Iven Vian managed his multifamily investments while working full-time in the Air Force for 15 years. Finding the right strategy to maximize his time spent on his investments while also ensuring he could do his job and spend time with his family has been crucial to his success. In today’s episode, Iven shares how he found his first multifamily deal, how to find a good business partner, and the key to juggling both your job and your CRE assets. 

Iven Vian | Real Estate Background

  • Founder of Anthem Capital which syndicate funds to purchase multifamily properties.
  • Portfolio: ~1,200 units over 8 properties as GP. 900 units over 5 properties as LP.
  • Retired from the Air Force 10/1/2021. He was a Lt. Colonel who flew the B-1B. Has been investing in RE for the past 15 years and multifamily RE for the past 6 years.
  • Based in: Oklahoma City, OK
  • Say hi to him at: anthemcp.com | iven@anthemcp.com | LinkedIn
  • Best Ever Book: You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor


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Ash Patel: Hello, Best Ever listeners. Welcome to The Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show. I’m Ash Patel and I’m with today’s guest, Iven Vian. Iven is joining us from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He is the founder of Iven Capital, which syndicates multifamily assets. Iven’s portfolio consists of 1,200 units over eight properties as a GP. He is also an LP investor in five properties. Iven is also a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who flew the B-1 bomber and has been investing in real estate for 15 years. Iven, it’s a pleasure to have you on the show today.

Iven Vian: It’s a pleasure being here. Thanks, Ash. Very excited to have this opportunity to share with you.

Ash Patel: Iven, before we get started, can you give the Best Ever listeners a little bit more about your background and what you’re focused on now?

Iven Vian: Yeah, absolutely. As you mentioned, Ash, I’m a retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, I spent 20 years in the air force. I had the fortune of flying the B-1 bomber my entire career, something I always wanted to do since I was a little kid; I was able to do that, and pulled that off. But while in the Air Force, being transferred to various cities and whatnot, is where I kind of found out about real estate, started investing in single-family properties, and worked my way up to multifamily.

I recently retired in October of 2021, just a few months ago at the recording of this show. Now I’m solely focused on my multifamily investment companies; it’s actually called Anthem Capital. I focus on Anthem Capital as one of the primary co-sponsors. I have a business partner, his name’s Tariq, who’s not here with us today; he and I operate Anthem Capital.

Ash Patel: My apologies for getting that wrong in the intro. Iven, when you were in the Air Force and going from city to city, what was your real estate investment?

Iven Vian: I kind of fell into it on accident. I was stationed at Ellsworth Air Force Base in Rapid City, South Dakota and I got orders to relocate to Abilene, Texas. When I moved down there, my mother-in-law said, “Hey, this lady down the street is going through a divorce. She really needs to sell her house. Why don’t you go down there and knock on her door and see if you can get something going?” Because I have talked about wanting to have some real estate, and I was starting to get interested in it. So I went down there, knocked on the door, and long story short, she’s like, “Yeah, I’ll sell you my house for 35,000 bucks.” Not knowing what I was doing, just going in with very little knowledge in the whole thing, just kind of trusted my gut in the process… But I got lucky on that one because it rented for like 850 to 900 bucks a month, and you tack on the debt service, I was doing all right, self-managing; around 200 some bucks to 300 bucks a month on that one. So that’s kind of how I got that investment bug, and it kind of took off from there.

Ash Patel: And now you got to find a lot more than $35,000 houses…

Iven Vian: [laughs] Yeah, definitely. And good luck too, trying to find those. Well, they’re probably out there somewhere… But I kind of let that one go once I learned about multifamily.

Ash Patel: Was there something about being near a military base that made real estate more attractive?

Iven Vian: Yeah, absolutely. From a Job Corps standpoint, military renters typically are good renters overall, because they have consistent income. If they don’t pay rent, you can go talk to their boss and handle things maybe the military way; I say that with air quotes… So yeah, it made for a good, attractive place to acquire investment properties. I had a small portfolio there in Abilene, about 15 years ago now, but that’s kind of how I got started.

Ash Patel: How did you progress to multifamily?

