusted and liked a lot, and a very highly educated MBA JD. Started a mutual fund for then [unintelligible 00:02:34.03] in Cleveland, Ohio. And he came to me after going to an Armando [unintelligible 00:02:38.01] about house flipping. He'd spent $20,000 for a week, and a boatload of money, and said "You've got to do this with me." And I said "You're stinkin' nuts." And so he persuaded to get me comfortable with it. You know, it's all about education, gaining comfort, diminishing your risk by educating yourself and know what you're getting into... And we ended up doing several million dollars worth of flips in South Florida; we were hard money lenders, we were living in Cleveland, Ohio, but teamed up with a group out of South Florida... And this is in the '09, '10 period, when you were picking up houses for 50, 60 cents on the dollar, and able to turn them around and make a handsome profit.

And as I said, then I came to Houston for a job opportunity, and I got into a [unintelligible 00:03:21.12] I went to a lifestyles expo and learned a little bit about multifamily, and joined their two-day event. Then I ended up going [unintelligible 00:03:30.08] Dallas, Texas, spent a couple of years there learning the intricacies of syndication, underwriting, legal etc. And today I'm currently in [unintelligible 00:03:39.24] I really enjoy that aspect, too. So there's a quick nutshell.

Ash Patel: Yeah. So you guys were doing flips and doing hard money lending. At some point did you get burned out and you thought there's got to be a better way?

Randy Langenderfer: Yeah, that point came when I came to Houston with that mindset of hard money lending, thinking "Wow, I'm going to the fourth largest metro area in the US, and there's got to be tons of opportunity there." And there were, but I came down here and I was relocating with family and a new job, and so I was just busier [unintelligible 00:04:12.16] and I realized just the time it took for each flip to really scale became very cumbersome, and overbearing, because you had to learn the market. I was new to the Houston market; I had to learn to sub-market, I had to learn who was going to do the flip, study the repair budget, etc. And I realized "There's just got to be an easier way." So that was the flip for me, is if I had the time, of which I didn't, to scale up to 50 or 100 houses, I could do that in one multifamily, and have a property manager, a sole source, that you just picked up the phone and called.

So that was kind of the a-ha moment thinking for me; and then you throw in non-recourse debt. You know, Ash, I can get a multimillion-dollar loan and a multifamily asset easier than I can get a loan on my primary principal residence.

Ash Patel: Let's dive into that. I also want to throw this out there... Your background in compliance and audit - did you overanalyze every hard money loan that you did?

Randy Langenderfer: [laughs] Did you talk to my wife before this show?

Ash Patel: [laughs] Listen, I've done hard money loans, and I probably should have analyzed them a lot more... I just wrote checks and kind of hoped for the best, and I think most of the time it did not work for the best. So I was the opposite.

Randy Langenderfer: I had probably 10-15 We did, and only one went bad, the very last one... And I'm still suing the guy today. But the answer --

Ash Patel: [laughs] Oh, man.

Randy Langenderfer: [unintelligible 00:05:41.26] But the answer to your question is you've heard the old expression "Ready, Aim, Fire." So I'm "Ready, aim, aim, aim, fire", versus my marketing friends, are "Fire, aim, ready." And I'm not disparaging any marketing guys, just a couple of them that I've worked with are just "Do the deal, do the deal." So yes, I did overanalyze at first. Yes.

I like to think -- in my corporate job, I talked about risk tolerance and risk mitigation. So I still encourage all my students and listeners, educate yourself. That's the biggest obstacle to risk mitigation, is educating yourself. And so the first check I wrote, my hand was shaking as I was writing a check, absolutely. I went and saw the property, I did all the due diligence stuff you're supposed to do... It was a three-hour drive away. And today, it becomes much easier, but there's still education involved, and trying to talk about risk mitigation.

Ash Patel: Randy, because of your analytic background, what do you think most apartment syndicators miss, in terms of due diligence or analyzing deals?

Randy Langenderfer: As you said, I'm an MBA CPA in terms of education background, so yeah, I'm very analytical. And I think the analytical mindset -- and there's engineers, and there's computer scientists that have the same disability that I do in terms of over analyzing... But I think understanding -- there's many different templates out there for underwriting multifamily today. Now, I haven't seen one that's bad, they're just a little bit different. But I think it's looking at the assumptions. And the one that I always love, Ash, is how many times have you ever heard a syndicator come on your show and say, "I underwrite very aggressively."

