Joe and Theo are back again with updates on their latest deals. If you invest in multi-family, find out how to get great reviews on your property and why that is important. Listen in for their mistakes they learned from this week and how that can help us. If you enjoyed today’s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!

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Joe Fairless: Best Ever listeners, how are you doing? Welcome to the best real estate investing advice ever show. I’m Joe Fairless, and this is the world’s longest-running daily real estate investing podcast. We only talk about the best advice ever, we don’t get into any fluff.

We are normally interviewing real estate investors and entrepreneurs like Robert Kiyosaki, Barbara Corcoran, Emmitt Smith, hall of fame football player and real estate developer, but today it’s just us; we’re just hanging out. Well, we’re not just hanging out… We are going to focus on lessons we’ve learned and our experiences as entrepreneurs and real estate investors over the last week. So this is a Follow Along Friday episode.

Every other day of the week we interview guests, but today it’s Theo Hicks and I, talking about our lessons learned and how that can relate to you as a real estate investor and entrepreneur. Theo, how do we wanna kick it off?

Theo Hicks: Well, we could start off with some deal updates. I know you’ve got some things going on this week, in the next couple of days…

Joe Fairless: Yeah, so the property that we’re going to be buying next is not under contract yet, but it is getting close. We are negotiating with the attorneys on the purchase and sale agreement (PSA) that will likely be wrapped up by this time next week. In the meantime, I’m actually going down to Dallas tomorrow morning – we’re recording this Wednesday because I’m traveling, quite frankly… So I’m leaving Thursday and I’ll be there until Sunday.

The focus of that trip will be walking through the property, number one. Two is focusing on the rental comps in the area, and making sure that the rent premiums are in line with what we have projected. My business partner has visited the rent comps already, our analyst has called the rent comps more recently than his visit, but I want to be a third-level verification. And we’ve run this by a property management company who’s really more experts than we are, because they oversee 9,500 apartments in Dallas.

Even though that’s all the case, I still wanna go visit and do the secret shopping myself. So I’ll go to the rent comps and look at what they’re renting out relative to the rent price and compare that to ours and make sure that we’re in line – which we should be not just in line, but we should be underneath what we can achieve.

In addition, I will be visiting the other properties in our portfolio. We have eight properties in Dallas-Fort Worth that we’ll be visiting – one in Fort Worth and the rest of them are in Dallas… They’re all pretty close by, except for ones in [unintelligible [00:05:19].15] which is an outlier. And I’ve been hanging out with my brother and going to [unintelligible [00:05:24].21] on Thursday. I’m just gonna make a quick trip, hang out with my family, and I’m coming back Sunday… So just Thursday to Sunday.

Theo Hicks: When you go and visit – not this property that you’re trying to get under contract right now, but your other properties – do you say that you’re the owner? Who do you say that you are if someone were to ask you who you were?

Joe Fairless: No one asks. Well, the residents don’t ask. The leasing agent and the manager – they know I’m coming, usually… Sometimes they don’t actually, and if it’s a new person or something, then I’ll just say I’m with Ashcroft Capital.

Theo Hicks: Okay. I was just curious, because for my properties – they’re smaller, so I’ll be in there actually with the tenants and not telling that I’m the owner, because I’ve heard people say that if tenants realize that you’re the owner, they treat you differently than if you’re just the property manager, and you can kind of use that separation in negotiating. If they have some issue, like “Oh, I’m the property manager. That’s up to the owner. I’ll see what I can do for you.” So I was just curious…

Joe Fairless: Yeah, I remember we talked about that on a Follow Along Friday, and we talked about how you can say you’re with the management company, which is true; you are with the management company, and you’re buying it with Marcella, your girlfriend, so…

Theo Hicks: She’s the one in charge, yeah. [laughter] She’s the one in charge, exactly.

Joe Fairless: But with these properties I’m just some guy walking around, checking things out, and the residents don’t ask.

Theo Hicks: Okay, I was just curious. Anything else on those deals that you wanna talk about?

