Commercial Real Estate Podcast

JF2793: If You Want Something Done Right, Do It In-House ft. Kim Radaker Bays

Written by Joe Fairless | Apr 26, 2022 11:00:00 AM

Kim Radaker Bays has been in real estate for 15 years, and during that time, she and her team have purchased 25 properties, taking 15 of them full cycle. Every time her organization can’t find a vendor to serve their needs, they build a solution internally. As a result, Exponential Property Group handles materials import, interior construction, renovation, and graphic design in-house. In this episode, Kim discusses her motivation for vertical integration, how she finds multifamily deals today, and how prioritizing everyone her business impacts has been the key to scaling. 


Vertical Integration

Since day one, Kim has always managed in-house. Then slowly but surely, as her business grew, she incorporated additional services. “My focus is always on the multifamily properties and the property ownership side and operating them as well,” Kim says. “But all of the rest of the pieces support getting that goal done.” By appointing strong leaders to manage each piece of the puzzle — materials, interior construction, renovation, and graphic design — everything comes together to support the group’s main mission. 


Finding Deals

Because Kim is focused on the Dallas/Ft. Worth and Houston markets, her team’s relationships and local connections play a big part in acquiring deals. That said, Kim recently hired a seasoned acquisitions person whose experience with larger shops and additional brokers has been helpful, particularly when it comes to branching out to new markets.  “But I think overall, especially in the DFW market, we’ve been here and we’ve just always performed and said what we were going to do, and we’re easy to work with,” Kim says. “So we have great relationships with the brokers in DFW … the relationship really does solidify the ability to get that deal awarded to us vs. someone else.”

The Key to Scaling

Kim’s advice to new operators who want to scale is to pay attention to the people the real estate business impacts. That includes your investors, your team, and your residents. “I think that this business isn’t necessarily for the faint of heart, especially on the property management side,” Kim says, “but even so, it’s really important to keep in mind all of the lives that are getting touched by the decisions that you’re making.”


Kim Radaker Bays | Real Estate Background

Greatest lesson: It is so important to remember all the people that the real estate business touches including residents, employees, and investors.


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Ash Patel: Hello Best Ever listeners. Welcome to The Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show. I'm Ash Patel and I'm with today's guest, Kim Radaker Bays. Kim is joining us from Southlake, Texas. She's the founder and principal of Exponential Property Group, a multifamily investment firm that has bought and sold over 9000 apartments over the last 10 years. Kim's portfolio consists of being a GP on 3,200 units. Kim, thank you for joining us, and how are you today?

Kim Radaker Bays: Doing great, thanks so much for the opportunity to join you.

Ash Patel: It's our pleasure. Kim, before we get started, can you give the Best Ever listeners a little bit more about your background and what you're focused on now?

Kim Radaker Bays: Sure, absolutely. I started in real estate about 15 years ago with some single-family houses and then I moved into the multifamily space 10 years ago. We've really just grown organically through that time. Over time, we've now purchased 25 properties; we own 10 right now, so we've sold 15 of them over the course of that time. So we've taken a lot of transactions full cycle. At the moment, we primarily hold A and B properties in both Dallas, Fort Worth and in Houston.

I guess the thing that's pretty unique about our organization is every time we can't find a vendor to do things that we need done in the way that we want them done, we have a tendency to go build a solution for that. We do have a materials import company, an interior construction renovation crew, a graphics design business, and we're working on some other things that are all just additional pieces to support the main mission of our property ownership, but then the rest of those businesses also do work for third-parties as well.

Ash Patel: Just based on that I've got a lot of questions... The first one being who is "we"?

Kim Radaker Bays: Who is we? I have an outstanding leadership team along with me. My husband works with me now, he joined the company a few years ago. Natasha Austin, who is my COO, has been with me for seven years now, she adds a lot of the magic to the success behind this. I've got Amanda that is outstanding with all of our investors and keeps them very well cared for and all of their questions answered. I have Heather, relatively new to the team, but the CFO that's helping with all of the different pieces of this... Because in addition to the financials for the multifamily, we have all the other businesses as well, so that keeps her very busy.

Then we have somebody that just recently joined us as director of operations for the [unintelligible 00:05:08.08] side of the business, which is where the materials, imports, and graphic design pieces come. His name is Fran, he's actually from the UK, just recently got his Green Card and got to come work for us. Lots of others as well.

