Our guest is a young one, 22 years old and he began when he was 19. He’s a very mature investor for his age and has had experience with over 40 fix and flips. Listen to his advice and see if you can begin your fix and flip adventure, the way he raises money is awesome!

Best Ever Tweet:

Kevin Ramirez real estate background:

  • Moved to the United States from Caracas, Venezuela and is based in Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Rehabbing and wholesaling properties and has done 42 of them between 2014 to today
  • Did first 4 deals when he was 19 years old (currently 22 years old)
  • Say hi to him at nchomebuyers.com
  • His Best Ever book: Traction by Gina

Please Take 4 Min and Rate and Review the Best Ever Show in iTunes. 

Listen to all episodes and get a FREE crash course on real estate investing at:http://www.joefairless.com

Need financing?

Are you a buy-and-hold investor or doing fix and flips?

I recommend talking to Lima One Capital. A Best Ever Guest told me about them after I asked how he financed 10 properties in one year. They are an asset-based lender with unique programs for long-term hold and fix and flippers.

Click to learn more or, better yet, reach out to Cortney Newmans at Lima One Capital. His cell is 404.824.6121.

Subscribe to Joe’s YouTube Channel here to learn multifamily and raising money tips:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwTzctSEMu4L0tKN2b_esfg

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