Iven Vian: Interesting enough, I was driving back from Dallas listening to AM radio. And there is this podcast or this radio show playing, it was a mentorship program. And they said “Come to my two-day event.” I said, “Well, I’m interested in real estate, I need to go check them out.” So I went to the two-day event. Day two of that two-day event, they introduced us to the multifamily investment model. My eyes were opened, I’m like, “Oh my God, that’s what I want to be doing. That makes much more sense.” Economies of scale and things like that – I’ve got to find a way to get into multifamily. That’s kind of how it was introduced to me.

Ash Patel: What was your first multifamily investment and how did you find the deal?

Iven Vian: Well, there’s a lot that happened between that radio show and when I got my first deal. I didn’t quite have the belief, the knowledge, the know-how, or the capital, and I kind of nose-dived for a while before I had to come back up. We could get into that if you want, that was around 2008. Fast-forward around 2016, eight years later, I signed up with another mentor down in Dallas. During that time, I was an investor realtor. One of my best clients named Tariq, he and I decided to go into business together in multifamily. So we went to that two-day event in Dallas, focused solely on multifamily investing, and that’s where we got started. So nine months after we got started in multifamily investing, I ended up selling off my single-family properties and redeploying that capital into multifamily.

I live in Oklahoma City, he and I said that we want to focus on Oklahoma City as our first investment. We immediately established relationships with the local brokers, and one of the brokers brought us across this multifamily portfolio. 214 units total; it was a 65, 99, and a 50-unit, two of them were in Norman, Oklahoma, and the third one was in Chickasha, a little town of 35,000 people.

We went through the whole underwriting process and said, “Hey, I think we’ve got a deal here. Let’s go to work and make it happen.” Being part of this investment network, that’s kind of where we got access to all the vendors that you need to be able to close a deal, as well as the equity. So we tied all of those relationships together to allow us to find the appropriate people we need to acquire a property, as well as raise equity. Our first jump into multifamily was a three-property portfolio, a 99, 50-unit, and a 65. We held for about three years before we exited out of those three assets.

Ash Patel: Very nonchalantly you said “Because I was part of this group, it allowed me to get the equity that I needed.” It wasn’t that easy, was it?

Iven Vian: Well, no. The first go at it, you don’t have a track record. Yeah, it definitely wasn’t that easy. But one of the keys to success is to partner with people who do have track records, and have prior experience, not only maybe in the market that you want to invest in, to convince the local brokers that you can close a deal, but have experience in multifamily overall. So we teamed up with some co-GPs who already had an investor database network that allowed us to raise capital. But it still came with some challenges along the way.

Ash Patel: What were those challenges?

Iven Vian: Convincing people that you can perform.

Ash Patel: And you had, what – 30 days, 45 days to get the deal done?

Iven Vian: During that time was about a 45 day to close kind of scenario. We were doing three loans at the same time; it was an umbrella type syndication 0 one raise, disperse, pro-rata basis amongst the three properties. But there were a lot of moving parts, a lot of stuff going on that first go at it.

Ash Patel: Let’s dive into that. So you have this portfolio presented to you… Were you determined to close on it? Was it a really good deal?

Iven Vian: Perceivably, yes. We go through the underwriting process, you shop the comps, look at the CoStar data, you make your assumptions on what you expect to happen… And on paper, it seemed to make sense. So at the time, yeah, absolutely. But sometimes the first deals do come with some hard knocks or certain challenges along the way, or perhaps you may find that your assumptions were a little off. That’s okay. You have to find a way to overcome that, self-correct, and get yourself back on course, which we were able to do.

Ash Patel: Iven, how did you convince the other GPS to come on with you?

Iven Vian: Like anything else, I think real estate is a relationship business, so you have to establish a relationship, which we did. It took us nine months to get our first deal, so it took those nine months to establish relationships. So you go to coffee shops, get to know each other, hang out in each other’s homes, whatever it is; phone calls… Zoom wasn’t really happening too much then, but phone calls, or video chats, and things like that, to make sure you understand what your roles and responsibilities are going to be going into the relationship and how you’re going to work together. We got a lot of those questions out of the way and a lot of those expectations and roles were established prior to going to the equity raise, which did help out along the way. The sponsors that we worked with – we ended up staying on with them for a total of four deals. That first one and like three others after that.