Ash Patel: Kim, when you started single-family rentals, was it your own capital you were using?

Kim Radaker Bays: On the single-family rentals, yes, it was all my own capital.

Ash Patel: What was your first multifamily deal?

Kim Radaker Bays: The first multifamily deal was a 77-unit property called Spanish Chase in Irving. It was 1970s built, so that was the first adventure into multifamily.

Ash Patel: That was about 10 years ago. Was that your own money as well?

Kim Radaker Bays: Partially it was. I had one partner that I was working with at the time that had some funds in it as well, and then we had six passive investors.

Ash Patel: Do you remember the numbers on that deal or the rate of return?

Kim Radaker Bays: Wow, it's been a long time ago.

Ash Patel: Yeah. 10 years.

Kim Radaker Bays: But I think we bought it for about 1.3, and then sold it for about 3 million or so afterwards.

Ash Patel: How many years did that take?

Kim Radaker Bays: About 15 months.

Ash Patel: Interesting. Okay, great returns.

Kim Radaker Bays: Not too long over a year. 138% in 15 months was a pretty nice way to start.

Ash Patel: Over your 10-year run of doing multifamily investments, what have you seen returns do?

Kim Radaker Bays: We've actually managed to stay relatively consistent. IRRs have gone down a little bit, just because as we've gotten into larger and larger properties, it takes a little bit longer to get them repositioned. We've had a few more things that we've been holding more in that three to four-year range, as opposed to two to three in the earlier days of things. It's definitely more challenging to get good returns now, but we still have been able to hit at least targets. Maybe not exceeding them by nearly as much as before.

Ash Patel: What's one of today's target IRRs?

Kim Radaker Bays: We're targeting at least high teens on our IRRs right now. I think we can exceed those probably, because those are all based on a five-year hold. So if we are able to transact them sooner, I think that we'll have some good things. We usually try to target a 2X multiple for our investors.

Ash Patel: And what do you see the impact of interest rates doing?

Kim Radaker Bays: It's been very interesting this first quarter as the interest rates have actually come to fruition in terms of some increases... And seeing some of the cap rates, especially on newer properties that were down at that same level as the interest rates, and watching what it's been doing to leverage... I haven't seen a whole lot change in terms of actual property pricing quite yet. I don't think people have figured out quite how to work it, but it’s a couple of things that we've been looking at; I know the interest rate increases have squeezed leverage a little bit, to the point where there are a couple of things that we might have otherwise wanted to go after, but got to a pricing point that just didn't make sense for our investment criteria.

Ash Patel: Are you changing the way you underwrite your exit cap?

Kim Radaker Bays: I guess my exit caps now are definitely lower than they were years ago, but I still try to write in a decent bit of cap rate growth, actually, on my exits, because they are just so historically low now. It varies obviously, considerably, based on the age of the property and the area and sub-market that it's in. But I do always look for that cap rate to be higher when I'm exiting than what I'm buying at.

Ash Patel: Alright, now we could dive into how you scale this business, and how you just vertically integrate everything. So you started out doing a multifamily deal with a few passive investors; can you walk us through that evolution of how you got to where you are today?

Kim Radaker Bays: Sure. We've always managed in-house from day one. Even on that 77 unit, the person that was my partner at the time - half the time we were in one of the two-bedroom units, sitting on a couch with our laptops, working through stuff. Obviously, it was a smaller property, we had a great staff, a manager, and a maintenance guy, but the manager, her skills were definitely in the leasing department and handling court and those sorts of pieces... But the financials were a little beyond what she was really used to dealing with, so a lot of the financials was me. We were running back and forth to Lowe's and Home Depot, getting parts for our renovation crew.

One of the coolest stories about that one is we had one gentleman that had lived there pretty much since the property was built. There was -- one day, I was walking out to my car and I saw what looked like a roll of sod leaving in the back of a pickup truck. I realized that was actually the [unintelligible 00:09:05.08] finally coming out of unit 217. So it was very hands-on at the beginning. After we started that first property, we 1031-ed into a 244-unit property.

