There are a plethora of marketing tools you can use to find real estate deals, but which ones work best in the multifamily space? In this episode, marketing expert Nick Love shares how you can source multifamily deals through strategic marketing.

Nick Love | Real Estate Background

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Ash Patel: Hello Best Ever listeners. Welcome to The Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show. I’m Ash Patel and I’m with today’s guest, Nick Love. Nick is joining us from Dallas, Texas. He is the acquisitions and marketing manager at Hazel Equity, a firm that purchases Class A and B value-add multifamily properties in Texas. Nick also educates other multifamily operators on marketing and social media strategies. Nick, thank you for joining us and how are you today?

Nick Love: Hey, Ash, I’m doing good. Thank you for having me on the show. I really appreciate it.

Ash Patel: It’s our pleasure, Nick. Hey, Nick, before we get started, can you give the Best Ever listeners a little bit more about your background and what you’re focused on now?

Nick Love: Yeah, absolutely. I’m 24 years old right now, turning 25 this year. I have a big background inside of real estate finance. I got a finance degree here in Dallas, Texas, up in Denton, actually, where I also studied real estate and marketing. So a lot of information, a lot of things going on. And while I was in school, I was also going out to different meetups, different groups, the real estate club, all these things, because real estate was a large interest of mine. I didn’t realize it was a passion until I really got into it, started talking with people, and put my thumb inside of a zag which was the marketing side, and really dived deep inside of marketing, specifically for multifamily real estate, where I realized that that’s where I like to be in the marketing side, and also just on the investment and buy side. So I kept trying to really pursue down that route, and purchase deals, and fine-tune my marketing skills, and try to be where I am now. So now it’s just looking forward and trying to pursue more multifamily deals and grow my brand.

Ash Patel: What does your portfolio look like today?

Nick Love: Right now, we actually just closed on the third property, literally on December 31st, a 262-unit, the largest one that we ever did. Now I got, I think, it’s 491 units now, not including the house.

Ash Patel: Congratulations. What was your first real estate deal?

Nick Love: The first one was a smaller multifamily deal. It was a 56-unit inside of Oklahoma City. So a little bit outside of what I look at now, which is inside of the Texas MSAs. But at the time, it was a great cash-flowing deal that also had a commercial unit attached to it. A colleague of mine that I was working with ended up bringing the deal, it was a great one that I helped raise money and manage that. That was the first one, I think now it’s about two and a half years ago, close to three.

Ash Patel: Alright. You knew you wanted to go into marketing, you knew you wanted to go into real estate, you bypassed everything, and got a 56 unit as your first acquisition. How did you find that deal? How did you finance it? Give me the whole story.

Nick Love: Well, the 56-unit ended up coming out because a colleague of mine brought that over to me. I was underwriting that deal while I was also working for a multifamily appraisal company at the same time that I was in school. I was underwriting and looking at deals left and right. So whenever that one came across, I loved the underwriting and just the projections that were going out for that deal. And that sub-market piqued my interest and I wanted to move forward with a partner on that deal. Then I just kept trying to move up, and talk, and network with people to try to do more and more deals. Now I think more of my focus is inside of the Texas MSAs and properties that are more in the B and A class.

Ash Patel: Nick, what was your role, and what was the role of your partner on that deal?

Nick Love: I was more on the marketing side, so trying to create those marketing documents, which was kind of a little bit of an advantage of mine, and then also helping raise capital for the deal, and then just management post-acquisition was a smaller side with that, too. Then my other partner is pretty much everything else.

Ash Patel: Is your partner an experienced multifamily syndicator?

Nick Love: At the time, not as experienced, just like myself. But as things went on, yeah, everybody got more experience. But he was more expensive than I was.

Ash Patel: So he was new?

Nick Love: Yes.

Ash Patel: Got it.

Nick Love: Yeah. I was definitely new, but I knew a lot about the process.

Ash Patel: Where in Texas are you looking for deals now?

