April 13, 2022

JF2780: How Empowering Women in Real Estate Benefits Everyone ft. Liz Faircloth

Multifamily syndicator Liz Faircloth began her real estate journey when she and her (now) husband, Matt Faircloth, purchased their first duplex 16 years ago. Since launching the DeRosa Group together in 2005, they now have $130M under control and management. Throughout this process, Liz met her partner, Andresa. As they did deals together, they realized they had a shared passion and need to bring women together in the real estate space — so together, they created the InvestHER community.


The Inspiration Behind InvestHER

Since attending graduate school for social work, Liz Faircloth has been passionate about supporting women in living lives on their own terms. Things really clicked, however, when Liz and Andresa began working together. They discussed their mutual desire to bring women in real estate together to form a like-minded community, and soon, InvestHER was born.


Why Should Men Care?

Liz was recently asked this question while being interviewed on another podcast, and it caught her by surprise. Her answer? Whenever a shift toward equality occurs, everyone should care to be involved in it. InvestHER wasn’t created to pit women against men, but to give women a space to keep building relationships with anyone on any level. Liz is grateful to the men who support and appreciate this community she and Andresa have created.


Her Advice for Female Beginners

For young beginners fresh out of school, Liz suggests finding a mentor. “Meet people in your local community,” she says. “Get to know those local rockstars and start to build a relationship with them.” Once a relationship is established, that’s when you ask: “How can I help you? How can I work for free for you?” Liz says. 

For women interested in starting in real estate who are a bit older, Liz advises evaluating whether you need to be an active or passive investor. Finding an answer to that requires you to know what your short-term and long-term goals are. Assess where you want to be, and then assess how active you want to be.


Do Women-Centered Meetups Exclude Men?

While anyone is allowed to attend InvestHER meetups, they are geared toward women. Liz attributes this to the importance of creating a safe space for female investors, particularly if they are new to the game. Entering the real estate space can be intimidating for women, and communities like InvestHER provide them with the support, encouragement, and focused attention they need to succeed.


Her Best Ever Advice: Don’t Give Up

Liz says it’s easy in the beginning to wonder if you aren’t cut out for real estate — there have been many times in her 16-year career that she’s wondered that, herself. But because she and her husband didn’t give up, they were able to find their stride, discover their niche, and develop the flourishing business they have today.


Liz Faircloth | Real Estate Background

Greatest lesson: I have learned no matter what to never give up and always find a way to make what you want to see happen.

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Ash Patel: Hello Best Ever listeners. Welcome to The Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show. I'm Ash Patel and I'm with today's guest, Liz Faircloth. Liz is joining us from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She is the co-founder of the DeRosa Group which has $130 million of assets under management. Liz is also co-founder of InvestHER, a community that empowers women in real estate. Liz, thank you for joining us and how are you today?

Liz Faircloth: Great. Thank you so much, Ash, for having me. Thank you for having me on here today. Doing wonderful.

Ash Patel: Good. It's our pleasure to have you, Liz. Before we get started, can you give the Best Ever listeners a little bit more about your background and what you're focused on now?

Liz Faircloth: Sure. Long story short, my husband and I, at the time boyfriend and I, read Rich Dad Poor Dad. We were both in two different professional careers. I was going to become a social worker, my husband was an engineer, or my boyfriend at the time was an engineer, both on the tracks of our professional careers. My brother-in-law had read Rich Dad Poor Dad 16 years ago and said, "You have to read this." I said, "Why?" I did, and I think I forever was changed. I think you probably heard that and I certainly get that on our podcast a lot. But it really did, it changed my whole way of thinking about everything, Ash.

That was 16 years ago, so that really prompted me and Matt at the time to start taking courses at our local REIA meeting. We took courses for a year and then went door to door, knocking on doors, doing like grassroots, finding our first deal, and we found a duplex. That was 16 years ago, we bought our first property. We didn't have the money, we needed about 30k to buy the property and also renovate it, and didn't have it. My father loaned us money, so it was our first private money deal. We then since grew our business that way, through private money and doing it that way. But that was our first private money deal, was my father, and that really launched us into investing.

