August 8, 2021

JF2532: The Road to $100M in 3 Years with Josh Ferrari

After Josh Ferrari’s first deal turned out to be a living nightmare with little to no return, he knew property management wasn’t for him. Instead, he focused on investor relations, and now he and his two business partners are approaching their goal of $100M of assets under management in three years. Josh tells us the key to choosing your partners, what you need to know about single-family portfolios in comparison to multifamily, and what you should spend LESS time doing to make the most impact.

Josh Ferrari Real Estate Background:

  • Active in real estate investing for 3 years
  • Aircraft technician & multifamily syndicator, in the process of dropping the technician job
  • 91 units with 236 under contract
  • Based in Mobile, Al
  • Say hi to him at: https://www.ferraricapital.com
  • Best Ever Book: Extreme Ownership 


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Joe Fairless: Best Ever listeners, how are you doing? Welcome to the Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show. I’m Joe Fairless. This is the world’s longest-running daily real estate investing podcast, where we only talk about the best advice ever, we don’t get into any of that fluffy stuff. With us today, Josh Ferrari.

How are you doing, Josh?

Josh Ferrari: I’m doing fantastic. This is like meeting a celebrity. I’ve listened to your show for a long time.

Joe Fairless: Oh, sweet. Well, I am looking forward to learning from you. I know you’re very active right now, you’ve got 236 units under contract, and you have 91 units currently, and you’ve been investing for three years. So you’ve made a lot of progress in a relatively short period of time. A little bit more about Josh – he’s an aircraft technician and a multifamily syndicator, thus the 91 units and 236 under contract, and he is based in Mobile, Alabama.

So with that being said, let’s learn about you; you know about me, so let’s learn about you now. Do you want to give the Best Ever listeners a little bit more about your background and your current focus?

Josh Ferrari: Yes, so I guess the background is just that I always thought I was going to be in aviation. I went to school to get my Airframe and Powerplant license to be an aircraft technician. Moved from Memphis, Tennessee, to Mobile, Alabama to start what I thought was going to be a long-standing career in aviation. I had just recently got married. My dad calls me up one day and tells me that he’s about to spend 40 grand on some course that was going to teach him how to flip houses. And I just, I was just dumbfounded like, “What do you mean $40,000? Real estate flipping? You ain’t going nowhere with that; that’s not going to work.”

But I was intrigued. I kept asking questions, and it ended up being a four-hour long conversation. At the end of it, I was just so interested. I’m like, “Yes, I don’t really think flipping is going to be for me, but I think there’s something out there for me.” So we got started in wholesaling. We tried our hand at wholesaling for six months, and —

Joe Fairless: Whose course, was it?

Josh Ferrari: You’re putting me on the spot.

Joe Fairless: Do you remember?

Josh Ferrari: I don’t remember the name of them, but they used to be a couple on HGTV.

Joe Fairless: Of course they were.

Josh Ferrari: And they got divorced, and now just the chick has a show.

Joe Fairless: Oh, yes, Tyree or—I think everyone knows who you’re talking about.

Josh Ferrari: Yes.

Joe Fairless:  I haven’t seen their show either. But it worked okay… So he bought the course for 40K?

Josh Ferrari: Yes. And then him and my mom tried her hand at flipping; they did it for about a year, two years, and then they’re like, “Okay, we want to do buy-and-hold.” They tried that for a little bit. And they’re still doing that, but they’re also starting an Amazon business now… I don’t even know what’s going on with them. They’re doing their own thing. But I have to describe myself, I guess… I got started and we did the wholesaling thing, tried our hand at it anyway.

Joe Fairless: By “we” – you and your dad?

Josh Ferrari: No, just myself and my wife.

Joe Fairless: Oh, got it.

Josh Ferrari: We’ve been doing it out here in Southern Alabama. We didn’t close a single deal. We got some deals under contract on the sell side, no one would buy anything from us… We’re like, “Alright, we’re throwing money away on marketing. This obviously isn’t the route we want to go. It’s not really what we want long term anyway.” Then we said, “Well, let’s buy something, let’s house hack something, we’ll live rent-free… All the benefits of house hacking, let’s try our hand at that.”