That one was really interesting. It was about 50% occupied when we bought it. It was out of foreclosure, and everything that possibly could have gone wrong on that property had gone wrong. It was about 50% occupied, it had one building that was basically uninhabitable... It needed a lot of work. We were fortunate that one of the people that we had met through a Real Estate Group was a Chinese national, and so she and her husband went over with us to China to source -- flooring was the biggest thing that we were after, because we knew we were going to need 200,000 square feet of flooring for that project alone.

So we found some tiles, we found some doorknobs that we ended up throwing away, $6,000 worth of doorknobs, because they didn't reliably open doors... So the import thing is not always all it's cracked up to be. You've got to be willing to cut your losses when you have to. So that's really where that business started. When we got the third property, got a warehouse, started expanding that to sell it to some of our other friends, just other people in the business that wanted to buy some of those things... So really brought the construction crew back in-house. I am sure that there are some GCs out there that can do a great job with interior renovations; I did not find them in my first four attempts. Every time I've tried to, "Oh, we're scaling really big. We probably need some outside help, and it might be a little bit bigger than we can scale our crew to." Normally, I end up regretting that decision, so for the most part, we don't do that too often anymore. But I'm sure there are some good groups out there somewhere.

Ash Patel: I have to stop you for a second. What was the motivation of sourcing your own flooring from China? Because back then there were no supply chain issues, and you could have gone and paid retail or wholesale for flooring.

Kim Radaker Bays: Sure. It did save a lot. One of the other people in the industry now, that is now an owner and syndicator himself, used to work for the lender that we'd had our first two properties financed through. He had been reviewing some draw requests for a different person's loan, and we were just chatting one day and he goes, "I was just reviewing this, and this guy imported some of the stuff directly and it was a whole lot cheaper. You should do that." I guess from that, we just started exploring and looking into it. It really has made a huge difference in terms of what we were able to renovate for, which then enabled us to tighten our underwriting a little bit. Hopefully, win some deals that we might not otherwise be able to win, and then provide some better returns on the back end as well... Because we do pass through just the basic loaded cost [unintelligible 00:11:24.18] to our properties, so the investors get the benefit of these lower-cost materials.

Ash Patel: I love your tenacity. Knowing how to source those products directly from the manufacturer, does that help you today with supply chain issues?

Kim Radaker Bays: It absolutely does. We've migrated a lot of the things out of China now into some other areas. We've got some flooring coming from South Korea, we've got some faucets from - I think Cambodia is where those ended up moving to. Anyway. We have lots of different vendors in different countries now, that have helped mitigate some of the tariff issues. Shipping costs are still a very real thing, so a lot of the costs are just much, much higher now. But that is true, even if you source it from somewhere domestically, all of it's coming from overseas anyway.

One of the things that was really cool a couple of years ago - my husband actually works more on that side of the business, so one of the things that he did is got a bunch of domestic supplier ships set up for us as well. So we are direct distributors for GE, Frigidaire, and Train. So that definitely has helped mitigate the supply chain stuff. It does not mean that it's easy by any stretch of the imagination, but we've, for the most part, had appliances most of the time. The refrigerators were a little bit dicey there for a little bit.

Ash Patel: And now you're re-sellers of all of these materials as well?

Kim Radaker Bays: Yes.

Ash Patel: Okay. What do you say to those people that say, "Kim focus on one thing"?

Kim Radaker Bays: My focus is always on the multifamily properties and the property ownership side and operating those well. But all of the rest of the pieces support getting that goal done. So I think that's really the biggest piece. I don't personally have my fingers in every single piece of it entirely. Maybe a little bit more than that some of the leadership team once in a while, but we have strong people that are each running their own focus piece... But it all does play very well together.

Ash Patel: I totally understand sourcing flooring, and appliances... But graphic design - why did you bring that in-house?

Kim Radaker Bays: Well, we actually had a signage guy that we had used on many projects, and he had decided to try to go out on his own. He left where he was working previously and tried to go out on his ow, and very quickly realized that he didn't really like QuickBooks. He liked the sales, he liked the design, he likes building the signs and that sort of thing, but didn't really like all of the business stuff that had to go along with it. So he came to us and was like, "Hey, maybe I could just come work for you guys. You guys just bought a huge portfolio; that would probably be most of my work for the rest of the year anyway." That's how that all started. Again, all multifamily-focused. We have monument signs.

Ash Patel: Now you're a re-seller of graphic design signs?

