He purchased a beat up, mixed-use, multiplex that is worth well over $150,000 more than what he initially paid. Inside? Well, he had a commercial tenant and two other residential tenants…and immediately raised the rents! He offered a rent discount in the first year for his rentals to add value and quickly occupy the property. Hear his specific advice for tenant retention and finding great deals!
Best Ever Tweet:
Ash Patel’s real estate background:
- Based in Cincinnati, Ohio
- First property was a mixed use property and saw both residential and commercial real estate pros/cons
- Previously had a 15 year career in IT but left to pursue startups and IT consulting
- Total value of properties he owns is $6,000,000 and owns 7 properties
- Here’s his Best Ever book he’s read, Trump Strategies for Real Estate: Billionaire Lessons for the Small Investor
- Please Take 4 Min and Rate and Review the Best Ever Show in iTunes. .
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