So we find a fourplex, we’re like, “Oh, this is a gold mine, we have found our ticket to riches; this is going to be it.” And then of course, we’re diving deeper into some of the numbers, doing our analysis and realize we don’t even come close to having enough money for the down payment on this thing. “How the heck, are we going to buy this deal?”

So I just had read a lot of books up to that point about using other people’s money and how that was really the only way you could ever see success in this business. So I was like, “Okay, let me call my dad, see what he thinks.” I call him up, give him my elevator pitch, my spiel, and he says, “Yes, let’s do it.” So he gives me the money for the down payment.

Joe Fairless: Is your dad a shoot and then aim kind of guy?

Josh Ferrari: A shoot and then aim — you know, I think he’s maybe a little bit of aim, a little bit of shoot… But he’s kind of like me, on the optimistic side, where he’s like, “This is going to work. We’ve just got to take that first step and do it.” And then we kind of did like a handshake exchange for some equities. You could almost say it was my introduction to syndication, but not really. So that was our first investment. We’ve got into that. We’re all excited, fourplex, like, “Oh, yes.” None of the units were livable, so we’re thinking deep value-add, this is going to be amazing.

So we closed on this deal on August of 2018, heat of the summer, Southern Alabama, AC doesn’t work in any of the units, there’s cockroaches everywhere, the shower doesn’t work… And newly married, and we’re newlyweds, and I’m like, “Babe, I promise you this is going to be—but in the long run, I promise— “

Joe Fairless: Things will get better.

Josh Ferrari: Right. And that deal ended up being a living nightmare; anything that could have gone wrong basically went wrong, and I ended up having to be the jack of all trades, I had to do all the maintenance myself, which I was just thinking, “Hey, if I can fix an airplane, I can fix a house.” You’re starting to turn wrenches, now we’re going to start working with the hammer, we’re going to get the drills going, and… I just had to learn all of those things and go about that process. I had to start taking personal loans and credit card debt out, because we had to fire our first contractor. And then it took five months between that and getting the next contractor in because, we did a 203(k) FHA loan… It was just such a big headache. But to make the long story—

Joe Fairless: And you two weren’t living there?

Josh Ferrari: We were living there.

Joe Fairless: You were living there. So did you have—

Josh Ferrari: We were living in this cockroach-infested—

Joe Fairless: Did you get an AC unit before you moved in?

Josh Ferrari: No, just box fans.

Joe Fairless: Box fans. So you have a very wonderful wife; very understanding and patient.

Josh Ferrari: It was rough. And now I know that that’s never going to happen again. She’s told me, “We’re never doing that again,” and I’m like, “I totally understand, I don’t want to do this again.”

Joe Fairless: Once you’ve had an AC, you don’t want to go back to box fans.

Josh Ferrari: [laughs] Right, it was rough. But then kind of through that process, we got a lot of clarity as to what we didn’t want, and really what we did want our lives to look like from a lifestyle perspective. “Okay, we really don’t want to house hack again, we don’t want to be the property managers and live with people.” We wanted our own space. We wanted to step away from property management. I didn’t really like asset management — or maybe not asset management, but dealing with contractors, dealing with all of those little intricacies, the deep financials… I just don’t like any of this stuff. I feel like there’s something somewhere in here that I do like, and so I found out that I really liked this – talking to people, telling people about my story, what I do, kind of educating folks on what’s possible.

So I found out that investor relations is kind of the direction I needed to head in. But before even that, I had to figure out, “Okay, let me find out what the heck I’m even going to do. I kind of like multifamily, even though everything’s kind of collapsed here, and this isn’t really going the way we want it to.” I liked the idea. So I actually read your book, The Best Ever Investing Syndication Advice, the big red book.

Joe Fairless: Mm-hmm.