Nick Love: As of right now, it’s Dallas, Texas, and Fort Worth, Texas and Houston. That may branch out to maybe inside of San Antonio, but now it’s Dallas and Houston.

Ash Patel: Nick, what do you say to all those people that say those markets are too competitive, there are no big deals out there?

Nick Love: I think it depends on who it comes from. There are always going to be good deals; I think that now it’s just about adapting or dying. You’ve either got to be creative, whether that’s inside of your offer or inside of the relationship. I think that whenever people are saying that the market is competitive, is that a bad thing or is that a good thing? If people are looking out there, there’s obviously a reason. It makes things more difficult to purchase deals in a competitive market. Obviously, this is not my crazy experience opinion, but just what I see as my own, that these markets like Dallas and Houston just have a ridiculous amount of growth, whether that’s on the rent side, whether that’s on population, or just employers, and things like that… And whenever we’re talking about real estate and looking at five and 10-year outlooks, I would rather be looking at something competitive than none, I guess, even if that’s in more tertiary markets of the metro.

Ash Patel: Do you use social media? What marketing tactics do you use to find deals?

Nick Love: Yes, 100%, I use social media. I think that has a couple of different aspects for you to be able to utilize, whether that’s on exposure, or on advertising, or different things like that. But social media is going to be where so many things can be seen or be heard, or you’re trying to show social proof to an investor or potential client, or anything like that. What was your other question?

Ash Patel: What marketing tactics do you use to find deals?

Nick Love: Well, for me specifically, I don’t use any type of off-market tactics, whether that’s going inside mailers, or trying to talk with more off-market brokers or anything like that. I think a lot of my marketing per se, if you would like to call it, is talking with broker relationships, using email, and making sure that the organization is there for deal flow, underwriting, and things like that. So 90% of my time is working with broker relationships for deals; I think there’s plenty out there.

Ash Patel: Just some solid networking.

Nick Love: Solid networking; it’s down to the basics, I guess. I do know some people that are doing cold calling, they’re putting in direct mail, and they’re trying to look for those off-market opportunities that they can capture. But that’s a very limited and very small amount of deals that you’ll probably see. For me, on-market deals, I can look at 100 a month, at least. You may be lucky to get a few potentially just to look at somebody that wants to sell. It’s really in a long game for some of these marketing tactics for deals specifically, which isn’t a bad thing. You just have to understand that you won’t just put one mailer out there and get a deal. It’s a long-term thing.

Ash Patel: Nick, a lot of successful real estate investors that don’t do anything on social media – what would be your game plan for them to ramp up their social media presence?

Nick Love: Great question. I think that there are a lot of different people in different stages of their online presence or their social media presence. It all comes down to the basics and understanding of why use social media, why you have different things and how you want to use it.

An easy example – a multifamily investor that is going to be trying to put out content on social media, whether that’s on LinkedIn, Instagram, or different places like that, the end goal, obviously, is to capture the audience that you’re trying to look for. So if there’s somebody that’s a coach, they’re looking to create content for other multifamily operators. And if it’s an operator, they’re trying to either gain more exposure to try to gain more passive investors – then that’s just kind of where you have to start and think about. So then your content should be answering questions that those people are asking, and it should be creative and personal to the brand that you want to put out there. I think a lot of things that people do wrong is that they’re very robotic with their content. It’s just like data, or it’s just market, or it’s just a question.

I think that moving into the new year and the next years going on, what you’re going to see more success of – and if you look at some of these larger brands that are out there on social media, you’ll see that so much of their personality shines through on their social presence. That kind of makes you more of a person and authentic in people that connect to you. That’s part of the pillars that we talked about, the know, like, and trust. To know somebody, you have to understand who they are, what they value, and things like that. But the end goal is obviously to gain exposure on social media and then traffic it somewhere – on your website, or to lead magnet your email list, etc, etc. So whenever you’re posting out content, you need to make sure that you have a way to capture the traffic that you’re getting. Your website should obviously be optimized, and continually optimized, in the sense that you shouldn’t just have one lead magnet. You should have blogs that you post out there that you’ll have more options for people to download more documents, or set up calls, or do whatever you want to do. Then you can have email automations in place to help further that know, like, and trust factor and make sure that you stay top of mind with your investment base for your target audience.