We then launched DeRosa Group in 200, and got involved in a bunch of different aspects of investing, to be honest. From commercial to raw land, to flipping; you name it Ash, we did it early on. We were a little all over the place, until we really went all-in on multifamily and started to grow our portfolio by partnering with other people. We have about 130 million under control and management, and have been growing since in terms of larger multifamily space; value-add, workforce housing, we tend to invest in more workforce housing, up and coming communities where we are right now. Even location-wise, we've evolved.

All of our projects are from New Jersey, and then we've evolved and come to the South. We do a lot in Kentucky and in North Carolina now. So that's in terms of our focus for real estate investing. Throughout that process, doing a lot of deals with my partner Andresa and we said, "We had a shared passion and a need to bring women together in this space." So that's what we're up to. We have a community, we have a membership, we have a conference coming up to really empower women to live a financially free and balanced life. I have a lot of different passions, but that's keeping me very busy these days, because it's just neat to see women take on their own financial futures and grow their wealth.

Ash Patel: Thank you, Liz, and your boyfriend turned husband, Matt Faircloth, who I had the pleasure of meeting at the Best Ever Conference this year - a wonderful person. So you've built this incredible company here; I want to get into that. But I want to ask you what the inspiration was behind trying to get women to be more self-empowered with their financial future?

Liz Faircloth: Yeah. It's funny, you know when you get into something and then you look back? I was talking to my sister about a year into InvestHER and she goes, "You've always had this passion, Liz." I said, "What are you talking about?" She goes, "Do you remember in graduate school," and she told me a story. You do a lot in life, you don't always remember different pieces of what you did. 20 years ago, when I was in graduate school, I actually created a business plan to support women. It wasn't financial freedom, because at that point, I was just starting my real estate investing tenure, if you will. But it was about supporting women in living their life on their own terms and safety.

So I was in social work school, and all the people that I was working with in my field placements were mostly women. These are women who had mental illness, they were getting physically abused, mentally abused, and they weren't worried about financial freedom. They were looking to survive, they were looking for safety. My passion to support women was always there. I think that really launched that when I was early in my 20s. For many years, Ash, I was in the corporate world; so as my husband and I decided to build our investing business, he quit his job. I got a job actually in sales, the basis of like Rich Dad Poor Dad, I actually didn't get a job in social work.

So during that tenure of me really focused on corporate, I was always gravitating toward the coaching, the workshops, and the supporting women in corporate life. I've worked with everyone; I've worked with presidents of companies, men, and women, and I love to work with both, but I really got a lot of energy from that. When I came together with Andresa, we actually were working in supporting each other, we were doing a number of flips together. About four years ago, we would be together in a Panera and we'd be, "Where are the women in this business?"

We didn't know a lot of them, to be honest. We knew there was a lot, we had a hunch, we just didn't know them. We said, "How great it would be to bring them together, a like-minded community, and how about we interview them and see what their secret sauce is?" We looked for it and we couldn't find it, so we created something that we didn't find, and then everything kind of launched from there.

Ash Patel: What do you see as something that women in real estate can benefit from, and what's holding them back?

Liz Faircloth: What's really interesting is that, in terms of benefits, statistics are interesting. Women statistically outlive men; just straight statistics, six to eight years. Whatever relationship you're in, whatever your partnership relationship looks like, that's just something that tends to happen. What's interesting is my grandmother, she didn't even have a checkbook and she didn't know much about the money piece. Then I kind of saw my mother and my father - my mother knew more than my grandmother in that generation, it seemed like, from a role perspective; and every family is different.

So what's interesting is I think women have such an ability and have such advantages, and the need to become more financially secure, whether through helping their families, whether they're doing it for legacy; there are so many advantages of women investors, taking control of your own investing world. I think our generation or this generation seems like there's more of that interest - working on your own terms, living life on your own terms, not just trading time for money; having flexibility with family and all the other things you're doing in your life. The investing world I think fits perfectly in with what a lot of women want and need.

We just want to live life on our own terms, and so do men. The hats - women wear a lot of hats, and so do men, but I can only speak from this perspective. And we do it alone. We often will do it alone, but we can't do it alone. That's where the community comes in. There are tons of advantages of women investing actually, statistically. I've done a lot of research and it seems like there are a lot of advantages, too. More conservative, but actually there's a lot of strong research that shows once women start investing, they do very well.

