Best Ever CRE Blog

Real Estate Investment Conferences | BestEverCRE

Written by Joe Fairless | Jan 16, 2020 10:54:01 AM

You’re an accredited investor who is looking to increase his or her net worth in the new year. The question is, how? Should you focus on securities, like stocks, or should you channel your energy into the potentially lucrative real estate industry?

The truth is, real estate remains one of the best investments available today. So, it only makes sense to fill your portfolio with successful properties this year. Still, you won’t be able to take advantage of the swiftly changing real estate market if you don’t have the foundational knowledge and experience needed to make this happen.

That’s where an investment conference comes in.

Real estate conferences can easily teach you how to generate passive income from rental property, for example. You can also learn how to navigate even the most complex deals.

Here’s a rundown on why real estate properties make excellent investments for accredited investors and why you need to attend real estate investing seminars in the coming months.

Enhance Your Education

One of the biggest reasons why you should attend an investment conference this year is that it will educate you on how to excel in this competitive industry.

Yes, life can get busy, so it’s easy to put your own industry education on the back burner. Deep down inside, you realize how important education is for you to master the real estate investing field. At the same time, you may feel that so many other things in life are vying for your attention—for example, home life, your business, and your children’s extracurricular activities—that you simply don’t have time to attend a conference.

The truth is, you can’t afford NOT to go to an investment conference. Here’s why.

A real estate investing conference will provide you with a large number of resources, education, and information that will transform your thinking and, thus, your approach to business. Many conferences feature keynote presentations, along with breakout sessions and panels that the foremost industry experts lead. Through these sessions, you can discover the most current strategies and resources for generating passive income from rental property and growing your real estate investing business.

As an example, a seminar may emphasize to you the value of creating a detailed business plan for your company. Following the conference, you may become motivated to develop a comprehensive plan and even enlist the help of a dedicated coach to assist you in achieving your real estate investing goals.

Learn How to Solve Problems and Improve Your Portfolio

Another significant benefit of going to a real estate investing conference? You get to surround yourself with smart and giving individuals who are active in real estate.

You can share any challenges you might be facing with your portfolio with the individuals there and get some insight into how to solve it. For instance, you may speak one-on-one with an expert about your need to expand your portfolio, and he or she might offer you the chance to invest with them on their next apartment syndication.

All in all, real estate conferences are an excellent springboard for seeing new possibilities when it comes to producing passive income from rental property.

Grow Your Business (and Passive Income)

Attending an investment conference is also a good idea if you’re looking forward to growing professionally as a real estate investor. After all, you can’t help but grow if you tap into the expertise of other entrepreneurs who realize that real estate remains among the top investments for accredited investors.

In addition, an investment conference gives you a chance to finally slow down by taking a break from your daily grind. Rather than hustling after deals, you can focus on being a little self-reflective. Specifically, you can ask yourself how the information you’re learning can help you to accomplish your real estate investing goals as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Build Your Network

Yet another major reason why accredited investors should attend an investment conference this year is that it will allow them to effectively network.

Being able to connect with experts of various backgrounds and in different niches can open your mind to a number of possibilities when it comes to real estate investments for accredited investors.

While networking with other people, consider how you can add value to their businesses. Also, assess who you’d be interested in meeting and building relationships with. Furthermore, try to focus more on listening and less on talking.

All in all, try to socialize with new people, not just people you already know. And don’t forget to take part in happy-hour times, as they can be as useful for networking as breakout sessions are.

Start Boosting Your Knowledge Through a Real Estate Investing Conference Today

If you’re serious about strengthening your bottom line in the year ahead, it only makes sense for you to take advantage of an investment conference right away.

In fact, I have created a first timer’s guide to real estate conferences. In addition, to make things even easier for you, I am personally offering you the opportunity to take part in the Best Ever Real Estate Investing Conference.

At the conference, you’ll have the chance to hear from more than 50 influential speakers who can show you why real estate is one of the best investments for accredited investors. You’ll also have the chance to network with fellow real estate moguls from across the globe. With these resources, you can be well on your way to earning passive income from rental property.

Contact me today to find out more about how to experience today’s best real estate investing conference and what your conference goals should be this year.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or course of action.