Kim Radaker Bays: So the big monument signs, down to business cards, embroidered shirts, laser your name on a Yeti and all sorts of fun toys that the guys at the warehouse really enjoy playing with.

Ash Patel: That is incredible. How do you find your multifamily deals today?

Kim Radaker Bays: A lot of it I would say is through relationships and connections. Definitely, we have an outstanding acquisitions person that joined our team last fall. It's been great, because he's been in the industry for so long, with Invesco and Paragon and bigger shops. He knows a lot of these brokers and grew up with a lot of them. That's definitely helped us, as we're especially going into new markets. But I think overall, especially in the DFW market, we've been here and we've always just performed and said what we were going to do, and we're easy to work with, for years and years. We have great relationships with the brokers here in DFW. We get some things off-market, and we try to get things off-market when we can, but there are a lot of things even that are marketed. But the relationships really do solidify the ability to get that deal awarded to us, versus someone else.

Ash Patel: And Kim, how do you find those off-market deals? Do you solicit them or do they come to you?

Kim Radaker Bays: For the most part, they come to me. I have had certain properties that I've just wanted to target, so I've found out what broker has the relationship with that owner and tried to work some of it that way. Some of that gets brought to me by brokers. Then there are also others in the industry that I just know well, so we've transacted a couple of things with just people that I've met on various panels that we've presented on, or just through the business in general.

Break: [0:15:23] - [0:17:10]

Ash Patel: Do you ever try to contact owners directly?

Kim Radaker Bays: We have tried it a time or two, but we haven't been very successful with it. People try it with me a lot, and that hasn't been very successful either. At times that I've tried to at least entertain an offer on it or let somebody take a look at it, it never seemed to really go anywhere, so it isn't a primary focus right now. It could always change in the future, but...

Ash Patel: So what is that? Is it just tire kickers? Is it wholesalers that are approaching you?

Kim Radaker Bays: So I definitely try to dodge the ones that are actual brokers; if it's a direct investor, and I can do some due diligence on them. As I said, I've looked at it a time or two, but it never seems to really go anywhere. I don't know if it's just tire kickers, or if they're wanting to find somebody that's just not paying attention, is asleep at the wheel, and doesn't know the value of the asset that they have. But anyway, it just hasn't come through so far.

Ash Patel: You've been investing in multifamily for 10 years. What advice would you give a lot of the newer operators that are scaling, or that are wanting to scale?

Kim Radaker Bays: I think the most important thing is to really pay attention to the fact that this is a people business, and that the real estate business impacts so many people. You have your investors that are a constituency group that you really have to watch out for and pay attention to and make sure you're doing the right thing as a fiduciary for them. You also have your team, your on-site teams, your back-office teams, everybody there that is also somebody that has to be front of mind in terms of all of the decisions that you're making as you're leading and growing the business. And then also the residents. We often say "We work in their homes", not "They live in our office." It's important to keep in mind that all of those are people that all of our decisions are impacting.

I think if you really keep the focus on the people and the good that can be done... Yes, it's definitely about profit, but I think there are ways that you can go about doing that that make sure that you're aligned with your investors, that you're treating your employees well, that your residents are getting good customer service, a safe place to live, nice amenities, and do what you can. You can leave everything a better place than you've found it.

Ash Patel: I love that mindset. How do you create that culture and how do you continue to cultivate it?

Kim Radaker Bays: Creating it - one of our core values is just heart. That's one of the things -- that's just who I am. I genuinely care about the people that are around me. I think that it is a people business. I think that this business isn't necessarily for the faint of heart, especially on the property management side. But even so, it's really important to keep in mind all the lives that are getting touched by the decisions that you're making. So I think it takes a certain psyche to be able to take that very seriously, as you should, and also not have it completely crumble and break you... Because it's a lot of responsibility to have that many people that you're actually impacting. So I think that's really one of the biggest things.

Then I guess, especially as far as how you keep it - you've got to hire right, and you've got to get rid of people that destroy that culture. Culture's always a slippery thing, so you've got to make sure that you know what culture you're trying to cultivate, that you pay close attention to getting the right people in. And then if you find out that you've got some wrong people in, making sure that that goes away quickly, so that there isn't the corruption of the rest of the team.

