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Today’s Best Ever guest shares with us how he looks at deals differently than you probably do, and why there HAS to be something to lose on both sides of the investment in order to win. Listen up, because today’s episode is PACKED with value.

Best Ever Tweet: 

Steven Bettinger’s real estate background:

–          CEO and co-Founder of Acquire Real Estate an online crowd investing platform

–          2-time national lacrosse champion at Syracuse

–          40 under 40 business professionals in South Florida

–          Based in Boca Raton, Florida

–          Download Steven’s sample document here:

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Made Possible Because of Our Best Ever Sponsor:

Patch of Land – Want to learn more about crowdfunding? Let the leading expert in the crowdfunding space, Patch of Land, give you all the info you need to get started. Grab your FREE copy of Top Ten Answers to the Top Ten Crowdfunding Questions at

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