Ash Patel: Did you and your partner raise any money for that deal, or was that all of the other GPs?

Iven Vian: Oh yeah, we had our own personal network as well that we tapped into and brought capital to the deal to close.

Ash Patel: Have you since sold that property?

Iven Vian: Yeah. Sold that one, but also focused on other deals that we ended up selling as well. Today, we’ve gone full circle in around five or six deals.

Ash Patel: What were the returns like on that first deal to your investors?

Iven Vian: The return on that one were not the best. Honestly, were not the best. We had challenges along the way, and ultimately that market was saturated. So we learned a lot in that first particular deal; but the second deal we did amazing on.

What I must say – that first deal was three properties, two in Norman and one in Chickasha. The one in Chickasha did outstanding. We sold that one in two years for a 94% total return. We bought it for about 22k a door and ended up selling around 50k something a door, in two years’ time. A lot of that was just operational improvement. It needed a professional property management company, and it needed interior and exterior improvements. Doing that, you raise the rents, you burn off the loss of lease, and you improve the value. So we were able to exit that one for a 94% total return.

Ash Patel: That’s a big win.

Iven Vian: That was a good win, that felt good. In the beginning, I said “Chickasha, 35,000 people.” That was a tertiary market, which we ended up doing really well on a tertiary market. That was my first taste of like, “Oh my gosh, this thing is real. You can make really good money doing multifamily. Not only as a passive, as an LP, but as a GP, as a sponsor.”

Break: [00:10:39] – [00:12:18]

Ash Patel: What were some of the hard lessons you learned on that property? The first one.

Iven Vian: Hard lessons – very important things. Spend a lot of time getting to know the property management company, and then spend more time after that. Find someone who’s local to the market, has an established network, and has a history in the market, versus trying to bring someone out of the Dallas market and trying to operate an Oklahoma City asset the same way as a Dallas asset. We’ve found over time that it’s best to use property management companies who are homegrown to that local market; it creates a lot better efficiency overall. Again, this is like six years ago, so I’m trying to put myself in my shoes six years ago compared to where I am today.

Ash Patel: Yeah. And that makes a lot of sense, especially in some of the smaller towns. You want those boots on the ground that know everybody.

Iven Vian: Right. Especially in the smaller towns. That third property, that Chickasha one, the manager we had there was one of the key reasons why we did well, is because she was – on that asset, it was an owner-operator scenario, in such a small town, she was well connected to that demographic and understood how to operate that property, parallel to what the demographic was down there. So a lot of oil-based jobs, and she was able to connect with those types of people well.

But going deep in this conversation, really making sure that the onsite manager understands the demographic, understands the business plan, is able to execute that business plan well, and make sure the property management company identifies a really good property manager well before you close on an asset, so that they are able to hit the ground running the day you close. In some cases, sometimes property management companies don’t find someone until two days prior to closing. They can barely even log into the property management software, let alone know what’s going on, and you’re already starting off behind the curve. Again, this is like six years ago. Now, this is not the situation, but this is the kind of stuff I learned in the beginning. So I took those lessons, and moving forward, it made for a lot better transactions and business plans thereafter.

Ash Patel: Iven, today, how do you make sure that you have a really good on-site property manager?

Iven Vian: Drill down the questions, set the expectation, ask them “Did you do your full due diligence? What’s the background? What’s the history?” Also, make sure the regional doesn’t have a huge portfolio that they have to oversee. Like, I’ve found maybe around seven or eight properties max; when you get to the 10, 11, 12, 13 properties, there’s only so much time in a day. So how much attention can they really give your asset, that it needs?