Joe Fairless: I don’t think so, no. We’re scheduled to close — originally we thought it would be 28th August, because they’re kind of pushing us towards closing a little bit early, but we’re able to close probably the week of 10th September, so we’ll be closing in a few months from now, or something like that.

Theo Hicks: Good stuff.

Joe Fairless: Yeah. How are your deals going? What’s the latest? Remind everyone what they are…

Theo Hicks: Three four-unit properties… I think last time we spoke, we had sent out the contract extension and it was not signed yet because they were on vacation. There’s still a lot of issues going on with the listing agent of the sellers…

Joe Fairless: Did they sign it?

Theo Hicks: They signed it… They finally signed it.

Joe Fairless: Good, good.

Theo Hicks: On Friday I’m gonna do a final walkthrough of all the units, because there’s a couple of things in the inspection addendum that they’re supposed to fix, and I wanna make sure they fix all that stuff. Especially after dealing with them for the past month and a half, I don’t necessarily trust them saying “Oh yeah, [unintelligible [00:07:52].13] Now here’s some receipts…” I don’t trust that, so I’m gonna go in there to test all the faucets to make sure they work.

Joe Fairless: So are you a handy guy?

Theo Hicks: Kind of… I can figure it out.

Joe Fairless: You can tell if it’s fixed or not.

Theo Hicks: Yeah… I walk through with the inspector; I’ve got the inspection report, and I’ve got my notes of all the different leaks that there were, and then he just told me to just turn them on and see if they’re leaking or not. So it’s mostly just like a leaky faucet in the kitchen, and in the bathroom in the shower that they’re supposed to fix, so I need to check that.

And the biggest thing that we’re worried about is making sure we have keys in all the units. I’ve gone there two or three times already (I’m not even sure how many) to go and to check all the units, and each time some keys don’t work. So another outcome of the walkthrough is to make sure all the keys work.

Joe Fairless: Were there any major mechanical issues that they had to fix?

Theo Hicks: No.

Joe Fairless: Because keys – I mean, you can just replace the lock, whatever. But anything major? Nothing major.

Theo Hicks: No. The roofs are old, and that’s really it. We’re gonna get a roofer out there to make sure that they’re not gonna fall through. Two of them we know are [unintelligible [00:08:54].10] The third roof, the inspector could see one specific side of it… We’re getting a roofer out there.

It’s funny, a while back — I’m not sure if I talked about this on this podcast or not, but my agent called me and said that the seller’s agent was freaking out and was threatening to somehow void the contract, which they can’t do, but they were threatening to do that because they thought that I sent out a roofer… We don’t know who it was, who was sent out there, we don’t know if they were lying or what, but that was interesting. At that time I was like “Oh man, maybe I’ve just been wrong and I’m making a mistake here.” But now after a month and a half of the listing agent just kind of not doing anything, I don’t really feel bad at all.

On a positive note, we’re going to close I think within a week or two, so earlier than we actually expected, and we’re gonna be able to close on all three at the same time, whereas before we thought we were gonna close on two and then close on the third two or three weeks later, just because of the way that they underwrite the deals.

But I think one of the properties in the original portfolio – because there were five properties originally, and we got three of them – I think of those must have closed, because our appraiser was able to use a property on that street, which brought our appraisal value up, which is allowing us to close all three at the same time.

Joe Fairless: Oh, good. Very cool! Good stuff. And did you see the comp?

Theo Hicks: No, but we knew that there were two other properties or a property that was gonna sell quicker, because one of them was just — I assumed that their property would close faster than ours, because ours was taking so long… And I think there’s two listing agents. I think the one that we have is a little slower than the other guy, so I assumed that it would close sooner… So luckily, the lender and the appraiser were on top of that, but I didn’t realize that the appraiser has to set everything up through the selling agent, with the inspector, and I wish there was a way to not have that happen.

I’d have me set it up, or my agent set it up, because I don’t really have control of the listing agent at all, so if he doesn’t respond in time, doesn’t provide the right keys, then it kind of delays the process, and it’s kind of frustrating on my end. So that’s something that I had to kind of brainstorm ways to reach out to the agents more, or I’m not sure necessarily what I could do to fix that in the future, but… If there’s any mistake that I’ve made this past week and during this entire deal is trusting the agents to do things in a timely manner, when that’s just not the case sometimes.