Ash Patel: Zero.

Randy Langenderfer: Zero.

Ash Patel: Even though a lot of times the arrow always moves up into the right in their models.

Randy Langenderfer: I've never heard a syndicator in eight years of doing this now say "I underwrite (even) moderately aggressive." So understanding the risk assumptions that go into those spreadsheets - what are the rent growths, what are the expense growths?" In Texas, we look at taxes and insurance, and what's the rate cap reversion... And you can just get a real quick feel of someone's conservative -- because one man's conservative is another man's aggressive, and vice versa. And I say this is what makes real estate investors; investors have to understand this. Otherwise, they're just speculating. They're just throwing money at a syndicator and saying, "I know Randy, here's X dollars. Go invest it." That's fine. But I think to get started, investors and syndicators need to understand the mindset of passive investors. I think that's why I'm a pretty good active or general partner, because I always have that mindset, as I started out there.

Ash Patel: Do people feel like they're in trouble when you start talking around a boardroom? [laughter]

Randy Langenderfer: I'll say in my day job. I don't get invited out for lunch a lot.

Ash Patel: I get it.

Randy Langenderfer: "Hey Randy, let's get lunch and talk compliance." That doesn't happen too often.

Ash Patel: Yeah... I love it. Randy, you mentioned non-recourse loans several times. For a lot of the Best Ever listeners, it seems like something that's elusive, something that's only available to the select few. Can you dive into that, and what it takes to obtain a non-recourse loan?

Randy Langenderfer: Yeah, so listeners, I'm sure you've got everybody out there all over the spectrum... So when I was living in Cleveland, Ohio, I was looking at buying small business. And one of the reasons I really struggled with it was one, I couldn't syndicate it, so I had to come up with money on my own. But secondly, it was always a recourse loan. In other words, I was signing personally on the loan. If the loan were to default, they would come and take my house, my cars, and stuff they could, etc, etc. A non-recourse just means that the syndicators or the general partners, or the LPS certainly, don't have to sign on the note personally. In other words, if the very worst were to happen, and let's say everybody moved out of the building and you didn't have any tenants and you defaulted on the loan, you would not be held personally liable. They would take the asset back and you would lose your investment, but you would not be held liable. So that is the beautiful thing about multifamily. It's different than retail commercial, industrial retail, industrial commercial, office space commercial... All those are primarily recourse loans. And that's why a lot of people are focused on -- and that's why the banks don't care about my personal financial statement as a syndicator, as a general partner, but they're more worried about the cash flow and the debt service coverage ratio, etc, etc, on the properties that they're underwriting. Because in the very worst case, they would take it back.

Ash Patel: Randy, what kind of downpayment do you have to use for non-recourse loans?

Randy Langenderfer: Much more today than you did a year or two ago. So as a syndicator, agency debt, you tried to get 80% leverage and 20% down, and today in the bridge loans arena or variable rate -- that is, the banks are also scared about the inflation rate and stuff, so a lot of times these days you're finding 65%, maybe 70% leverage; that means the bank will lend you 65% or 70% of the purchase price, and you have to come up with the rest. And that's why you see syndicators trying to raise large sums of money and having multiple general partners come up with that raise. Very few people can raise $10, $15 million on their own, what it takes today, so there needs to be a group of syndicators that does it.

Ash Patel: Randy, pushing back a little bit and playing devil's advocate, if you're putting down 30%, 35% on an asset, why do you care that much about non-recourse, because what are the chances that you overpaid by 30%, 35%?

Randy Langenderfer: Very little.

Ash Patel: Yeah.

Randy Langenderfer: So yes, you're right. But to me, it's just a part of my personal investment strategy, that I don't want to sign on a recourse loan as a general partner. I'm in a season of life where I've been fortunate and I just don't want to jeopardize that. So I'd prefer not to. But if I was 30, again, and had 30 years in front of me to correct my mistakes if there was one, then maybe a different story.

Ash Patel: Well, let's talk about that. What do you wish you would have done differently early in your real estate investing career?