What's holding them back - that's another good question, Ash. That's something me and Andresa became really curious about. Because that's what we're in the business of, trying to support women, empower them, help them, and I would say create the community that they're going to get their answers and get the support they need. A few things, we often think knowledge holds us back. We polled a lot of men and women, but especially women, what holds you back from investing or taking the leap, or even changing niches. Going from flipping to short-term rentals, or a syndication and doing things on your own to raising money with other people. They say it's the knowledge, but in reality, it comes back to just confidence.

Yes, women often feel like they need to know everything. We need to know A through Z. "But until I really know it, I don't want to do it" and that's a common thread that I see a lot, at least in the women we talk to. But then we start to surround ourselves with other like-minded women and we're like, "Hold on, we don't have to know it all. We have to be able to pull a team together and lean on other people. I don't need to be the expert in this." That's the joy of seeing a lot of women closing deals, making things happen, because they're not going to figure it out all by themselves. It's very lonely to do that, and it's very overwhelming, too.

Ash Patel: I'm thinking back to the Best Ever conference which was not too long ago. All the women that I interacted with were just savages; they were killers when it comes to real estate. So it's great to have that community. I also think back to when I was in the corporate world, and a lot of these nuances that held women back - you don't see that as much in real estate. It's kind of a more even playing field. You don't have to try to play in somebody else's sandbox; you can kind of carve your own path. From my experience, the women that I've partnered with and worked with are more tenacious, and an attribute I think most women have is they don't take things personally as men do.

Liz Faircloth: That's interesting. Yeah.

Ash Patel: A good example is in sports; the female racecar drivers. If they get bumped or somebody runs them off the road, they don't make it a point to go get even; they just want to win. Whereas the men, their mindset changes. NASCAR is a great example, with Danica Patrick. They are determined to get payback; just my observation. Have you read the book Lean In, by Sheryl Sandberg?

Liz Faircloth: I have and I really admire her a lot. I admire thought leaders that are really out there creating these communities, creating the support, creating different ways of looking at it, and just being a stand, for women and men. I was on a podcast, Ash, not very long ago. The first question the gentleman asked me was, he said, "Why Should men care?" Literally, the first question; it was 9:00 A.M. in the morning too, so I'm like "Let me get another drink of my coffee." No, but that was the first question he started with.

Ash Patel: Coffee? You probably need scotch for that question.

Liz Faircloth: I know. And I said, "Great question." In hindsight I was like, "Whoa." But with anything that you're shifting and their sense of pushing towards equality and shared equality - everyone's involved in that, or should be involved in it, or should care to be involved in it, to be honest. That's not always the case, but that's why I love that there are so many men that support our community, there are so many men that appreciate our community. I'm so grateful for that, and I feel like we have so many allies. I think that it's not us versus them. I have really great relationships with men, [unintelligible 00:12:49].

We didn't create this out of this "us versus them" place. Sometimes people create things for different reasons, but it's all about really creating the space for women, so that they can keep building relationships with whomever, on whatever level. And that's really what it's about... Which sometimes can get misconstrued by different women's communities.

Ash Patel: What's your advice to our Best Ever listeners that are female? Maybe they're a little bit older and they're wanting to get into real estate. The traditional route is you get your real estate license, just become a realtor, and show residential houses... But there's so much more to real estate. What's your message to those women?

Liz Faircloth: We do a lot of content, we do a lot of teaching, Ash. What I've seen over the years is the need for evaluating, do you need to be an active or passive investor? That question can't get answered until you know what your short-term and your long-term goals are. So I'd really encourage, to that woman who you just spoke about, to say, "Okay, what truly do I want to achieve with real estate investing? In what time?" In other words, from a financial perspective, from an experience perspective, from all of the different pieces. So if they get clarity - not what I should do or should need, but is this for retirement planning? Do I love my job and I'm just trying to get ready for five years, 10 years down the road? What do I hate with what I'm doing, Ash? I just hate it and I want to move on to something I really love and can jump into.