These apartments require a lot of attention, especially the value-add, the kind of classy stuff that we operate, they require a lot of attention. So you’ve really got to set the expectation correctly up front that we only want the best here. Also, especially with the labor pool that we have today, maybe pay a little bit more. We try to maybe save expenses to improve value, but it’ll hurt you in the long run; that’s been my experience. So pay a little bit more per hour to get the better person and to make sure that they stay there. Nothing worse than turnover as well. You don’t want a manager after manager after manager; it’s hard to build momentum.

So find someone correctly upfront, take longer than you need to find that person, pay them well, and then make sure they stay healthy along the way. Appropriate management of tasks, jobs, and responsibilities, so they do not get over-tasked. The last thing you want is for them to leave.

Another thing we found is if they live on-site, they take better ownership of that property, because they live there, especially their families. They want their families to feel safe, and have a clean functional asset to live in, so they’re going to be a little more emotionally attached to that asset, that property, which we found to be a better benefit or benefit overall when hiring a property manager.

Ash Patel: So many good lessons there. Iven, you went to that first multifamily conference and there was an eight-year gap before you went to the second one. What was the mindset?

Iven Vian: Oh, man… A lot. I didn’t have much capital… First of all, I didn’t have a mentor when I first went into single-family investing. So I bought one, I did well, then I got the bug. Then I bought one, and I didn’t do well. That thing almost took me out. I was like $80,000 in the hole; and that’s a scary time. I had my first son, barely making any money, in the Air Force, I was like a captain in Air Force, and now I’m in debt. That was right when the crash happened. So I’m out of capital, the crash happened, and everything was selling at a discount, 30 cents on the dollar, 50 cents on the dollar, and I didn’t have any capital to invest; it was so frustrating.

Interestingly enough, I didn’t really sign on to the mentorship program until after I went in the hole. Once I went in the hole, I started getting the education training. I had enough capital to buy a couple more, so I had about four single families. But my mindset wasn’t right and I didn’t have the belief that I can go into these big assets that cost millions and millions of dollars, so I hung out in the single-family world for a while.

I went out, got mentorship, got training, and started over. I ran out of capital, so I had to build it back up doing single-family. I had the opportunity to move to Oklahoma City around 2013. I said “When I moved to Oklahoma City, I’m going to start over, continue to perform my job and do well in the Air Force, but also invest the single-family on the side.” So I moved to Oklahoma City, I hit the ground running, and I saved up some capital at that point in time. I was able to buy six houses. Then my broker said, “Hey, once you get your license, you can sell houses on your lunch break and after work.” So sure, I got my license, he gave me a few clients, kicked me out the door, and said “Go sell houses.” It was just like that, like literally no training or anything. I was like, “Well, I got training through my mentorship program. I know how to teach, because I’ve been an instructor in the Air Force. I’m just going to teach my clients to do what I did.” And he gave me good clients, and they caught on quickly. When they caught on, things just took off. Through that experience as an investor-realtor – and all I did was work with investors; it was a very easy job – I ended up selling 99 houses in two years as an investor-realtor. That’s what allowed me to go to the next level. I took all that capital, ended up getting around 30 houses, and I built up a portfolio.

But the market started drying up in Oklahoma City based upon the type of returns I wanted to get around 2016, and that’s when I started having conversations with my now great business partner, Tariq. “Hey, I want to get into multifamily. I’ve been wanting to do multifamily forever. Now is the time. I think we need to go check out this conference in Dallas and see about what’s going on in multifamily.” That’s when we went down to Dallas. And I always wanted to be on my own when I retired from Air Force; I never wanted to work for anybody ever again, so I saw multifamily as my way of being able to do that. I just latched onto the idea of it, and went through the growth process that you need to go through to get yourself emotionally, physically, mentally right to be able to operate assets at this level. Long story short, it turned out to be a great success. Here I am today, a full-time multifamily investor; I have operated now actually around almost 2000 units.

Ash Patel: That’s incredible. Thank you for sharing that experience. Iven, you’ve had an illustrious career in the Air Force; it had to have been a very humbling experience losing that $80,000. How important is your partner Tariq in changing your mindset, the fact that he came along with you on the ride? If it wasn’t for him, do you think you would have prolonged your entrance into multifamily?

