Lease options are all about matchmaking, and it’s on a whole new level when you have nothing out of your own pocket. Our guest is able to create passive cash flow streams and massive pay days, even a hefty consideration on the tenant buyer’s option deposit, and he does so with a high energy team that supports the tenant buyer in purchasing the property within the term. Hear it and learn!
Best Ever Tweet:
Jon Simcoe Real Estate Background:
– President of the Canadian Association of Rent-to-Own Professionals
– By beginning of 2017, he has raised over $17,000,000 of private capital for real estate projects
– Best known for the tenant-first rent-to-own strategy, and uses other strategies to help his joint venture partners
– Nominated for the Canadian Real Estate Wealth Awards Joint Venturer of the Year 2016
– One of the youngest Canadians to ever retire
– Based in Alberta, Canada
– Say hi to him at
– Best Ever Book: The Art of Raising Capital by Darrin Weeks
Click here for a summary of Jon’s Best Ever Advice:
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