Ash Patel: So focus on your audience and your end goals.

Nick Love: 100%.

Ash Patel: What are your thoughts on people that outsource their social media?

Nick Love: I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I think it can be a bad thing if you outsource your social media right from the start, unless you’re a huge firm that can pay a lot of money to have very professional social media. You may be better off doing it on your own, with less content or less type of distribution in the beginning, than paying somebody off. Because if we’re talking about multifamily investing specifically, it is a very specific industry… And coming from experience as well, the kind of content that you put out there, whenever you start hiring out companies to do this kind of thing, unless you’re paying a lot of money, it will be very low-level. It won’t be specific, it won’t get exposure, and you’ll just start wasting months of time and thousands of dollars just to not end up getting a goal, and you won’t even understand where the good exposure is, where the good traffic comes from, if things are working well, or they’re not.

So I think that whenever you want to hire out a marketing company, you should be in a certain state of acquisitions or income that comes in, because you should be reinvesting into marketing. That’s where you’ll get a lot of ROI from. But you have to understand it first; you’ve got to be trying to put out content, maybe even have a solid presence first. Because what I tell a lot of people is that social media specifically, and even marketing in general – it’s a long-term mindset with a short-term work ethic. It’s day in and day out, posting content, and you’ll get the end goal that you want if you stay consistent with it, day in and day out.

Break: [00:11:40] – [00:13:18]

Ash Patel: That makes a lot of sense. Because if you outsource it, they can’t really get to know you, so they can’t get to know, like, and trust you. So in that regard, should people be promoting their company or themselves?

Nick Love: That’s a great question. That is a really great question. To that, I would say — whenever I work with people, sometimes their personal brand and their company brand may be one thing, or it could be something that’s separate. I think that that’s something that you have to choose on your own. I’ll give you different reasons for that.

Let’s say you separate that – you have Nick personal brand, and then you have Nick Company. My Nick personal brand would be me, maybe other passions outside of business and real estate. I can still post some things in there, but that’s more personality things. That’s my fitness, that’s morning routines, that’s things that I’m working on or are trying to put out there. And then more the company would be maybe even a little bit more professional, maybe talk more about real estate, but still some personality. So you think about it – if you have a separation, that personal brand would be like 75% talking about me, and 25% talking about the company. The company brand would be the opposite – 75% talking about the company and the real estate, investing, and 25% on the personality.

I think you can have just one meld, let’s say. It’s all about how you kind of want to put yourself out there. Because let’s say I made Nick Real Estate Company; then I would be limited — even if I had a large team, people would see it still as just Nick Real Estate Company. They don’t look at me, they look at things that I do. And even if you want to scale that, if people have this kind of mindset to scale it larger and larger, I think you’ll end up becoming limited if you end up trying to put your name out there that’s cohesive with your brand. That’s kind of how I see it.

Ash Patel: That’s great advice. What do you see most often that people do wrong on social media?

Nick Love: I think that time in and time out, whenever people try to create content, I see a couple of different problems. One is that they’ll look at larger brands and what they’re doing and try to copy that, maybe even down to a tee, and it ends up coming across as inauthentic, because it’s something that either they’ve already seen before, is boring, or doesn’t work.

Then also, the new year comes around, they want to build their social media presence, and I’m like, “Okay, I want to post four times a week for the whole year to try to get towards my social media goals.” And while that’s not a bad thing, it can be a bad thing, because you end up hurting yourself in the sense that you overwhelm what you can actually do, especially in the beginning.

