March 20, 2017

JF930: Recession-Proof? Why You MUST Diversify Your Assets

His father lost much of his net worth during the last crash, so our guest made sure he died versified his real estate portfolio. Hear what he believes to be the best way to invest even when you are starting out!

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Mark Allen Real Estate Background:

- Broker at SVN Investment Sales Group and real estate investor
- Began real estate in 2009 as a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point
- Focuses on Single Family Rental Portfolios around the country and Multifamily (50+ units) in TX/OK
- Served in the US Army as a Field Artillery Officer where he led troops in Operation Enduring Freedom ? Afghanistan
- Based in Dallas, Texas
- Say hi to him at svn-isg.com
- Best Ever Book: Never Eat Alone

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