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Today’s Best Ever guest enriches the Best Ever listeners with an 8 step process to not only lift your real estate business off the ground, but to eventually make a difference in the world. He shares his best real estate advice, and he’ll let us know how to extract advice from others.

Best Ever Tweet:


J Massey’s real estate background:

  •   Started real estate investing squatting in a banked owned home
  •   Owns 300+ units
  •   California investor
  •   Host of Cash Flow Diaries podcast
  •   Master of meet-ups, REI groups, and long term business relationships


Made Possible Because of Our Best Ever Sponsors:

Norada Real Estate – Having a hard time finding great investment properties? Unfortunately, the best deals are rarely found locally. Norada Real Estate’s simple proven system provides you with the best deals across the U.S. to create wealth and cash-flow. Get your FREE copy of The Ultimate Guide to Out-of-State Real Estate Investing at


Patch of Land – Could you do more deals if you had more money? Let the crowdfunding platform, Patch of Land, find investors for you and fund your next deal…and your next deal…and your next deal…and…well, just go find out more at