Josh Ferrari: And I was like, “Oh my goodness, this is it. This is what I needed to be doing. This what’s going to create that lifestyle for me, multifamily syndication.” So then there ended up being a local real estate meetup where a guest speaker was coming over from Pensacola to Mobile to talk about multifamily syndication. The guy had been in the game for about 10 years, 1,200 units… All right, I’m going to go check it out, see what he’s got to say. Maybe he’s going to dive even deeper or tell me something that I didn’t already know. I didn’t really know what to expect, but I’m going to go, because I really wanted to get into this.

So I go, the meetup ends, and I was just kind of in all almost at the end of it, like holy smokes. I already kind of knew this is what I wanted to hit in, but this guy knows what he’s talking about. This guy’s got all the answers.

So I go up and talk to him afterwards, I found out we both had aviation in common. He’s actually a naval helicopter pilot. So that’s kind of how we clicked. From there, he let me take him out to lunch that next week, and then he’s kind of been somewhat of a mentor ever since.  So fast forward to today as now—

Joe Fairless: So what’s his name?

Josh Ferrari: His name’s Jeremy Hands.

Joe Fairless:  Okay. And why did he come to Mobile?

Josh Ferrari: Because he was in a group called PIG, Professional Investors Guild; it’s down here on the Gulf Coast. And the leader of the meetup asked him to guest speak at the PIG that was in Mobile. There’s one in Mobile, Pensacola, Destin, Panama City… There’s one kind of on this whole Panhandle here—

Joe Fairless: Okay.

Josh Ferrari: —location at each spot. And so he asked him to speak at all of them.

Joe Fairless: Okay.

Josh Ferrari: And said he was just coming [unintelligible [00:08:39].24]

Joe Fairless: Cool. Got it.

Josh Ferrari: So fast forward to today, I now have two business partners, one of them lives in Gulf Shores, the other in Destin. So we kind of cover the Northern Florida Panhandle, all the way West into Southern Alabama. We’ve since raised about $10 million in private equity, we’ve been able to close a 21 unit single-family portfolio, a 42-unit apartment complex, a 34-unit apartment complex. Recently closed a single-family luxury flip, which is not really something we’re chasing, but after running the numbers on that, it’ll make us a quick million dollars, so we’re like, “Well, can we really pass on this? I know this isn’t what we’re doing, but we need to jump at this.”

We’ve got another 148 units under contract, another 88 units under contract, another 400-500 units worth of LOIs out right now… And we’re really trying to hit 1,000 units this year with our three-year vision of hitting $100 million assets under management.

Break: [09:32] to [11:33]

Joe Fairless: Two follow-up questions on the fourplex, and then we’ll move on past it. One, how much in total credit card and personal loan debt did you have whenever you were going through that?

Josh Ferrari: $40,000.

Joe Fairless: Wow. Okay. And what is that conversation like with your significant other whenever you have $40,000 in credit card and personal loan debt?

Josh Ferrari: It is rough and next to impossible. But she knew we were already neck-deep in debt with trying to do this house, and we’d already bought it, and now the contractors are failing on us… So we didn’t want to sit back for five months and wait for the new contractor to come in and start doing work. Because none of the other units were livable, so we were having to pay all those holding costs.

So I just had to try to explain the fact that, “Hey, I can do this work. It’s going to take a lot of time and it’s going to be a lot of hard work, but I can do it. But all of our money’s tied up in this loan, so we’re going to need to take some money out so I can start buying some materials, some tools and some things for me to start doing this work at this unit up and running.”

I ended up getting one of the units up and running before we even got the new contractor in. So she was glad that we went that route, but she was also very stressed, I was very stressed, “How on earth are we going to pay this back?” Because we had initially thought, getting into this deal, that we were going to hold it forever. So we’re like, “How are we ever going to pay this back? It’s $40,000 in debt.” And then we ended up actually selling it in January of this year. So we were able to get away from most of that debt… But it was tough. It was really tough.

