February 23, 2017

JF905: Flying Planes, Flipping Houses, and Hiring the Right People


Too busy doing what you don't want to do, or the tedious things that need to be done? Hire someone! Today's guest did just that and was able to close more transactions and remain an Air Force pilot.

Best Ever Tweet:

Bill Allen Real Estate Background:

- Owner of Blackjack Real Estate, LLC
- Active duty Navy pilot who fell into REI due to his constant military moves
- In 2016 he flipped 13 houses and wholesaled 54 in Pensacola, FL with plans to double those numbers in 2017
- While still working full time he has turned to systems and building a business
- He is now expanding to Chattanooga TN
- Based in Nashville, Tennessee
- Say hi to him at http://www.blackjackre.com
- Best Ever Book: Traction

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