Joe Fairless: And last week we talked about how you’re likely gonna be the agent representing you next time.

Theo Hicks: I’ve gotta revive my license from up in Columbus and represent myself moving forward.

Joe Fairless: So high-level total purchase price and total rents…?

Theo Hicks: So the total purchase price will be $660,000 – three properties for $220,000 each. Rents are $2,700/month per building.

Joe Fairless: That’s $6,600 — [unintelligible [00:11:42].06] it’s a 1.2%. It’s good cash flow, assuming that there’s not major expenses that you have to put into it. And the area…?

Theo Hicks: Pleasant Ridge. It’s like a B area.

Joe Fairless: And it’s trending better…

Theo Hicks: The inspector told me that every single time a property sells in Pleasant Ridge it’s like a record high for a value. And in regards to our business plan – we’ve got three buildings… Those rents are the current rents, but those are not even close —

Joe Fairless: Oh, those are current rents?

Theo Hicks: They’re not even close to market.

Joe Fairless: Oh, you’re golden.

Theo Hicks: I think we talked about last time how we could probably raise the rents for each unit by $100-$150…

Joe Fairless: You’re gonna nail this.

Theo Hicks: … without doing any renovations, and if we did renovations, probably between $200-$300, because the leases are all month-to-month. They’re so old, so we plan on going to each building, starting with the one with the lowest rents first, and then giving notifications of the new higher rents and give them a month to decide, and then if they don’t want to pay the higher rents, then they have  a month to leave, and then we’ll find a new tenant.

For all the units it’s gonna require at most just cleaning. Some of them might need a new vanity, maybe new hardware, sink faucets, and some of them might need new cabinets… But I think we can just paint them, because they’re nice cabinets; they were dirty. But very few upgrades, very minor stuff, just touch-ups.

I’m not sure if anyone’s seen the 1960’s style apartments or condos – they have tile everywhere, so we’re probably gonna glaze the tile if we need to…

Joe Fairless: Is it pink?

Theo Hicks: We’ve got some pink ones, yeah… They’re really bright colors. So that’s the plan for all the properties, and we are super excited.

Joe Fairless: And you’re managing it yourself.

Theo Hicks: Yeah.

Joe Fairless: Alright. You will have plenty of stories for us as we progress on Follow Along Fridays and as you progress on those deals. Holy cow.

Alright, good stuff. As far as the mistake… We were talking before we started recording, and neither one of us could think of a glaring mistake that we made. And we also want to not just mention a mistake we’ve made if we can think of one over the last week, but also the best ever thing that’s happened, either personally or business-wise, since the last time we talked, because the last two or three weeks we’ve been doing a mistake, but not balancing it out with the best thing that’s happened to us, and that’s just not like me. I don’t like doing that, I don’t like focusing on — well, it’s not negative, because we always think “How can this help us?” Life happens FOR us, not TO us… But as far as mistake goes, nothing business-wise, but (I didn’t mention this to you) now that I’ve thought about it a little bit more, I’d say — I’ve been volunteering for hospice and I haven’t visited my patient in two weeks, and it freakin’ bugs me.

I feel guilty, because two weeks ago when I was going to visit, I didn’t, because some business stuff came up and I had to handle it. But I told someone — when I was at the bank, they said “What are you doing tonight?” and I said “Oh, I’ve gotta go to hospice”, and I feel like I got a benefit from telling someone that I’m doing it, because they’re like “Oh wow, you do that…?” and then we started talking, but I didn’t actually do it… So I feel guilty for receiving social credibility from saying I was gonna do it, but then I haven’t done it in two weeks… Let alone – hospice, six months or less and they pass away.

So that’s a mistake. I am going to make it a priority to visit at least once a week for the next month, and there’s that. As far as the best ever thing, I’d say I’ve read a book and a half since last Friday…

Theo Hicks: There you go…

Joe Fairless: Yeah, I was on a tear. The book that I just tore through — I skipped a couple chapters because it wasn’t relevant. The book I tore through though – I highly recommend… It’s not “recommend”, it’s mandatory reading for any apartment investor. It’s called Burn Zones, by George Newbery.