Randy Langenderfer: Ah, man... Do you have another whole hour, Ash? [laughs]

Ash Patel: Let's go, man. I'm on your time.

Randy Langenderfer: Well, there's a couple things. One, I really wish I would have got started earlier. I got married, and my wife and I, because I've always had real estate in my [unintelligible 00:12:11.16] I bought our first house, it was a duplex, and we rented out half. And then I got busy with work, and career growing, and family and kids for about 20 years, and really didn't come back to it for that amount of time. So I always had it in my blood. So the first -- something I'd tell the 18-year-old Randy is "Get started earlier." And there's many ways you can get started, right? You can do a single duplex, quads, whatever, you can use other people's money...

I wish that when I first started - and I mentioned a couple groups I was in, but I really didn't go all into those groups until just recently. [unintelligible 00:12:44.06] Because there's great value in those national educational arms. And there's many others. There's Michael Blanc, there's Jake and Gino's, etc, etc. across the country... To plug into and probably just invest some money in the educational aspect. Because I invested a ton of money in myself; my undergraduate, and my graduate degree, and certifications, etc. So why do most people hesitate in spending money to get education? Because I guess it's human nature, they think it's a rip off, or something... I don't know. That's the second thing - I wish I would have just gone all in earlier.

And I've found recently success in co-GP-ing, or joint venturing, whatever you want to say it, and I just wish I'd done that earlier, too. General partners. Nobody knows everything, or has everything, so there needs to be a team. One person may be an underwriter, another person may be a marketer, another person may be property management or asset management... The value in bringing a team together. Because I have that mindset. I wanted to start out and do it all, and learn it all, and understand it all myself. And that's another tendency I find, in self criticism. Like many, I think.

Ash Patel: Like many. I think many of us go through that same epiphany, and we learn some of those hard lessons. It takes two things, in my opinion, to be successful in this business. Education, which you've certainly shadowed and talked to us about, and then the other part is network. So you're amongst all these groups... What else do you do to network?

Randy Langenderfer: When I first came to Houston, nine years ago, my family wasn't here yet, so I simply googled REI, real estate investments. And I was amazed just moving to Houston, there was 13 different [unintelligible 00:14:29.06] came up on Google. And so I plowed into attending a meetup; well, then it wasn't a meetup, then it was a group... So the point of it is, is I do a lot of podcasts, I try to be a guest on many... And I listen to many. Every time I'm in the car, my wife will get in the car with me and say "Randy, can we not listen to a real estate podcast?" Meetups... There's so many more tools out there today than there was eight years ago when I got started. So podcast, meetups, books...

I'm now trying to court investors, and so now I spent a lot of time trying to arrange Zoom calls or coffee with potential or seasoned investors that I have, to keep the relationship alive... Because it's still a relationship business, a person-to-person business, versus -- you can do it mass marketing, versus Facebook, or LinkedIn may help you start to build some connections... But very few people are going to invest $50,000 or more with Ash until they know him, and like him and trust him.

Break: [00:15:32.05] to [00:17:27.15]

Ash Patel: Thinking about scaling, growing, protecting your time, would you ever outsource the investor courting or the investor interactions?

Randy Langenderfer: Actually, I'm trying to decide how to do that right now myself to ramp it up. I have a personal goal to 3x my investor database in the next 12-18 months. So I think I will outsource; well, I am outsourcing some of that social media, pushing information out, and emails, and stuff like that. But I still want to be deeply involved in having a call like this with an investor. That to me is how you get to it, is to have a contact point, be it a Zoom call, or a voice call... And then how do you stay connected? I don't think you can push it out entirely... Even the big shops that have thousands of investors in their database are still reaching out one-on-one periodically to the investor database. In that case -- some of them get really big, but I think the best ones are still relationship-driven.

We had a disaster in the first property I ever owned, and rather than sending an email to everybody, I called and personally talked to every one of my investors. [unintelligible 00:18:34.02] I told them about it first, and "You're gonna get an email, but here's what the email is gonna say", and I wanted to hear their reaction, versus doing it the other way around.

And I think also know your audience. So boomers like to have voice communication; millennials may prefer - and I'll generally defer to texting or emailing them, just because... I don't mean to be negatively stereotyping anybody, but it's just a fact of life.