So I think the need to really evaluate short-term and long-term goals, your "why", all those clarity big picture questions first. Then you can start to get into "Okay. If I'm trying to achieve retirement and I want to make X dollars in five years, can I achieve that?" We all want to achieve things in the simplest, easiest way, let's be honest. So if I can achieve that goal by investing with somebody passively - non-accredited or accredited; you can passively invest either way depending on the deal, obviously, in the project, would that serve my needs? Because let's be honest, some people don't have the time or the interest to go into that property and go, "I want to renovate this." They don't love the smell of lumber or whatever, things that investors really love. They want to just make passive income, period; because of where they are in their life, the time that they have etc., etc.

Often, people think they have to jump into active investing, when in reality, they might be able to just passively invest and achieve the goals they need and want regardless. I'm an active investor and a passive investor. The project we just did, me and my husband, we passively invested in it as an LP a limited partner, and obviously, we're on the active side, on the general partner side. We want to do more passive things, we've been doing this for 16 years, and we were really active at the beginning. We were doing everything; I'm cleaning departments, my husband's showing apartments, we were doing literally A to Z.

So I guess that's the message I'd give to the woman you were just speaking about, is to really assess where you want to be, and then assess how active do I want to be? What's my time? What's my money investment? Then you could take a step back and go niches and where should I place my "looking to learn and evolve here" versus people just jumping in too fast to learn about short-term rentals, when that might not be the right niche for you [unintelligible 00:15:47.00] your goals.

Break: [00:15:53] - [00:17:40]

Ash Patel: Liz, let me rephrase that question in another way. What would your advice be to younger women maybe just coming out of school, whether it's high school or college, wanting to get into real estate, and may think it's a daunting task, or insurmountable for them?

Liz Faircloth: A totally different strategy. I would suggest to them that they do what my husband I didn't do, to be honest. You pay for your education one way or the other. So you're either paying for mistakes, then you learn from them, and you don't do it again. Or people go get coaching or they learn and mentor under people. It might be a little simpler of a route to do the third. My husband and I didn't mentor under anyone, Ash. I wish we had mentors early on. We paid for that education; we lost money on the flip, or we did this differently. That's how we learned, through the school of hard knocks.

I would say if you're young, and you really like real estate, and you want to get onto the investment side, is to meet people in your local community. As local as you can get would be great, because there's so much of investing that's local. That's what's great about real estate, it's brick and mortar; you can see it, you can touch it. Get to know the local players. If the multifamily intrigues you, find the multifamily players; if short-term rentals intrigue you, which everyone wants a vacation rental these days, then get to know the players. Get to know those local rockstars and start to build a relationship with them.

Then, once you start building a relationship with them, say "How can I help you? How can I work for free for you?" People that are growing their portfolios from five to 10 deals to a thousand deals; everyone needs help with something. I can literally give you a list of 20 things that I need help with right now, an investor in DeRosa. We all need help to grow, even if we have a team. My point is saying that I wish we did that early on, Ash. I wish in our 20s, because that's when we started, to say we found some real rockstar investors and said "How can we help you? How can we work for free?"

Whatever you need, just to be around that and be around really great mentors. That would be my biggest recommendation. Don't do it alone, learn from people, but you've got to add value. And you don't know what that value is if you don't build a relationship.

Ash Patel: I love it. Liz, I got to ask you a question. We were at the Best Ever conference and I met somebody who I think was either starting or going to a women's group meet-up in the morning, the next day. I said, "Hey, can I go? This sounds awesome." They're like, "Yeah, sure." Obviously, it was intimidating, because I was probably going to be the only guy there. It clearly said women's meetup. But I felt like I was being discluded, almost as if somebody had a meeting for graduate students only; you have to have a graduate degree. It's like, "Hey, man, I want to play that sandbox too. Maybe I can add value or get something out of it." What are your thoughts on that, when men are discluded? What is your opinion on that? Should it be solely women only?

Liz Faircloth: That's a good question. We have meetups across the country, Ash. We have 55 meetups, and we started with one. The idea with these meetups, the meetups are all about creating a safe space for women. Meaning, Ash, the need for a safe space. I've had women in meetups; now, our meetups have women and men can come. It's geared towards women; obviously, our community is geared towards women. But our meetups are open to the public so anyone can come, obviously.