The reason why it’s mandatory reading for any apartment investor is because he had 4,000 apartments/units and he lost it all. This book outlines how that happened and what he did about it.

Chapters four and five are the two chapters you must read as an apartment investor.

I interviewed him on the show, and his interview is coming out in about two months. So if you wanna read the story first, which I recommend, buy his book, Burn Zones. It’s mandatory reading for any apartment investor, and read chapter four and five.

The reason why I skipped through chapters two and three is because he talks about his life story, and it’s basically an autobiography, and I wasn’t too interested in his life story, in his cycling and stuff, but I was really interested in his case study. After I interviewed him, I was like “I have to read your book.” Burn Zones, chapters four and five – mandatory reading for apartment investors. I recommend chapter one… Read the whole thing if you want, but definitely chapter one to get an idea of who it is, and then… I just skipped to four and five and read the rest of the book as well. So I guess I almost read one full book with him, and then I’ve read a half of a book of Raving Fans by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles. I’ve actually already read that before and I’m just re-reading it, because it’s a good one. But Burn Zones by George Newbery, Playing Life’s Bad Hands made a pretty reading.

Theo Hicks: That’s crazy… Most people don’t even get to 4,000 units in their life, period, but he got to 4,000 units, lost them all, and I’m sure he has recovered and he kind of walks through the psychology behind being completely crushed and destroyed, going through something like that.

Joe Fairless: He has recovered. He has a company now where he buys non-performing notes from banks, and he works with the owners and tries to keep them in their house. And he still makes money, because he buys the mortgages at such a discount from the banks that he’s able to lower the overall payment that’s due to the homeowner. I forget the company name… Like, American Homeowners Association, or just — search his name, buy the book… It all happened with a domino effect from one property, and you can tell his intentions were so good, and it sucks the way it happened. But ultimately, life happens FOR us, not TO us, and he — I don’t know if he came out ahead, but he is thriving with his current company, and it’s a result of what transpired.

Theo Hicks: I’m sure it was very unfortunate that he lost all 4,000 properties, but internally he still had all the systems and education and everything that it took to actually get those 4,000 properties [unintelligible [00:18:46].28] so that he can probably replicate it again if he needed to.

Joe Fairless: Yup.

Theo Hicks: I already talked about some mistakes in regards to my properties, and honestly, the best ever thing that happened to me since is realizing that we’re gonna close on all three properties, the appraisal was either at the purchase price or above, and I’m gonna be able to get into all the units… I’m just super jacked up about those deals. One other thing I can think of, and this is on a personal note – I’m sure we’re gonna talk about this for a while, but I just think it’s an interesting thought experiment…

Marcella was out of town for a week, so for me — I work all day, and then I’m with her all night, so it was very strange not seeing her for a week, when I’ve basically been with her every day for two years, so I need to get new hobbies, I think… [laughter] Because I’m sitting there on like a Saturday night, just didn’t have anything to do at all… I read like an entire book on Saturday and I started taking notes on it…

Joe Fairless: Oh, you read an entire book on Saturday… Wow.

Theo Hicks: I just didn’t know what to do, because I…

Joe Fairless: How many pages was the book?

Theo Hicks: 250 maybe…

Joe Fairless: You read a 250-page book in one day?

Theo Hicks: Yeah. I went to the coffee shop and was there for like 5-6 hours, just reading straight…

Joe Fairless: Wow… Alright, that’s pretty impressive. Do you know what you’re doing when you don’t know what to do your time? Do you know what I’m doing?

Theo Hicks: What?

Joe Fairless: I’m practicing basketball, [laughter] so I can beat you in basketball one on one. Alright, what else have we got?

Theo Hicks: So the main topic of today is about how to get a lot of high-level property views. This came from a listener who listened to one of your episodes, and you mentioned how — I think he said you were mentioning how you were maybe having trouble getting reviews for your property, or something along those lines.