So my advice for something like that is instead of doing it that way, I would look at it the opposite – I would underwhelm myself. Maybe I’ll just post once a week, and I’ll try to learn to enjoy it, learn to enjoy making content, putting it out there, and trying to have the mindset of “I’m making this to actually give people advice, give them value” and just do it once a week, because you’ll end up trying to become addicted to it, and you can always do more by starting out less. I think that’s a great thing and things I see wrong, because you have to be consistent with this stuff. If you overwhelm yourself, you’ll end up just falling off and hurting yourself.

Ash Patel: Your strategy makes you come across a lot more authentic, because it’s truly thought-out content. One of the things that I see a lot of – my whole feed is full of real estate people – it’s “Just closed on this five-million-unit property in Dallas,” and that’s it. Like, “Hey, I did this. I did that.” How do you fix that? I’ll give you my opinion, but I want to hear yours first. How do you fix that? When someone’s just bragging about what they did and not coming across as humble, grateful… What do you think when you see posts like that?

Nick Love: I think there are different cases. If that’s the only thing that I see somebody post – maybe inside of equity placement you’ll normally see that, somebody is just constantly posting out, “We placed equity here, we did this,” or even on the institutional side… It becomes numb to the mind, for one. I don’t see the kind of work that went into that anymore, it’s just more just a post now. I don’t see that gratitude from them, or the importance inside that. To get rid of that, I would say that you should start posting more of the process. Okay, maybe you are putting out, let’s just say once a month, something that you closed. Well, there’s a whole month before that that you’re putting so much work into, that you could easily take a picture on the property tour, or you’re taking a picture while you’re doing underwriting, or you’re out at a lunch with your partners, or you just have a thought on “Hey, this is where my value-add came from,” and you just like make a video from that.

There’s a stupid process, a stupid amount of time and energy that goes into, deal by deal… And then people think that just posting the close and you actually accomplished this one deal is supposed to satisfy the social content that you put out there… And it comes not negative because it’s looking at numbers. We’re not just numbers now inside the industry. We want to see personality, we want to see brand, because every single company in the entire world can post out a closed content.

Ash Patel: Yeah, record sales year.

Nick Love: Record sales. Yeah.

Ash Patel: Yeah, I agree with everything you said. But if you do have to tout your success, thank other people that were involved in it, talk about some of the pain that went into it, but definitely be humble, and if there’s any way you can add value – “Hey, closed on this 300-unit property. My biggest lesson learned was to have two lenders, make sure your lender is constantly talking to the title company…”, whatever it is. It takes the boasting out a little bit, and people can construe it as “Awesome, thanks for adding value.”

Nick Love: Right, and tell a story. You literally were just talking about that. People connect to stories or carousels or things. To your point – okay, yeah, you close the deal, and this is what I learned, this is the biggest takeaway that I took from the biggest deal I’ve ever done, this is my biggest takeaway. Immediately, you want to hear what that is or what things are going like then; it doesn’t even have to be a video.

We’re seeing some people, or if you look up Brandon Turner, like his types of content now are literally just him writing out a lesson or things that he thinks about with his logo, and it’s something that people connect to, because that’s his advice, from him as a father, as a person, as a businessman. Because everybody has an opinion, and maybe part of it is some people don’t want to put their authentic opinion out there, because they’re afraid of rejection or that it won’t look good… But to that, a lot of times with social media, you just have to get over the fear factor. That’s why it’s so important to just consistently post, because not only do you get over the fear of putting out an authentic version of yourself, but then you start to realize how authentic you actually can be with your brand, and it’s almost empowering.

Ash Patel: I love what you said about telling a story, and I want to reiterate that for the Best Ever listeners. It’s something that I learned much later than I should have. Little things like if I have a deal and I bring it to my lender, even though it’s a slam dunk deal, I know they’re going to fund it, not a problem – still, have a narrative, have a story. When you talk to your investors and you want to raise capital, don’t just give them the numbers, give them the entire story. Pitch it, give them the narrative. Always, always have that story. When you talk to your tenants, when you talk to a broker, don’t just say, “Hey, can you tell me about this deal?” Say “Hey, listen. I’ve been a commercial real estate investor for 10 plus years. These are the asset classes that I buy. I’ve actually got a property close by. Can you tell me about this listing that you have?” That narrative is so important.

