Commercial Real Estate Podcast

JF152: EVERY Single Answer to EVERY Single Crowdfunding Question You Have

Written by Joe Fairless | Feb 1, 2015 5:00:00 AM

Welcome to the Best Crowdfunding Crash Course Ever presented by Patch of Land. In today’s episode you get EVERY answer to EVERY question you have about crowdfunding. And…if we don’t answer it on the show then tweet your question to Patch of Land – @patchofland.

Who we’re talking to today:

AdaPia d’Errico, Chief Marketing Officer at Patch of Land

Here’s a nibble of just some of the answers you’ll get in this episode

–  How all your money is ALREADY RAISED – you just have to qualify yourself and the deal

–  Knowing when it’s the right time to use crowdfunding for your deals

–  Why a little bitty 8% stat will blow your mind

–  Differences between all the types of crowdfunding platforms

–  How crowdfunding platforms make money and the fees you can expect to pay

–  How quickly the underwriting process takes to get approved

–  The paperwork you’ll need in order to get approved for a crowdfunded deal

Want a treatski?? Unlock the Top Ten Answers to the Top Ten Questions asked about crowdfunding by downloading it for FREE here: white-paper-top-ten-answers to the top ten crowdfunding questions

Oh, and BTW, did you know that Crowdfunding is an acronym!?!? AdaPia enlightened me about that during our conversation. It stands for…Capital Raising Online While Deterring Fraud and Unethical Non-Disclosure Act.

This episode is bought to you by our Best Ever sponsor, Patch of Land.

Could you do more deals if you had more money? Let the crowdfunding platform, Patch of Land, find investors for you and fund your next deal…and your next deal…and your next deal…and…well, just go find out more at  Patch Of Land