Joe Fairless: Thank you for sharing that, because it’s important, in my opinion, to hear about specific circumstances like that, where it’s incredibly challenging. And it’s not just challenging from a financial standpoint, but an emotional level with those you love and who live with you, and what are the things that you’ve learned from those experiences, or what did you take away from it to help others navigate it emotionally if they come across it, so thank you for sharing that.

I mentioned two questions on it… So my last question is – and you already talked about a little bit, but just to close the loop – what did you buy it for? What did you put into it, and what do you sell it for?

Josh Ferrari: We bought it for 175, but it was a 203(k) loan, so the full loan was about 285. So we put about 110-ish thousand dollars in renovations into it from that. And then I had the additional $40,000 in debt off to the side over here. So—

Joe Fairless: 325k?

Josh Ferrari: Yes, it comes out to be about 325k. We actually sold it for 330k in January of this year, so we didn’t really make hardly any money. But the experience was phenomenal. The clarity we got from it was great. So I’m glad we did it, but I’m also really glad it’s over with.

Joe Fairless: Yes. As with most challenging experiences, right? Well, we’re moving on to where you’re at now – two business partners. You’re in Mobile, Alabama, correct?

Josh Ferrari: Right.

Joe Fairless:  And you mentioned two business partners… I think you said one was in Gulf Shores and the other is in Destin, did I hear that right? I didn’t write it down.

Josh Ferrari: Yes.

Joe Fairless: Okay.

Josh Ferrari: Yes.

Joe Fairless: I don’t have a map in front of me – about how far away driving distance are you from your two partners?

Josh Ferrari: So Mobile and Gulf Shores is probably about 30 minutes-ish, 30-45 minutes, and then Mobile all the way to Destin is probably about two and a half hours.

Joe Fairless: Okay. How do you divide responsibilities among your partners?

Josh Ferrari: We just kind of figured out from the get what we’re all good at. So first it was, do we match well? Do we all have similar personalities? And are we not constantly grinding against each other saying the wrong things, getting underneath each other’s skin? So did we match well? Then from there it was, “Okay, do we have complementary skill sets? Are we not all good at Investor Relations and all of us suck at asset management and no one can raise any money?” We need to make sure that we’d make a consecutive team, so that we can close deals.

So from that standpoint, it was really just figuring out what we were good at. I figured out I was really good at raising capital and Investor Relations, talking to people, hosting a podcast, all of those kinds of things. And then Reggie, we figured out he was really good at doing the asset management side of things; handling a lot of the financial underwriting and the analysis of new deals and dealing with contractors and property managers… He just loves the business plan aspect of it all.

And then Matt handles a lot of the admin, he’s got his own brokerage team on the single-family side over in Destin. So he’s already got some assistance there. He helps us on admin work, he helps us on risk capital and he also has a lot of great connections to high-level net worth and liquidity individuals from buying and selling in the Destin market, which are multimillion-dollar homes. He’s got a lot of connections to investors, so he also helps on the capital raising side.

Joe Fairless: Who finds the deals – is that Matt?

Josh Ferrari: It’s kind of a mix between the three of us, but I’d say honestly me primarily has probably found most of the deals; but it’s not actually me finding deals. It’s more so just my relationship with brokers.

Joe Fairless: Right.

Josh Ferrari: We’re getting all of our deals from brokers.

Joe Fairless: Got it. Okay. And I was writing down what you have purchased… The one thing I didn’t get written down was your single-family portfolio; I think you said around 20 single-family homes… What was that?

Josh Ferrari: Yes. 21 units.

Joe Fairless: 21 single-family homes. Is that correct?

Josh Ferrari: Yes, it was a little portfolio.

Joe Fairless: Alright, so what should we know about buying a 21 unit single-family portfolio, and comparing that to a 34 unit apartment community? What are some highlights for, “Oh, well, if you’re going to buy this single-family portfolio, you should know this, even though you’ve been a multifamily investor”?