Nick Love: And that’s in all aspects of life, like you’re saying. That’s whenever you’re communicating, that’s whenever you’re creating content, that’s when you put out an email… If you start to think things in terms of beginning, middle, and end, you capture people’s attention more, and that is very important. That’s why in social media, you’ll see a big title and then there’s the meat, and then there’s a summary. People kind of connect with that, because either they get hooked in the beginning, or they read good information, or at the end, you kind of summarize what you talked about and what they should take away, if they didn’t get it in the beginning. Even that in a conversation, let’s say me and you just get on this meeting, and I just start talking about marketing statistics or whatever it is, as opposed to me getting on and saying, “Hey, let me tell you about the biggest marketing mistake I’ve ever had and how I fixed it,” or something like that. Immediately you…

Ash Patel: What a great segue. What is the biggest marketing mistake you ever made?

Nick Love: I think one that I still even struggle with is perfectionism. Oh, my goodness. That’s such a huge problem, especially with myself, that I try to put myself up on this huge ladder of everything needs to be perfect before it goes out. It’s something that you have to get over, where you will be so much better off even adapting by putting something out there and just constantly working on it.

For example, let’s say you’re putting out a newsletter every month for your investment base, but you think “Well, maybe I’ll put out in three months so that I can work on it and make it perfect.” That ends up hurting you, because you could just build it maybe in a few weeks, put out that first month, send out that email, then get feedback, and then you put out a second one, then you get feedback, and you work on it again… And by the third newsletter, it’s 10 times better than what you could have made on your own. So I think that a huge problem is that perfectionism that we end up coming out to – I think that’s a huge problem that I had, and still kind of have.

Ash Patel: I would imagine a lot of people have that, because the whole world’s going to see what you put out, and it’s there for everybody. Nick, let’s go back to your 262-unit property. How did you find that?

Nick Love:  It was an on-market deal actually.

Ash Patel: Wait a minute, whoa, whoa, whoa. Explain that, because there’s no good deals out there.

Nick Love: [laughs] Well, I don’t think there’s not that many great deals; I think there’s a lot of good deals out there, but finding the value in that. So I think it was pretty typical, in the sense – you get the deal, you underwrite, you take a look at it… But what was different, and the thing that I was really shown to and thought about was – there’s always going to be that other guy that’s bidding against you, whenever you talk with brokers, or something like that. Whether that’s a sales tactic, whether that’s true or not, who knows. And how do you combat this other competitive buyer that’s going to be going against you?

So the deal – let’s say they were asking… I think it ended up coming out to like 21 million for the deal, or 22 million. And there was this institutional buyer that was supposed to come out and tour the deal that was apparently going to bid them 23 and a half, or something ridiculous, over the purchase price, that almost us as private equity investors have no power over, because there’s somebody that’s going to come in – maybe their returns are going to be much lower than what we require, and you just kind of have to learn to either be patient with the process in there, or try to figure out how we can adapt our offer, how we can win, etc, etc.

So in the sense of that, that made the deal different, because it was almost a longer process on getting under contract, and even before that, just getting our LOI accepted. So that was a big thing that I had to realize, and not getting emotionally attached to the deal, and those kinds of things. But other than that, it was pretty typical, and it was a loan assumption deal, so that was a little bit different than what we were doing beforehand, too.

Break: [00:24:58] – [00:27:55]

Ash Patel: How did you win the deal against a hedge fund coming out with a 23 million dollar offer?