Ash Patel: Yeah, that's a great point. And to your point, I know Joe Fairless is very accessible to any investor, and I believe he still reaches out to a lot of new investors... So I agree with you. I've seen people try to build a machine that just automates all of the investor acquisition, and I don't see them achieving a lot of success doing that. So thank you for reinforcing what I felt was the right way to do it as well.

Randy Langenderfer: Well, and I can guarantee you that Joe reaches out. I know he is.

Ash Patel: Yeah, okay, good.

Randy Langenderfer: Maybe not every six months, but he definitely reaches out.

Ash Patel: So in terms of follow-up, how do you follow up with potential investors and existing investors?

Randy Langenderfer: So for me right now, I'm sure you've heard of the concept of the funnel, right? The leads coming into the top, and ultimately, you want to come down to the bottom of the funnel, where they're coming out as an investor. So I really think that process, from the top of the funnel to the bottom, is really six to nine months. Very few people are going to -- well, they may know Joe more than Randy Langenderfer, but [unintelligible 00:20:01.17] Here's his track record. It's good", and just throw 50,000 at me. They're gonna want to try to understand me.

So it's bringing them into the top of the funnel, it's making that first connection. I'm sending out newsletters, and I'm trying to be more social media-minded to keep people apprised. And then that's the creative side of it, is how do you stay engaged with your investor database, especially as it grows? So you have to rely upon some of those tools, again, we talked about - the mass emails, those things, and news updates. But you're trying to keep some of it personal, so there is a personal side of it, too. So my newsletter is always a brief paragraph, personally, what's going on with Randy, here's what's going on in the business, what properties or assets we're working on... And then in the media... So you're trying to give a little bit education, and I always have a book to recommend, or an article or something like that to read. And then I do create a call list. So when's the last time I talked to Joe, or Susie? ...and try to touch base at least, at least annually.

Other syndication groups, as they grow, they have investor dinners... I know Dan [unintelligible 00:21:11.26] is one, and I'm sure Joe does it too, where if he's in a city, he'll get investors in that city together for dinner, which is a great idea. Add the personal touch, too.

Ash Patel: Randy, how do you acquire new potential investors?

Randy Langenderfer: Great question. I don't do it enough; because I think everybody, no matter how big your database is, even if it's 1,000, or 100, you're going to have several that are -- if I could get 20% of my database actually active, that would be great. I'm probably around 10% now, and many of them are repeat customers, or clients, or repeat investors, because they've seen what we've done and liked it. And that's really where you want to get it to. So, meetups, I'm always collecting cards, I'm always following up with people, I'm on social media, I need to be on it more, trying to follow up with people, digging into real estate groups on the internet and trying to connect with people, showing them what I've done... And I create the circle. So I've got professional relationships with my employer, my past employers, my family... So I'm really drawing circles around a bigger circle. And then my recent emphasis is how do you really make connections with somebody, and I said, "I'm in the compliance and audit space." So I need to reach out to those professional groups where professionals, compliance and audit people hang out, and start building a bridge to some of those people, so that six or nine months down the road, they may be interested. I don't have the exact recipe yet for you. Ash, you could probably educate me better on what Joe does on that... So you're just making those connections.

Ash Patel: Yeah, I love your newsletter idea. I started that about a year ago. I do the same thing - you add a personal paragraph, any milestones, or a tough lessons learned; post COVID mindset changes, things like that. So you build that personal connection. How often do your newsletters go out?

Randy Langenderfer: I'd like to say monthly; that's my objective, but they don't go out every month. I've been consumed with acquisitions here in the last two months, I haven't sent one out, but I have a goal, Ash, to draft one yet today, after this is recorded, to send out. So the goal is at least monthly. And then I think my next phase is to accentuate that with other mass distributions - blogs, updates. I just saw one the other day from another syndicator that I really liked. He just sent out a single email asking for referrals. I thought that was a great idea. I had never seen that before, but he just said, "We got one coming out, and I'd really appreciate it if there's anybody in your network." So you're never gonna get any if you don't ask.

Ash Patel: Don't be afraid to ask. I learned from somebody else I interviewed a long time ago, these words "I need your help" are very powerful. Whether it's an email, a text, message, or verbal... When you say to somebody, "I need your help", it does something emotionally to that person where they feel ,obligated or they feel like -- I don't know what they feel, but it works.