He works for a property management company who specializes in figuring out the best ways to get as many reviews as possible, so he wrote four really good tips on things that we can do and people listening can do to get a lot of their residents to leave reviews on their properties. So I’m gonna read exactly what he said, and then we’ll give some commentary on it.

Joe Fairless: Yeah, and before you read through — these are four ways to get five-star reviews for your property…

Theo Hicks: Yeah.

Joe Fairless: And in case it’s not obvious, which I imagine it is, the reason why this is important is because when someone sees an ad on Craigslist, or if they are searching online about your community, they’re gonna see reviews. What do you want them to read? Do you want them to read good stuff or bad stuff? What’s more likely to get you command higher rent – good reviews or bad reviews? And when you get higher rent, that helps with your overall value when you sell, the cap rate… The beauty of the cap rate and multiplying your value — I mean, online reviews are paramount, and it is incredibly challenging to get them, at least from what I found, and I’m very grateful that Joseph was thoughtful enough and wanting to help out that he e-mailed me how he has successfully gotten five-star reviews for his property. I asked him, “Is it okay to share this with the Best Ever listeners?” because everyone can benefit from this, and he said “Absolutely.” So thank you, Joseph, for this.

This does have a direct impact on my personal bottom line for profit and loss, and my investors, and then also this will have a ripple effect for every Best Ever listener who has a property where they want to increase their five-star reviews, which includes Theo.

Theo Hicks: Whenever I’m buying anything online, the first thing I do is look at the reviews; if it’s got a small (two, three, four stars) review, even books, or anything, I just completely pass over it. This is another anecdotal evidence as to why it’s so important.

Number one way to get more reviews, he says:

“If you can’t beat them, get close to beating them. Yelp! is the hardest to control (Yelp! is an online reviewing service) and seems to be an outlet for dissatisfied residents. We contract with a company called Modern Message, who has a resident rewards program that turns social media and reviews into a game for our residents. This allows us to get internal reviews and place them on an external site that has amazing SEO value.”

Basically, what he’s saying is that you hire the company that has this rewards program that makes getting reviews like a game, and when they get these reviews from their tenants, they’re able to link that up to their website or to Facebook or to some other site that they have… Like how you see that testimonial tab on some websites. And since you’re kind of linking up to your internal reviews elsewhere, it increases the SEO for keywords for your property’s management company’s name or your company’s name.

He said that if you google his company’s name plus the city that he’s in, they are ranked number one, and it comes up under Yelp! Then he also says that he places these ads in places like Facebook.

So number one is hiring out a company to help you with the reviews.

Joe Fairless: And the company he mentioned is called Modern Message – that’s the company they worked with.

Theo Hicks: Number two is “Give away a random gift.” He said “We had $5 T-shirts” that they created with the local sports team – they can be really anything – and gave them away to everyone who came in on a certain day, along with a card.” So I guess they gave them a card too, that said “Thanks for being a great resident. Please share your experience on Google.” And this worked very well.

So offering, giving away free stuff, and when they come to pick up their free item, give them some sort of card that says “Hey, you’re a great resident. Please show your appreciation by reviewing us. Here’s a link to do that.” So you’re actually giving them a link, so that they know how to do it themselves.

Joe Fairless: That is my favorite so far, because when people expect something, then they’re not as impressed with what you give them, but if they don’t expect something, you can give them something much lower in value and it will be more impressive than the higher in value thing they were expecting… And that’s in life. So when you give them something random, then say – and I don’t know what the exact wording is; you have to work through the wording, but basically “If you’d like to share any commentary about your experience living in our community, then please go online and write something.” That’s my favorite so far.

Theo Hicks: Number three is to survey the residents. Send out a survey and get feedback on the cleanliness of the building, maintenance response time and things like that. After you fix some of the concerns, send a survey out a couple months later, with a link to review at the end.

That’s positive, because 1) you’re getting feedback from your residents on things you can improve upon; maybe something’s broken you didn’t know about, so you can fix that. At the same time, you can use that as an opportunity to get more reviews.

Joe Fairless: And I would take that to a more granular level. When there’s a maintenance request that doesn’t appear to be a negative thing for the property, then when we fix it, I would send the resident an e-mail and say “Hey, did we fix it? Are you good with everything?”, they say “Yes”, and you then give them a link to review it.