Nick Love: Right. I didn’t know who the institution was, but they were out of the country actually, out of the US. It was going to be the first deal that they would do in the US. And they had this lingering offer, I guess, it’s kind of how it was. Just to sum it up, their offer just ended up fizzling out, and they just didn’t want the deal anymore, so we were second in line, right there, ready to attack it. But we were literally on the second property tour out there maybe, and talking with the broker about how they were going to get the deal anyway, because they were pretty serious… But ended up flaking out. So you can never really know. So what do you do in that situation? You either be patient, or you move on. It’s kind of the thing that I thought about. Something you just can’t control.

Ash Patel: Patient and persistent. What asset classes is this – B, C?

Nick Love: It’s a B minus.

Ash Patel: Okay. What’s your value-add plan?

Nick Love: Pretty typical. There was already about 2 million in CapEx that was done on the exterior side, so a lot of our play was going to be on the interior renovations… A lot in the management; they don’t really run a lot of the property very well, just in general… Whether that’s on renewals, or on just the actual happiness of the tenant base, and things like that.

So a lot of it was on implementing more value-add strategies on the other income side, with the washer dryers, and just typical things like that, and then implementing more renovations on the units, and then just better management. That’s kind of the gist, and just other little stuff like that. But that’s kind of how it was.

Ash Patel: You assumed the loan on this. What was that loan amount?

Nick Love: Yes. The loan amount, which I remember, is 15 million and 50,000. It ended up coming out to 66%, something along those lines. But it had practically no interest leftover. But it was assumption only, so that’s the terms that we had to do.

Ash Patel: So you had to raise 6 million to close, and then did you also raise money for the CAPEX?

Nick Love: Yes. I think the total raise was 8,5, I think.

Ash Patel: And what’s the return to investors projected at?

Nick Love: A little bit over 8% average annual member distribution, and then 102% total.

Ash Patel: Over five years?

Nick Love: Yes.

Ash Patel: How did you find the investors for this deal?

Nick Love: This was an effort with our group and then a couple of other general partners that we brought in to help raise… Because it was the biggest deal that we’d ever done, and we brought in a few partners. And then we had a decent amount of people in our email list already that we are ready to market out to… But other than that, it was a pretty typical structure; whenever we had the deal out, try to gauge interest, get as many people beforehand as we can, go through multiple emails or webinar sequences beforehand, and then just to have a destination date for the actual raise, and just going from there. But I think we ended up raising everything within — I think it was about two and a half weeks. So it really wasn’t too much of an issue.

Ash Patel: And when you bring another GP into a deal, what does that individual get for bringing capital with him?

Nick Love: So I think it depends on the operator. I think that there’s a good direct proportion between how much money people raise, and how much they’ll end up receiving on the general partnership side, and then just helping, obviously, inside of the asset management post-acquisition, which is important, obviously, inside of legality and SEC terms. So with that, I think there’s a minimum and a cap on what you’re trying to do with a general partnership and just having that upfront and forward, whenever you’re talking with people, just making that known.

Ash Patel: Do you have defined roles for what the individual GPs will have to do?

Nick Love: It’s a little bit open, I would say, but more so than others. I think people just play to their strengths. But yes, it is. Obviously, we’ll be taking most of the asset management and most of the roles with partnerships coming into play as their strengths are needed.

Ash Patel: What’s the bottleneck for you moving forward? What’s your biggest challenge?

Nick Love: For this deal or just in general?

Ash Patel: In general, for you to continue to grow?

Nick Love: I think it’s being able to learn and have the mindset of trying to grow past this typical multifamily operator model. Because only speaking for myself and our team and things where we want to grow – we want to be a lot bigger, I think, than most want to be at. Let’s say, for example – I’m not saying this is where I want to go – if you want to have 10 billion in multifamily assets, that’s a much different thought process as far as a 10-year outlook than just trying to do two or three deals a year… Which you’ll get plenty of money and plenty of deals going on, but I think that in that route, if you’re trying to just do two to three deals a year, which is totally fine, you still kind of keep the operator, and the deal raise, and working on a typical structure. But whenever we’re trying to create a real brand and a real company that wants to grow, maybe even up to the institutional style, how do you get up to that point? How do you constantly optimize your acquisition process? How do you do more deals constantly? Every year we want to be exponential, and I think that that’s going to be difficult just moving forward, because it seems like so much the advice or so much information out there is not about an exponential factor, but just like a staggering, going up very slowly and consistently almost.