Iven Vian: I don’t know how to answer that, because I do have to say Tariq was very instrumental in my life and why I am where I am today. But could it have been another Tariq or another person? I don’t know. All I know is that the timing was right, and the universe, however you want to have it and see it, presented me Tariq. And whatever opportunity I got in my life, I always went all in and wholeheartedly. I saw Tariq as someone who wanted the best real estate, and all I did with all my clients – I just served them well; I always made them a priority. I was buying houses, but I always had this thing, “I’m going to sell 10 before I buy one.” I would always make sure that they’re full before I can go get mine. And I just treated everything in my life like that with that mindset, that I’m going to serve them well, I’m going to help them achieve what they want; and opportunities started coming my way.

And then also, just being around high net worth individuals – they think differently, they see things differently, they make decisions differently, and I naturally picked up on that. So 100% that influenced my life in a positive way. I’m forever grateful for that opportunity to be able to work with someone like Tariq, and forever will be grateful to be able to work with someone like Tariq. I’ve been working with Tariq now for eight years.

Ash Patel: That is incredible. So for somebody else that’s in a similar situation, would you recommend finding a partner?

Iven Vian: Yes.

Ash Patel: Where I was going with this was if you didn’t have a partner, would you have scaled the way you have?

Iven Vian: No. No, no, no. Because my duty is to my Air Force first. And then have a family, and then have other interests in life. For me, I was a pilot for the B-1 bombers. I can’t be talking to a broker or a lawyer while I’m in the air at 30,000 feet. Well, it’s possible, but I don’t advise doing that. I wouldn’t have my wings anymore if they knew I was doing deals while on the air.

Ash Patel: With your laptop sitting there.

Iven Vian: Yeah. So of course, you need a partner to be able to do what I was able to do while in the Air Force. And also, with our natural skillsets – Tariq is a financial wizard. He handled the transaction side of the business and acquired dispositions. I handled operations, which is my background. Being in the operational world, a pilot in the Air Force, and very operationally-minded, I was able to leverage a lot of my military experiences, working in systems, and just working with people, into my multifamily business. That made for a great partnership. But a lot of people are probably in similar situations, where they have a full-time job. “How am I going to do this? I have this dream. I want to be a multifamily investor. I want to be on my own full-time partnerships.” Yes, you’re taking less of a total return, but the net result, at the end of the day, you’re able to actually acquire more and do more. Plus, you don’t want to be working 15 hours a day anyway. If you just had two or three, it’s going to consume all your time, and you’re not going to have any time for anything else. It’s about quality of life, too. If you want to have a good life, if you want to be able to enjoy things outside of just sitting at a desk all day or working at a property; a partnership is the answer to that and it’s a great way to be able to scale and build a business.

Break: [00:23:19] – [00:26:16]

Ash Patel: I think that’s so important. I learned that super-late in my investing career. But when you look at a lot of the high performers, they all have partners.

Iven Vian: Yeah, absolutely.

Ash Patel: That’s incredible. From your Air Force career, what’s helped you the most in your real estate career? What skills have translated to really help you in real estate?

Iven Vian: Man, that is a great question. A lot, a lot of things come to mind. One thing first comes to mind is I was an instructor pilot for five years in the Air Force. I taught students coming out of pilot training how to fly the B-1 – taking off, landing, air refueling, dropping bombs, flying low level… Which is cool. We get to fly 500 feet above the ground at 600 miles an hour; there’s nothing cooler than that. But not everyone is the same coming out of pilot training. They’ll have different backgrounds, belief systems, personalities. So you had to learn how to adapt to these individuals coming out, to teach them how to fly and operate this plane, eventually taking them to combat and execute the mission to combat. So Air Force experience taught me a lot about people, human psychology, and how to connect with people.

They say leadership is influencing people and having them still maybe like you after influencing them. Not that that really matters, but there’s a certain thing about respect… So I approached that experience that I took in the military to my multifamily asset management career, and working with property managers; they all have different backgrounds, personalities, perspectives. Some are more difficult, more challenging to work with, some are not. I took a lot of my leadership experience and I applied that to how I do things in the business world.