Josh Ferrari: Right. So I am going to preface this with the fact that I kind of came in on the backend of this deal; I was very much a fly on the wall. My partner Reggie did most if not all of the work, and I’m really clueless as to why he decided to bring me in. He’s told me before, but I don’t know if I believe that. I don’t know what the true value I added was there, but I think more than anything, it was just that we wanted to see if we worked well as partners.

So honestly, him handling all of the asset management on that, I’m really just handling Investor Relations. So I can’t really speak super well to the single-family portfolio; it’s more so just, “Let’s see if we partner well together on this, and then let’s move into multifamily”, because that’s really the direction we wanted to head anyway. But with this deal, the numbers make sense, and it kind of checked all the boxes for a syndication, for the multifamily thing. You know, it was—it’s big enough (for where we were anyway), it was large enough to need to raise capital, we were buying multiple units at one time, we could roll in all of the SEC fees and the numbers still make sense… So it kind of made sense somewhat from a syndication perspective, but it was just that we were buying 21 different properties in 21 different locations.

Joe Fairless: Alright, fair enough. Let’s talk about one that you had more exposure to – the 34 unit, I assume. Were you involved on that one on the frontend?

Josh Ferrari: Yes. Everything after that, all of the actual multifamily stuff, we’ve all been definitely involved.

Joe Fairless: Sweet. Alright, let’s talk about the 34 unit, and if we have time, the 42 unit. So the 34 unit – where is it, and what is the business plan? You haven’t sold these yet because they’re in your portfolio now, so I guess you’re still in the business plan…

Josh Ferrari: All the deals we’ve closed have actually been since December 30th of 2020. So as of today, May, it’s only been five months that we’ve been closing deals and really making things happen in the space, even though we’ve been in it for about two and a half years.

Joe Fairless: Okay.

Josh Ferrari: So the 34 unit was the third deal that we closed on, the second actual multifamily syndication, with the three of us as partners… And that deal was actually found by Reggie; he had a close relationship with the broker of it. I think, he like grew up with her or something. He’s actually from Mobile. So he’s got the craziest stories. Every time we meet someone new, it’s like, “Oh, yes, that’s my sister’s aunt’s uncle’s cousin’s best friend that I grew up with.” Like, “How do you know everybody?” So he had a relationship with her, and this is a deal that he honestly just never quit on when we were actually trying to get it under contract. It kept falling through, the seller kept being finicky, and he was like, “Well, I’m not giving up. I think we can actually get this deal.”

So thank goodness he did, because we finally actually got it… But the real business plan – it’s in the heart of midtown Mobile, beautiful location, walking distance to a ton of things, almost maybe 5-10 minutes from downtown. So it was kind of like an ugly eyesore of the area. It’s completely surrounded by single-family homes. And so all of the single-family homes around it have all been renovated, they look really nice…

Joe Fairless: What are they being sold for?

Josh Ferrari: The single-family homes?

Joe Fairless:  Yes.

Josh Ferrari: Probably anywhere between $300,000 to $500,000—

Joe Fairless: Okay, got it.

Josh Ferrari: —on average. So we got this 34 unit under contract at 1.5. And it’s kind of just this ugly eyesore. They weren’t taking care of it… They had actually just recently painted it; I’m talking just a few months before we bought it, they had got a fresh coat of paint on the inside, interior and exterior. And the color of choice on the exterior was a doo-doo brown, like the most hideous color you could ever imagine. Who on earth, as a tenant, is going to be attracted to this disgusting-looking property?

So it just really needed some love, it needed a new fresh paint job that actually made sense. It needed a complete revitalization and rebranding. So we really wanted to get away from the name that it had, change the name, change the whole exterior face of it, change the logo, new signage, and then the parking lot was really kind of jank, so we’re going to completely repave the parking lot, which is the first thing you see when you drive down this two-lane road that it’s right off of… And so we just really want to give it a facelift from that perspective.