Randy Langenderfer: It works. I was at a national conference, and I met up with her, she was sitting on the fence on my latest offering, and she was back and forth, and I finally grabbed her a cup of coffee and I said, "Susie, I need your help", just as you said. "I would really appreciate if you can invest in this opportunity."

Ash Patel: And did she?

Randy Langenderfer: Yeah.

Ash Patel: There you go.

Randy Langenderfer: She did.

Ash Patel: So in terms of filling up people's email boxes, how often is too much?

Randy Langenderfer: It's a great question, too. I don't have the exact secret to that one. There's probably marketers that have much more... But you see a lot of groups today sending weekly emails. I wouldn't mind doing it, I just don't have the time. I just don't have the bandwidth yet. I strive for that one day, but I think anything more than that would be pretty close to it. And then there's the other one, is in the middle of a deal raise, and somebody keeps hounding you, and then you realize -- I've been on the receiving end of this, where they're emailing me and texting, and you realize they're getting pretty desperate, they're not [unintelligible 00:25:04.09] They're pretty desperate here.

Ash Patel: I've gotta share, I had somebody that I met at the Best Ever Conference, and I think I got an email from them every second or third day... And I thoroughly enjoyed meeting this person, but I had to stop, I had to put it in my spam box. Unfortunately, I'll never receive another email from them again. It was just a bit much, and it was all the same content.

Randy Langenderfer: Well, as you know, you can develop drip campaigns to do that via the MailChimps and the Active Campaign tools and stuff. and those are valuable lessons... But there's nothing worse than when you're on LinkedIn, and you try to connect with somebody, and you get a nanosecond response back, and you know it's a bot or an automated string...

There's a little tool that one personally told me, "Yeah, you can time those in the automation for at least 24 hours later, which is simple and easy to do." And so yeah, your friend that bugged you with -- I'd be curious, was it like five or six days, or 20 days that you got [unintelligible 00:26:05.05]

Ash Patel: Oh, no, it was for the last several months.

Randy Langenderfer: Oh, wow.

Ash Patel: I would say the first maybe five or six emails I read thoroughly, because again, I genuinely enjoyed meeting this person. And it was every little milestone with their kids, or her husband... It was just a bit much. And I also don't care for those pretty formatted emails that look like it came from a marketing department. So my newsletters are in pure and simple text. A couple bold highlights, not a bunch of colors... Just a simple paragraph format.

Randy Langenderfer: If it works for you, that's all that matters.

Ash Patel: Yeah, because I think we all get inundated with the MailChimp emails, all the pretty formatted emails that -subconsciously, at least for me, I just tend to glance over them and move on.

Randy Langenderfer: And I think like you, I probably get 15 or 20 emails at the start of every month from different newsletter people, and I've just got a folder that I put them in, they go to a folder, and I do look at them, but I glance at them. So there's another trick in my mind when I'm sending out newsletters - I don't send them out the first of the month and the end of the month... Because I'm getting inundated with them. I notice everybody's doing it at the first the month, or they do it at the tail end a month. So I try to send mine out now; it's the mid-month.

Ash Patel: And then how about day of the week? Is there a better day to send them out?

Randy Langenderfer: People at my corporate job told me "Never send an important email on Monday or Friday." I've never really understood that. I don't really subscribe to that, so I'm thinking "Really? That leaves three days of the week to do business?" But I would say, in my mind, midweek is probably better; either that, or like a Tuesday morning, when I use buffer and try to stack up outbound stuff. That's what I shoot for, is Tuesday morning, and I try to do it first thing in the morning, like 8am it's released.

Ash Patel: Awesome. What's the biggest mistake you see people making in real estate?

Randy Langenderfer: I coach a lot of students, and I don't know if it's a mistake, but it's not a get-rich-quick scheme. Really, it isn't. It's not a no-money-down process; you need to have some capital, you need to have friends that have capital. You don't have to have it, you have to have friends or investors.