So learning about people, and flying a B-1 – there are four of us in that plane, and you’re always working with different people. You learn how to adapt to multiple personalities and learn to be flexible in that type of environment. That has helped me a lot in what I do today.

Ash Patel: I would imagine you do exceptionally well with investor relations. Hopefully, that’s your role. Is that your role?

Iven Vian: Yes, it’s my primary role. I do a lot of network meetings, I do a lot of the calls; I field all the calls that come through, and all the monthly financial reports that we send out.

Ash Patel: Awesome. You also mentioned a mentor a few times. How important is that? And at what stage in your career should you get a mentor?

Iven Vian: Oh, man. I mean, I want my kids to have mentors. You need to have an objectified perspective of you, someone seeing things in your life that you can’t see, and seeing the potential in you to help you grow into the person that you truly were meant to become. That’s one key thing in my life that has contributed to my success, is that I’ve always had a mentor. High school, college, after college, I always found somebody to help influence my life in a way that I wanted to be influenced. So as soon as you can talk, you should get a mentor. That could be a teacher, for a student; for college students, it could be a teacher, or it could be a mentor, someone who’s gone there, done that before, someone that you can emulate, and you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. Multifamily – I never reinvented this stuff; this is stuff that everyone else has done. I listen to them, I see what they’re doing, and I copy them. They have proven results, I copy them, and I get the same results. Sometimes even better.

Ash Patel: Yeah, Iven, there are people out there that have no problem asking if somebody can mentor them. I’m sure you get hit up a lot, “Can you mentor me?” What would you say to those people who are afraid to ask for a mentor? How do they go about finding somebody to guide them?

Iven Vian: How do you go about finding someone to guide them… Well, there’s professional mentors, there are coaches, there are all kinds of coaches; any type of mentor you want. Of course, you can hire somebody to do that. But anything in relationships should become natural. You’ve got to have enough desire to get out of your comfort zone, you’ve got to be hungry enough is the first thing. You’ve got to really check your own desires and your own inner beliefs of what you really want in life. If you’re hungry, you’re going to go eat, you’re going to find something to eat, I guarantee it. If you’re in the woods, you’ve got to find a way to consume that deer if you’re hungry. You’ve got to have hunger, man.

Ash Patel: So you’ve got to want it bad enough.

Iven Vian: You’ve got to want it, you got to be passionate, you’ve got to really desire this thing. That’s the thing – I’ve always wanted to do what I’ve always done in my life. I’ve always found a way to get there, regardless of the challenges that I have overcome; my background, all of that. I’ve always been hungry. I think that hunger is what caused you to go out and seek a way to feed yourself. In this case, we’re talking about mentorship. So my hunger for multifamily – I had to go find a multifamily investor. People have their own personal spirituality… Go find that person. If you want to get better in shape, go find a coach to help you get in shape. But it’s that hunger, it’s that desire; you’ve got to have those goals. That’s one thing – vision and goals are key. You’ve got to have a goal in life. If you don’t have a goal, you’re not going to go anywhere, you’re not going to have any direction; you’re going to be aiming aimlessly. Sit down and have goals, write those goals out, and have a clear understanding of what that looks like. Watch what happens when you write goals, watch what happens when you have clarity in your life. It creates natural hunger; it’ll create these functions in you, if you will. Like, “Oh my God, I need to do this. I need to read this book. I need to do this.” These goals are what drive the path to help you get to where you’re supposed to be in life; that’s kind of some of the ways I look at and how I go about it in my life.

Ash Patel: Yeah. Iven, today, what’s the bottleneck in your business? Is it deal flow, is it capital?

Iven Vian: Capital. Everyone has their bottleneck… But all kinds of deals out there; being very intentional this year, a lot of competition in our investment database. So I’m going out there and I’m building out my equity database, and my investor database, and I’m going to go out and continue to build it. I’d love to find more partners who are tied to more equity as well; I’m open to co-GP with other sponsors out there to be able to take down a deal, operate it, manage it, overall, collectively as a team. But obviously, more equity than anything.