I used to go to a lot of our meetups before COVID, a lot of local ones I would go, and I would speak. There was a meetup that I went to, and there were four men, and there were about 30 women. I welcomed them, I said hello, very nice to everyone. We sat down and started listening to the speaker. When the speaker said, "Do you have any questions to this group?" I'm not kidding, one out of the four men proceeded to ask probably about 15 questions. And all the women - no one asked any of the questions. This gentleman literally just took the meeting over. I'm not saying all men do that, but I'm sharing an experience.

I want to answer your question, but I want to give an example really quickly. What then proceeded to happen was I saw the woman in the back, they kind of looked like they had questions, they just didn't feel comfortable asking them. This one gentleman literally just had his hand up the whole time. So the meeting ended, we moved on, and I went up to the woman at the back, I said, "Did you guys have some questions? Because I knew the content is about multifamily and I can support you." They looked newer, too. They're like, "We did have some questions, but we felt really intimidated; so we didn't put our hands up, and just felt really intimidated."

I give that example - now, this gentleman was asking his questions. God bless him, he wants to ask questions; great, not to make him wrong. However, by him kind of taking over the meeting in this women's group, the women actually didn't feel comfortable to ask their questions; they either felt stupid, or what have you. I'm just telling you that, not that that's every experience, but I think what we're trying to create here, Ash -- listen, society should be men and women, there should be events, there should be everything. What we're up to, and why it's important, in my opinion, that there are safe places for women to get the support they need, is they don't feel comfortable in those other meetings where there is a lot of that back and forth; and for whatever reason.

Maybe there will be a need one day that our meetups will not be needed, I don't know. But right now they are, and women really appreciate the kind of safety of it. You think like safety, what's the big deal? Just ask your question, what's the big deal? But there's something intimidating about other stories they have, or other experiences they've had, especially women who are newer to this space, and they feel like morons that they have to ask what NOI means, or what have you.

I say that because I do feel like there is a need that there is a safe space for women to get and give the support they need, because they haven't always gotten it in their life; and I do think there is a very good need and place for women and men to work together to engage together and to, of course, partner together. It's not like exclusivity in and of itself, it's exclusivity, or focus, because women aren't getting this somewhere else, so they need to get it here. Does that make sense?

Ash Patel: Thank you. Yeah, that actually clears it up tremendously. I probably would have been that bull in a China shop if I went to that women's meet-up, and would have just asked a bunch of questions and tried to do what I do. Sheryl Sandberg had a great story in her book where she was speaking at a college, and just for our Best Ever listeners, I'll share the story... She was speaking at a university, or at a corporation, and she said, "Okay, one more question." Well, after that one question was asked, the men in the audience kept raising their hands. She kept going on and on and answering more questions for several more minutes. Later on, some of the females walked up to her and said, "Hey, I really wanted to ask this question." She's like, "Why didn't you ask it?" "Well, it's because you said one more question." So yeah, I get those cultural nuances. And again, thank you, because that clears up a lot.

I'm going to share another story. We were at an aquarium, and my daughter was in the audience. There were a bunch of kids there, there was a penguin trainer who said, "Okay, last question." I made her keep her hand up until her question was answered.

Liz Faircloth: Good for her.

Ash Patel: I get a lot of what you're saying, and really, thank you, at least from my perspective, for clearing that up, because I went from feeling excluded to now understanding why and that's incredible. Thank you again. What is your best real estate investing advice ever?

Liz Faircloth: Don't give up, and even when you have the moment of, '"Am I cut out for this?" things aren't moving as fast as you want them to, or you're not making the money you want, or what have you. There were so many times I feel like in 16 years of investing that I asked that question, and my husband did, too. Like, "Are we cut out for this?" We just kept going and not giving up, and finally created a stride in a niche and went all-in on that, and tweaked and really developed a business out of it. So I would just say don't give up.

Ash Patel: Liz, what is an example of something that happened in real estate that happened because you were a female, negative or positive?