What I meant by “not a negative thing for the property” – if the maintenance request is “I have bed bugs” and then you fix it and you’re like “Hey, can you go online and review how we fixed your bed bugs?”, that’s not a good thing to be online. But if the maintenance request was “My faucet leaked” or “My toilet was running” and then we fixed it, then I would send a link to review. “Oh, great, and if you have a chance, can you just mention your experience with us fixing the problem?”

That would be a more granular way, and what I found is that when you do a mass e-mail, there’s less accountability for actually doing something. That’s proven in psychology, too. There’s an infamous case in New York City where a woman was being attacked and she was screaming out for help, and there were buildings on either side of people looking out the window, and everyone thought someone else was calling the cops, and no one called the cops.

It’s proven time and time again that if you need help from someone, then you say “Hey, you in those red shorts, can you please help me?” Now you in those red shorts will be felt responsible for not helping, and same with these reviews. If you do a mass e-mail, “Hey, we’d love your feedback”, that’s one thing. But “You who had a leaky faucet, would you mind helping us out?” – your response will be much higher.

Theo Hicks: That’s a very good point. The last point, he said “Be really, really good at answering the phone, expressing empathy and following up.” This is kind of similar to what you just said… Whenever something happens, make sure you respond quickly and answer your phone when they call, express empathy, and then follow up later; make sure that everything’s fixed, and when they do follow up, say “Here’s a link to leave a review.”

Something else that I thought about when I was reading this – I’m doing the monthly investor e-mails right now for you, and I was thinking — because I know you guys do monthly community get-togethers, so it was a way to tie that into getting reviews. I’m not sure if it’s when people leave, give them a note, or if you have an iPad there so that people could do reviews while they’re actually there, so they give them before they leave…

Joe Fairless: That’s a money idea.

Theo Hicks: Because you’re giving them all that stuff… Like if it’s Taco Tuesday, and poolside popsicles, breakfast on the go, and things like that… When they’re there – people love free stuff, so they get their free stuff and they’ll feel obligated to… And they’re in the moment, like “Oh yeah, Taco Tuesday is the best!” [unintelligible [00:28:25].14]

Joe Fairless: Oh, you nailed it. “We just so happened to have the review all written. You just have to put Enter” and you just like take the finger and like “There you go! Just push Enter… There you go!” [laughter]

We will do that. Thank you for that suggestion.

Theo Hicks: And then the second suggestion – this is for smaller properties, because this would not work for bigger properties… And this is what I did –  it might be kind of cheesy and cheap, but it is what it is. I don’t buy stuff ever, so during Christmas when I get my Christmas presents, I get a bunch of gift cards… Like $5 gift cards here, $10 gift cards at Panera… So I just gift those to my tenants, for either a New Year’s gift or a Christmas gift.

When you’re doing that, with that note at the same time you can put a link to a review for your property.

Joe Fairless: I would do it not as a Christmas or New Year’s Eve gift, or Hanukka or whatever… I would do it as a random gift of thank you, because then it goes back to not expecting something. Or your one-year renewal, your six-month anniversary or eight-month anniversary, because that’s when you’re thinking about “Should I stay or should I go?” So you give them something and you encourage them to renew, and also review. “Renew and review, baby!”

Theo Hicks: I think I did it around Christmas time because it was convenient. I was having a ton of issues with the property, and I felt really bad for the tenants, so I was like “I gotta get them something so they don’t leave.”

Joe Fairless: Yup.

Theo Hicks: Okay, so those are [unintelligible [00:29:48].21] to five-star property reviews. Again, thank you, Joseph.
Something else that we wanted to comment on – and we got an interesting comment from a listener on our video last week… He said, “Joe, always good content. Despite your unpolished presentation skills, I’m still watching because of the content. My own recommendation is to have a script and rehearse.”