Ash Patel: Got it. Iven, what is your best real estate investing advice ever?

Iven Vian: Best advice ever. Man, like what I was saying, you’ve got to know what you want. You can play a game at any level; you’ve got to work with the end in mind. So have a clear understanding of finding what that picture looks like. I know a lot of people in a lot of situations, maybe they hate their job, or they hate where they are in their life, or they may feel like they should be farther along, all of those things. But what I can say is that there’s something about having a clear understanding of what you want in life that allows you to get there. And go for it, man, go for it. Take that chance, take that leap, step out into the deep dark place that maybe you don’t know what’s around the corner, and trust that. You’ll get there, one step at a time.

I wanted to be a full-time multifamily investor when I retired from the Air Force, and that was it; I knew what I wanted. When I was six years old, I knew I wanted to fly airplanes; I knew that was what I wanted, and I went after it. For me, it’s proven well for me. The key thing for me is that I’m learning that I’m capable of more. I wish I would have thought higher and bigger and farther; I would probably be farther along.

Ash Patel: Still got time, man.

Iven Vian: Still got time. Have those high and achievable goals for yourself, have a clear understanding, and watch what happens in your life. Then take that step, take that chance; you’ll get what you want.

Ash Patel: Iven, are you ready for the Best Ever lightning round?

Iven Vian: Let’s do it!

Ash Patel: Let’s do it. Iven, what’s the Best Ever book you recently read?

Iven Vian: Best Ever book. I’m currently reading You Were Born Rich, by Bob Proctor. It’s been an amazing book.

Ash Patel: What’s your big takeaway so far?

Iven Vian: Bob Proctor’s book?

Ash Patel: Yes.

Iven Vian: Everything that you want is not outside of you, it’s actually inside of you. You’ve just got to allow it to happen.

Ash Patel: Iven, what’s the Best Ever way you like to give back?

Iven Vian: Honestly, I thought about this… I would love to teach young people about what it is to be an entrepreneur, about financial education, about all those things you wish you were able to learn at school, but never did. I want to be the person to help them have an understanding of what that is when they’re young, so they don’t have to go through a 20-year career they end up hating. They can actually live a full life, more than just about making money; a full life where they truly feel in control of their destiny.

Ash Patel: And Iven, how can the Best Ever listeners reach out to you?

Iven Vian: My email, iven@anthemcp.com, or you can go to my website, anthemcp.com. You can find my contact info there, and also learn more about our company.

Ash Patel: Iven, thank you so much for sharing your story with us.

Iven Vian: Thank you.

Ash Patel: And your incredible career in the Air Force. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice for your entire career in the Air Force.

Iven Vian: Thank you. I appreciate it.

Ash Patel: Thank you for sharing your story with us today. It was inspiring. Some of the good times, the bad times, and how you got out of it. What an incredible time I had with you today, so thank you.

Iven Vian: It’s been a pleasure. I’m truly humbled and grateful. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

Ash Patel: Best Ever listeners, thank you so much for joining. If you enjoyed this podcast as much as I did, please leave a five-star review, share this podcast with anybody who you think can benefit from it. Don’t forget to follow, subscribe, and have a Best Ever day.

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This website, including the podcasts and other content herein, are made available by Joesta PF LLC solely for informational purposes. The information, statements, comments, views and opinions expressed in this website do not constitute and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or course of action. Neither Joe Fairless nor Joesta PF LLC are providing or undertaking to provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax or other advice in or by virtue of this website. The information, statements, comments, views and opinions provided in this website are general in nature, and such information, statements, comments, views and opinions are not intended to be and should not be construed as the provision of investment advice by Joe Fairless or Joesta PF LLC to that listener or generally, and do not result in any listener being considered a client or customer of Joe Fairless or Joesta PF LLC.

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Joe Fairless serves as director of investor relations with Ashcroft Capital, a real estate investment firm. Ashcroft Capital is not affiliated with Joesta PF LLC or this website, and is not responsible for any of the content herein.

Oral Disclaimer

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or course of action. For more information, go to www.bestevershow.com.