Ash Patel: Alright, I'm going to throw a crazy scenario at you. You love being vertically integrated. What if you found an incredible 300-unit complex in Appleton, Wisconsin or Wichita, Kansas - how would you manage that? Because you're not going to be able to bring all your systems and people to those locations.

Kim Radaker Bays: We probably would not go into a market that we couldn't get scale in, at this point in time.

Ash Patel: What if it's a killer deal, and there's a great property management company?

Kim Radaker Bays: Okay. You accuse me [unintelligible 00:20:44.25] with my vertical integration and whatever else. I get that. So I think that's really where we have kept focus, is really on staying in markets that we are close to, that we know well. We were in DFW for a long time, we've now expanded into Houston, but that's local. We've got enough presence there that we actually have construction managers and regional managers, boots on the ground in Houston every day. It's close and easy to get to.

I think the biggest thing is too watching really what the various issues are with any particular city is very important as well... Because there are definitely certain places where it could take six months to get an eviction, parts of Illinois. I think it took my dad a year one time to evict somebody from a rental house that he had. So really watching what those things are. I could do some research on the stock market, but probably, I would either find that it was such a great deal and that there were other great deals there to be had, and we'd expand into a new area, or... There are lots of good deals out there. It's hard to find them, but there are lots of good deals out there. So I don't think I would do just one far, far away.

Ash Patel: That makes a lot of sense. So what's your advice to those operators that have those one-offs in different areas, and they have a property management company manage all of their assets?

Kim Radaker Bays: I guess I would just watch the management company closely, make sure that you're really digging through the financials, that you ask them questions, and go visit sometimes, so you know that what you're hearing remotely is true. It's not a situation I've been in, so I don't know that I have any great advice about it. But I think that those are the things that we're able to do by being here locally, that have made a big difference in the results that we've been able to achieve.

Ash Patel: Do you manage other people's properties as well or just your own?

Kim Radaker Bays: Just our own at this point. We've had conversations about it... Years ago, I actually had two small properties that I helped manage for a while, when we just had some extra staff and extra capacity and had some friends that were buying small properties... But basically, we've always just managed our own. We've considered it multiple times, but it would have to be really the right scenario. As I mentioned, the team is really, really important to me. It would have to be an owner that was aligned well with us in terms of general philosophies and things... Because the team at their property would still be my employees, so they're still part of my team and I would want to make sure that they were still treated the same as the rest of the family is, more or less. We've considered it, but haven't gone down it lately.

Ash Patel: Kim, you've had an incredible 15-year run in this industry. What's been the toughest lesson that you've learned?

Kim Radaker Bays: Setting some boundaries and some personal break time. I think that's probably the biggest thing, is that if you run too hard for too long, you do lose some of your sharpness. I think that's still always the hardest thing for me. I try to set some block time, or I'm going to have a work-from-home day and just focus on the stuff I want to focus on. But it is easy to get those interrupted, so I think that's probably the biggest struggle, is just making sure that with so many things going on, that you do schedule some downtime, that you do get enough rest, and take care of yourself as well.

Ash Patel: What are some tips to stay disciplined in doing that? Because it's so easy walking by your computer and checking your email, "This one I have to respond to." How do you stay disciplined?

Kim Radaker Bays: It's really hard. I don't know that I'm the poster child for that discipline. But I guess one of the things that I did this spring, my husband and I just went on a week and a half long trip to Oman, which is the Saudi Arabian Peninsula, not too far from Dubai. Part of that was two different glamping sites, one in the desert where we were like driving sand dunes and stuff, and then I'm riding camels, and then one was in the mountains. For two times during that 10 days, there was a 48-hour period that I had no connection. That was actually really nice. It was like a little bit of force discipline, to not connect and be present and really get to enjoy the people that we were traveling with. It gave a nice reset.

I also find that any international flights really helped me reset as well. I know that you actually can buy Wi-Fi on them. When I started traveling internationally quite a bit for business, you couldn't. So I got used to that, and that's my role on an international flight. I will not turn on Wi-Fi. It is 15 hours that nobody can bother me. I'm going to read a book, I'm going to watch the movies, sleep as long as I want to, get them to bring me food or drinks whenever I want, and just really enjoy that lack of availability.

Ash Patel: When you talked about boundaries earlier, you meant physical boundaries, that you couldn't when you work.

Kim Radaker Bays: Sometimes.

Ash Patel: Awesome.