Joe Fairless: My initial thought was – the fight or flight thing – fight, but then that was my fleeting thought… Maybe it wasn’t fleeting, it was like a five-second thought, and then ultimately, whenever I receive feedback, I want to acknowledge if it is warranted or not, because I’m always trying to optimize my approach in every aspect of my life.
So then, after the initial five seconds of “Let’s rumble”, then it was “Okay…” I think this person’s YouTube thing is called “FitnessTrainer”, so this person would probably destroy me, by the way… [laughter] Yeah, their YouTube name is “FitnessTrainer.” After that it was like “Okay, what is this really getting at?” and I agree that I could be more prepared with the stories and the comments on Follow Along Friday — and it is only Follow Along Friday, because every other episode is an interview format, so there’s no script there.

I will never, ever write out a script and read it. You would freakin’ hate that. Believe me, you would hate that. Snoozefest all over. But I am taking this as kind of a jolt to say “Okay, let me just be a little bit (or a lot more) prepared, depending on the Follow Along Friday with a couple of anecdotes, versus trying to free flow”, because when you free flow, if you’re not at all prepared, then you aren’t as succinct as you could be, and therefore you’re not making the best use of everyone’s time, including your own.

But I’ll approach it as I do a presentation, and that is have a talking point, know what my main point is, and then have commentary around it.

Theo Hicks: Perfect.

Joe Fairless: So thank you for your feedback, by the way. I do appreciate it. Ultimately, I dismissed the “always good content” part, so I appreciate also the “always good content” comment, and your feedback is taken to heart.

Theo Hicks: Awesome. A couple other miscellaneous things… An upcoming exclusive interview. I know we’ve got a pretty big one coming out next Tuesday, I believe.

Joe Fairless: Is it next Tuesday?

Theo Hicks: I’m pretty sure it’s next Tuesday.

Joe Fairless: Okay. Jillian Michaels.

Theo Hicks: I think it’s the 19th.

Joe Fairless: Okay, 19th July. Jillian Michaels – I interviewed her, and you’ll enjoy it as an entrepreneur. We did not talk about real estate investing; I don’t know if she’s a real estate investor… She’s a freakin’ phenomenal entrepreneur, and very genuine, good energy, life lessons as entrepreneurs. It’s a quick 15-minute conversation. I didn’t spend any time at the beginning introducing her qualifications; you know who she is – she’s a fitness trainer and she’s got over 100 million followers through social media, eight times best-selling New York Times author… And here’s the thing – for everyone who submitted questions, I included your question and I said “So-and-so from such-and-such city asked the following question.” So I got in all the questions, I believe, that everyone asked me to ask her. So really it wasn’t my interview with her, it was your interview, Best Ever listeners, with her… So listen into that interview and I’ll know you’ll get a lot of value out of it, as I did.

Theo Hicks: I’m looking forward to that interview a lot. And then finally, I want to get to the review of the week, if you wanna mention this first…

Joe Fairless: Oh yeah, I’ve been told by my team that I should ask everyone on every Follow Along Friday episode to subscribe to the show if you haven’t already and leave a review. It helps, because it will create a larger Best Ever community and together, as the community grows, we’ll achieve more.

Theo Hicks: And if you do leave a review, you might have the opportunity to have the featured review of the week. This week the name is “FlyNavyBuyProperty.” I always love people’s iTunes names, they’re so interesting.

The title of the review was “Excellent advice for all [unintelligible [00:34:02].23]” and here’s the review:

“My favorite thing about this podcast is that it has something for everyone. There’s great advice at an easily understandable level for those just getting into real estate; at the same time, there’s sophisticated strategies and insights for the most seasoned investor. All of this has brought together a fun, interesting and easily digestible segment. If you want to know more about real estate investing, listen to Joe now.”

Joe Fairless: FlyNavyBuyProperty, thank you so much for that review. Theo and I are gonna take off, we’ve got some basketball to play. If you want to receive a signed copy of the first two volumes of the book by both Theo and I, then you must properly guess who is going to win the basketball game playing by 13, and then what the score will be. I’ve been practicing a lot; I even googled “How to beat a taller player in basketball” and I’ve got a couple moves I’m gonna be doing, so watch out, Theo.

Theo Hicks: Looking forward to it, Joe.

Joe Fairless: Alright. Best Ever listeners, I hope you have a best ever day. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

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