Liz Faircloth: I have to say I was in the building of relationships perspective, and lot of when we were finding deal flow, so we didn't do a lot of cold calling. As we grew our business, we built relationships with brokers, which is something both me and Matt did early on small multi's, and what have you. I have to say, I really love building relationships with people; it's one of my core geniuses or one of my strengths, if you will. And I felt like it was an advantage. I worked with a lot of men who are commercial brokers, and built really good relationships with them.

Would I have if I was a man? I don't know, maybe; I'm not really sure. All I can speak from is my own experience. I wasn't competitive with them, I was inclusive, I was supportive; I was very tenacious though, and we wanted to be known as "when you have the next 18-unit you call us" kind of deal. And that's what happened. I've always seen it as an advantage, honestly, Ash, even before InvestHER. I see being a woman in this business as a complete advantage.

Ash Patel: Yeah. A great example, I would much rather talk to you than somebody like me... An abrasive guy from Jersey. I'd rather talk to you. Liz, are you ready for the Best Ever lightning round?

Liz Faircloth: Yes.

Ash Patel: Liz, what's the Best Ever book you've recently read?

Liz Faircloth: The High 5 Habit by Mel Robbins; I'm a big fan of hers. She just came out with that book.

Ash Patel: What was your big takeaway from that?

Liz Faircloth: It's such a simple book, almost like, "Why do I even need to read this, honestly?" Because a lot of people think like you've got to give yourself a high five and that's going to change your life. I love Mel Robbins, she always gives great statistics, and neuroscience of why appreciating yourself and literally giving yourself a high five in the mirror psychologically impacts your way of looking at yourself, and then thus affects the way you enter your day. Such a simple thing actually is quite deep. I love listening to her, she has great stories and just great statistics too, and science-based stuff.

Ash Patel: Man, that sounds powerful. If I did that every morning - yeah, that would be cool. Liz, what's the Best Ever way you like to give back?

Liz Faircloth: I actually recently found an organization - they're national, they're called Lasagna Love. Really cool. I'm Italian, my parents are from Brooklyn, so making lasagna, meatballs, all those sorts of things was very natural to us. I found this organization, and basically, they pair you up with people who could be coming back from having surgery; it could be there's a need for some reason. They pair you up with people in your community within a 30-minute radius. You get like little email, "Hey, so and so needs a lasagna." You connect with them and then you bring the lasagna to the family. It's just a neat way to give back. It's not like every week, but I really like making lasagna, and I really love giving back, so it's a kind of a cool nonprofit that I volunteer for.

Ash Patel: That sounds fun. Liz, how can the Best Ever listeners reach out to you?

Liz Faircloth: We have a lot of things happening in the various businesses I'm involved in... But definitely, in terms of seeing some content from the DeRosa side, derosagroup.com, we always have stuff going on, Matt's YouTube channel, etc. For the women... And men love our podcast too, Ash, I have to say. Men really do appreciate our podcasts as well.

Our podcast, The Real Estate InvestHER Show, as well as our meetups and our community. InvestHER Con - it's coming up on June 23rd and 24th. Kim Kiyosaki is our keynote, we have 20 speakers, five keynotes... It's going to be a really neat transformational experience for women investors in Charlotte, North Carolina. We're going to have it at the Weston. All that stuff is on our website, therealestateinvesther.com. I'm very engaged in our Facebook community. I'd love to connect with anyone listening; if you want to tag me, ask me a question on our Facebook community... We're all about helping women.

Ash Patel: Incredible. Just our Best Ever listeners know, it's InvestHER.

Liz Faircloth: Yes, therealestateinvesther.com. You got it.

Ash Patel: Liz, we didn't talk a whole lot about real estate, but I feel like the conversation that we had about the mindset with both men and women will do our Best Ever listeners a lot of service. Thank you for your time today.

Liz Faircloth: Thank you so much for having me, Ash. I really appreciate it.

Ash Patel: Best Ever listeners, thank you so much for joining us. If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a five-star review and share this podcast with someone you think can benefit from it. Also, follow, subscribe, and have a Best Ever day.

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Joe Fairless serves as director of investor relations with Ashcroft Capital, a real estate investment firm. Ashcroft Capital is not affiliated with Joesta PF LLC or this website, and is not responsible for any of the content herein.

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