Kim Radaker Bays: When the mental ones don't work, sometimes we need a physical reminder. [laughs]

Ash Patel: Yeah. Kim, what is your best real estate investing advice ever?

Kim Radaker Bays: Best real estate investing advice ever. Really watch your numbers. You can figure out whatever your metrics are, but you've got to make sure that you actually just stay true to them. Because your spreadsheet can give you any answer you want, but you've got to actually figure out how far you're willing to push things, and stay consistent with that answer if you want to have the results that you're going to have.

Ash Patel: Alright, here's maybe a tough question. If you had to start all over and all you had was your knowledge - and I'm going to give you your network, too. If you have your knowledge and your network, how would you start all over today? And you're in Appleton, Wisconsin.

Kim Radaker Bays: I'm in Appleton, Wisconsin.

Ash Patel: You don't get to start in Texas.

Kim Radaker Bays: Okay. I will probably find the biggest landlord or person that owns multiple properties in Appleton, Wisconsin and the surrounding areas and see if I could acquire scale in one fell swoop. I would probably find an operator that's much like myself now, that maybe had been doing this a long time, is ready to retire, manages in-house, needs a good, safe space for their staff to land... That thing I'd really look for. Somebody that's looking to exit the business and have a capital event that could give us scale in some location, kind of all at once.

Ash Patel: And all you need to do that is your knowledge and your network?

Kim Radaker Bays: I would say so, yeah. Really with the network, because we could raise the funds to do it through a variety of sources, and based on the track record and the knowledge that we have. But yeah, I already have great people, so I'd have to find quite a few properties all at once in order to keep all the people that have helped me grow this working...

Ash Patel: I love it. And you didn't just say "I'll find a multifamily operator", you said "I would find the largest landlord out there." I love that mindset. Kim, are you ready for the Best Ever lightning round?

Kim Radaker Bays: Sure.

Ash Patel: Alright. Kim, what's the Best Ever book you've recently read?

Kim Radaker Bays: One of my very favorites from a couple of years ago, it's Leadership and Self-Deception. It's been pretty magical. I have all the employees read it, because it really gets people out of their own heads and gives them a different perspective on what is going on with everybody else and the relationships between people.

Ash Patel: What was your big takeaway from that book?

Kim Radaker Bays: That it's really easy to be in the box. Basically, we just build up in our head reasons for our own thing. If we're upset about something, didn't get a promotion, or whatever else, you're likely to go down the rabbit hole of all the things, the horrible things that everybody else did to prevent you from getting what you wanted... When honestly, most of the time, if you just had an honest conversation with it, you would get some of the answers that you were looking for. So I think there's just been a lot of damage that people have done to themselves, so I think it's important to just view each other as human. None of us are perfect all the time, and really keep that in mind.

Ash Patel: That is great advice. Kim, what's the Best Ever way you'd like to give back?

Kim Radaker Bays: We actually have a nonprofit that we started about a year and a half ago. We're currently doing some development for it. Martha's Ranch Foundation, which is for families impacted by autism. Really a place for the families to go together to the ranch that we've purchased and are working on developing, to get some time away, be surrounded by other families that are in the same situation, get to exchange some ideas. We're trying to put in activities that will wear the kids out, but keep them in one safe location, and various things across the property, so that the parents can get a little bit of downtime as well, and get some outdoor time, some away from electronics time as well.

Ash Patel: That is incredible. Kim, how can the Best Ever listeners reach out to you?

Kim Radaker Bays: Sure. You can reach out to us at Amanda monitors that, and so if it's for investment purposes, she can help you. Otherwise, she's the perfect person to get you to whoever else can answer any questions you might have. Also, if anybody has properties and is looking for materials or any of the signage services, you can reach out to

Ash Patel: Incredible. Kim, thank you so much for taking time out of your day, sharing a 15-year career with us. All of your experience, your knowledge. We learned you're not the poster child for being disciplined in downtime, but you're certainly the poster child for vertically integrating an incredible company. Thank you for sharing that with us today.

Kim Radaker Bays: Thanks so much. Really appreciate it.

Ash Patel: Best Ever listeners, thank you so much for joining us. If you enjoyed this episode please leave us a five-star review, and share the podcast with someone you think can benefit from it. Also, follow subscribe and have a Best Ever day.


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