And then from there, we’ll jump on the interior of it, because it’s kind of a weird horseshoe-looking property, where there’s a courtyard on the inside. So on the inside, in this courtyard, we’re going to build a pergola, some string lights, have some bar games out there, some grills… Make it a real communal space for the tenants. And then on the inside, do the standard facelift, from a kitchen cabinet, appliance, maybe the wall color, potentially changing some of the flooring in some of the units… Just overall facelift from that perspective. That’s kind of the business plan of that one.

Joe Fairless: And who’s managing it?

Josh Ferrari: A manager called Revitalize Realty. It’s a guy that Reggie had a close relationship with long before we ever even got into the multifamily space. He had been building his business vertically for a while where he had now had a construction arm, and all these other different arms to his company, and we felt like going with him. He wasn’t going to charge us any payroll, he was just only going to charge us a flat 8% as a management fee. And then he was also going to be able to help with all those other arms he had with the maintenance, and just many other aspects. And so we felt like it was a really great partnership from that standpoint… And he’s been phenomenal so far. So that’s who we ended up getting as the property manager.

Break: [22:53] to [25:56]

Joe Fairless: You mentioned something that I wanted to come back to because I’d love to learn more… You mentioned that you recently got these properties closed, the 91 units. But you were at it for two and a half years prior to that. High-level what was the journey like for those two and a half years while you were waiting to or trying to get the deal under contract?

Josh Ferrari: The journey was day in and day out talking to people, trying to build a name for myself, network with people, educate, listening to gazillions of different podcasts like yours, trying to learn what other people were doing,  were there other success stories in the space? Am I just spinning my wheels? Am I ever actually going to close a deal? What are other people doing to be successful?

More education and networking for a long time. And then almost about a year before we started closing deals It was really like, “Okay, we need to get serious about this. We need to start analyzing a lot of deals, we need to start submitting LOI’s, we need to start talking with brokers on a more deeper level”, trying to get brokers to take us seriously, trying to get deals from brokers.

So it almost seemed endless. Okay, next day, next week, maybe we’ll get something next week. Nothing happened; maybe another week – nothing happened. Like, just every week, “Let’s keep talking to people. Let’s keep educating.” I felt like we were moving closer and closer, but couldn’t actually see any success, because we weren’t getting deals under contract, we weren’t closing anything, it wasn’t making any money. Like, ”Yeah, I’m a real estate investor. I’m not making any money though. But maybe eventually we’ll get there.”

I know my mentor told me a ton of times that the syndication space typically takes a lot longer to actually 1) see success, 2) kind of break into the space, and then 3) actually start making money from it. So I was like, “Okay, and I’m taking the road less traveled” you could say. “It’s going to take a lot longer before I actually start making money, before I can quit my W-2 to go full time in this business.” So I knew it was a long game; you know I was at this for the long game.

Joe Fairless: Knowing what you know now, what would you have spent less time doing over those two and a half years?

Josh Ferrari: Oh, man, no one’s ever asked me that… Less time doing. I think I would have spent less time just talking to everybody. I think I would have gotten more focused on “Who do I really need to build a relationship with that’s going to help move the needle forward from all aspects? Who’s in the syndication space that I can attach myself to, try to add value to, and maybe in the end, potentially partner with and potentially do a deal with?” Instead of just, “Hey, let me just talk to everyone. Let me just broadcast this out to the world, talk to as many people as possible.”

Because I was having a ton of conversations, let me tell you. The schedule was full with conversations. But I was talking to folks that are wholesaling, that are only in single-family, don’t really care about multifamily, don’t know anything about it, are in a completely different market than me, states away… So was that really adding a ton of value? I don’t know, I might have been adding value to them by telling them something they didn’t know, or maybe they told me something I didn’t know, maybe it was just some educational information I was getting in the single-family space or whatever it was, but it never really turned into much of anything.

So I think I would have been more hyper-focused on who can I talk to, who can I communicate with, who can I build relationships with that are really going to move the needle in the business?