And then my personal opinion is when people try to go too big too fast, they just start - I call it using the shotgun approach. "I'll get in every deal I can, and be anything I can be, and I'll try to be everything to everybody", versus - I try to encourage students to develop an investment strategy. "I'm going to look in these markets, for this class of asset, in this price range, and become well-versed in that... Versus - you know, I've just got a friend. He's a syndicator and he focuses on nothing but the Southwest Phoenix and Tucson. He doesn't even live in the state, but that's where -- and he's had immense success. The market in those areas have been really good too, but it's all he does. Tucson and Phoenix.

Ash Patel: Randy, what is your best real estate investing advice ever?

Randy Langenderfer: I think for me, it's just simply education that we've talked about, and persistence. So wherever you're at in that journey, whether you've been doing this 10 years or 20 years, continue to educate. And persistence in honing your game, because there's always a new aspect of this business to learn.

Ash Patel: I love it. Randy, are you ready for the Best Ever lightning round?

Randy Langenderfer: Oh, boy, here we go.

Ash Patel: Randy, what's the Best Ever book you've recently read?

Randy Langenderfer: The Best Ever book I've read recently... I really like -- just pulling it off the shelf here... "The hands off investor" by Brian Burke. Somebody gave it to me, or somebody told me -- I have actually read it and have sent it to several of my investors as a reference tool. As new investors start asking questions and stuff, I bought multiple copies of the book already and sent it to them. It's a great detailed read on multifamily.

Ash Patel: Randy, what's the Best Ever way you like to give back?

Randy Langenderfer: I like to give back professionally to students, and I enjoy that coaching aspect of it. I make a few dollars, but it's certainly not the money... Helping people wherever they're at in their journey. And passion - I think if you're in the business, back to the relationship side of it, I've taken calls and I've talked to a lot of people for free. It's not just for money. It's really helping people grow. Because if you look back, there's so many people that build into Randy along the journey. And I tell people all time on the call, "Just pay it forward. Give it back to the next person."

Ash Patel: Yeah, I love that. And Randy, how can the Best Ever listeners reach out to you?

Randy Langenderfer: I'm real simple, so I have a webpage, And there's a Contact Us page in there. And I can give you my email address too in the show notes, Ash, to put it in there... But I'm really easy to get a hold of, and happy to talk to anybody about anything real estate.

Ash Patel: Yeah, I'm dying to read your newsletter, so I'll definitely sign up. Randy, I've gotta thank you for sharing your journey in real estate, a long career mixed with becoming a real estate professional... Thank you for all the lessons you've passed on to us.

Randy Langenderfer: It's my pleasure, Ash. Best to you and the audience.

Ash Patel: Best Ever listeners, thank you so much for joining us. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five star review. Share this podcast with someone you think can benefit from it. Also, follow, subscribe, and have a Best Ever day!

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This website, including the podcasts and other content herein, are made available by Joesta PF LLC solely for informational purposes. The information, statements, comments, views and opinions expressed in this website do not constitute and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or course of action. Neither Joe Fairless nor Joesta PF LLC are providing or undertaking to provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax or other advice in or by virtue of this website. The information, statements, comments, views and opinions provided in this website are general in nature, and such information, statements, comments, views and opinions are not intended to be and should not be construed as the provision of investment advice by Joe Fairless or Joesta PF LLC to that listener or generally, and do not result in any listener being considered a client or customer of Joe Fairless or Joesta PF LLC.

The information, statements, comments, views, and opinions expressed or provided in this website (including by speakers who are not officers, employees, or agents of Joe Fairless or Joesta PF LLC) are not necessarily those of Joe Fairless or Joesta PF LLC, and may not be current. Neither Joe Fairless nor Joesta PF LLC make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions contained in this website, and any liability therefor (including in respect of direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever) is expressly disclaimed. Neither Joe Fairless nor Joesta PF LLC undertake any obligation whatsoever to provide any form of update, amendment, change or correction to any of the information, statements, comments, views or opinions set forth in this podcast.

No part of this podcast may, without Joesta PF LLC’s prior written consent, be reproduced, redistributed, published, copied or duplicated in any form, by any means. 

Joe Fairless serves as director of investor relations with Ashcroft Capital, a real estate investment firm. Ashcroft Capital is not affiliated with Joesta PF LLC or this website, and is not responsible for any of the content herein.

Oral Disclaimer

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or course of action. For more information, go to