Ash Patel: I’m going to challenge you for a second… Why not look at other asset classes? We all know is very competitive, a lot of institutional money… Why not look at mobile homes, storage, retail, office?

Nick Love: It’s a good question. Maybe at some point, maybe diversifying in more asset classes will yield more deal flow, which is very true… But I think in the beginning I can’t have that mindset. If I’m looking at so many different asset classes with so many different deals, I have no expertise in one area right now. Whereas if I just focus on one area, of multifamily right now, let’s say for the next couple of years, and grow a foundation for the company, then I could diversify out. I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility, but it definitely is right now, because there should be no reason for me to diversify assets when I barely have enough deals as it is.

Ash Patel: Got it. Nick, what is your best real estate investing advice ever?

Nick Love: Put the people first. Put your investment base first, your team first. I’m really big on creating an experience over just the investment type. If we want to have better retention on our investors, or on our team, or on any type of exposure that we get, I think that treating people even better than people – you want to treat them like your leaders, or people that you partner up with, and giving them maybe even awards, or contacting left and right, and not looking at people as numbers… I see that a lot inside of this industry; not naming anybody, but just seeing somebody as another person on your email list – I think that’s probably some of the best advice I can say. It’s just really getting to know the people that you do have and consistently talking with them. I think that’ll yield a much better relationship.

Ash Patel: Yeah. Like, and trust, as you mentioned earlier. Nick, are you ready for the Best Ever lightning round?

Nick Love: Yes.

Ash Patel: Alright. Take a deep breath. Nick, what’s the Best Ever book you’ve recently read?

Nick Love: I recently read How to Legally Raise Capital. That was a great book that just came out about just raising capital and private securities and things. It’s a great book to look into, very short.

Ash Patel: What was your biggest takeaway from that?

Nick Love: The biggest takeaway was trying to understand the kind of realm that people go down and the differences inside crowdfunding and actually using the syndication model, or how we think of syndication as the multifamily space, and syndication in raising money for a multifamily deal, but really, it’s a syndicate, in the sense where it can be used in many different realms of business. I think that opened my eyes, because I feel like I was tunnel vision inside of syndication is just for real estate, when it’s really not. That was probably one of the biggest ones.

Ash Patel: Nick, what’s the Best Ever way you like to give back?

Nick Love: To be honest with you, I want to give back more. I’ve been looking a lot more into Habitat for Humanity. I think they have great programs that we can give back inside of that. But normally, we do a lot of picking up trash, picking up trash on the oceans, the beaches, and highways, things like that. That’s one of the best ways I like to physically see inside of giving back. But I think that I want to go more of the Habitat for Humanity.

Ash Patel: Nick, how can the best listeners reach out to you?

Nick Love: You can email me at Or you can actually go to a new website I just made. It’s called, which is just marketing for multifamily investors specifically. That’s going to be a great platform that I’m gonna be growing this year.

Ash Patel: Nick, thank you so much for taking time out of your day and joining us today. At the age of 24 you knew what you’re going to get into with the marketing background, the finance degree, working in real estate while you’re in college, and recently closing on 262 units. Congratulations on all your success. Thank you again.

Nick Love: Thank you, Ash. I really appreciate it.

Ash Patel: It’s our pleasure. Best Ever listeners, thank you so much for joining us. Have a Best Ever day.

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Joe Fairless serves as director of investor relations with Ashcroft Capital, a real estate investment firm. Ashcroft Capital is not affiliated with Joesta PF LLC or this website, and is not responsible for any of the content herein.

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