When pitching you need to understand your audience, the problem you’re solving, and tell a story. Our guest shares his best advice on how you can get started intriguing others to learn more about your product or service, and stop being invisible or insignificant.

Best Ever Tweet:


John Livesay Real Estate Background:

– Hosts The Successful Pitch podcast, with investors from around the world
– Funding strategist helping start ups craft a compelling message to get investors and advertisers
– Partners with Judy Robinett in Crack The Funding Code, which gets founders funded fast
– Pitch Mentor at Startfast.net, the number one accelerator in Upstate New York
– Author of The Successful Pitch book
– Based in Los Angeles, California
– Say hi to him at sellingsecretsforfunding.com

Click here for a summary of John’s Best Ever Advice Part 1: http://bit.ly/2hSj0i4

Click here for a summary of John’s Best Ever Advice Part 2: http://bit.ly/2hXcG9d

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