Joe Fairless:  That’s great. Thank you for sharing that. We won’t have time for the 42 unit because we’ve got to keep rolling, but I’m glad that we talked about the 34 unit and the lessons learned on many other things.

What’s your best real estate investing advice ever?

Josh Ferrari: Get started. You need to be educated, you need to know what the heck you’re doing. You need to know the language if you’re really going to go out and talk to folks and try to have them take you seriously, but whatever you’re trying to do, just start on something. Start on talking to brokers and take small steps. I think more than anything — what we hear a lot is folks say, “You need to take massive action. Massive action, that’s what’s going to get you to success.” And maybe that’s true; maybe at some point, you will take massive action that will get you there. But how many people do you know that have never done anything in real estate, never done anything in any kind of investing whatsoever, and then their first day going into the business, they’re closing on 1,000 units all by themselves? It just doesn’t happen. It’s baby steps. It’s okay, “Let me make that phone call with that broker. Let me make that phone call to that potential partner, that other syndicator that’s doing something. Let me schedule a podcast with someone. Let me listen to a podcast. Let me read a book.” Just those small steps, those two and a half years worth of steps for me, that will eventually get you to that level of success.

Joe Fairless: If you give me two people – one is taking the approach of massive action right out of the gate, the other is taking the approach of daily consistent action and they’re methodical about it. Give me the second person all day long in terms of who’s going to have more financial success, because those daily actions done over time compound and there comes a tipping point where those daily actions eventually just have exponential returns, versus the massive action which might net results initially, or you might get one deal, but if you’re not doing the daily things consistently, then you’re not going to have sustained success.

We’re going to do a Lightning Round, are you ready for the Best Ever Lightning Round?

Josh Ferrari: Let’s do it, man.

Joe Fairless: Best ever book you’ve recently read?

Josh Ferrari: Best ever book I recently read has to be Jocko Willink’s Extreme Ownership. That book was pivotal for even my personal life, but business also.

Joe Fairless: Best ever way like to give back to the community?

Josh Ferrari: Give back to the community – my wife and I love to serve at church. We also love serving at different community outreaches that the church does, and we even like to take it a step further and go out of our way to help others when we’re out and about, whether it’s we see someone struggling, “Hey, let’s pay for their dinner, let’s pay for their lunch”, or we like to go out to some of the homeless shelters around here and just give with our time.

Joe Fairless: How can the Best Ever listeners learn more about what you’re doing?

Josh Ferrari: You can go on our website https://ferraricapital.com/ and all our information’s on there; social media links, our own podcast, Creative Capital, our monthly newsletters, all the deals we’re doing, our vivid vision for the future – all that stuff’s on there.

Joe Fairless: It’s a pleasure getting to know you, Josh, and talking to you. I love the insights that you had from the lessons learned on the fourplex to the two and a half years, and one of them being you’d spend less time talking to everyone. Instead, you’d be more laser-focused on building the relationships with specific people, or the specific roles for what you’re looking to fill or learn more of or about.

So thanks for being on the show, thanks for also talking about the 34 unit, and good luck with getting those deals that are currently under contract to the closing table. Hope you have a best ever day and we’ll talk to you again soon.

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This website, including the podcasts and other content herein, are made available by Joesta PF LLC solely for informational purposes. The information, statements, comments, views and opinions expressed in this website do not constitute and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or course of action. Neither Joe Fairless nor Joesta PF LLC are providing or undertaking to provide any financial, economic, legal, accounting, tax or other advice in or by virtue of this website. The information, statements, comments, views and opinions provided in this website are general in nature, and such information, statements, comments, views and opinions are not intended to be and should not be construed as the provision of investment advice by Joe Fairless or Joesta PF LLC to that listener or generally, and do not result in any listener being considered a client or customer of Joe Fairless or Joesta PF LLC.

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Joe Fairless serves as director of investor relations with Ashcroft Capital, a real estate investment firm. Ashcroft Capital is not affiliated with Joesta PF LLC or this website, and is not responsible for any of the content herein.

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