October 1, 2015

JF394: Starbucks Employee to $1.35 MILLION in Real Estate

Our Best Ever guest is not one to use excuses…so her age as a mortgage lender and property management company owner didn’t hold her back! She has inched herself through each opportunity with immaculately leveraged deals. Using FHA, conventional, and commercial loans with very little down, she was able to climb up the equity ladder and refinance here and there. She is a young entrepreneur making a BIG impact in her REI career!



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Ashley Wishinski’s real estate background:


  • Bought her first place when she was 21 years old and became a mortgage lender at age of 23
  • Owned property management company at 27 years old and today has a real estate portfolio worth $1.35M
  • 30-year old momma of twins based in Essex Junction, Vermont
  • Say hi to her at http://www.realestatefreedom.biz/ and download her FREE Deal Tracking spreadsheet
  • Ashley@realestatefreedom.biz



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