Best Ever CRE Blog

Meet Best Ever Conference VIP Richard Guy

Written by Best Ever CRE Community | Aug 8, 2021 8:00:00 AM

Richard Guy wants what most commercial real estate investors want: freedom. Freedom of time. Freedom of money. A life where the entire family lives and works together. He wants to be a multifamily investor. It lies at the intersection of his passions: passive income, time freedom, and flexibility.

Richard has wanted the next chapter of his life to be an entrepreneurial one; however, he has struggled to find a business that he can pursue with passion. Finally, with multifamily investing, he’s found it.


The VIP Difference

We recently spoke with Richard, who purchased the exclusive VIP ticket pass to the 2022 Best Ever Conference. We realize that making the decision to upgrade your ticket to any event is a major one, so we asked Richard what encouraged him to purchase his VIP ticket to BEC2022.

He told us that he’d recently attended the Deal Maker Live conference in Dallas, and described his experience as amazing. “I’m kinda hooked now!” he said. “Also, I just started reading Joe’s book, and that’s how I learned about the Best Ever Conference.”

According to Richard, his goal is to gain the Three E’s from BEC2022: education, exposure, and experience. Luckily for him, the VIP ticket pass delivers on all three, including exclusive opportunities to meet conference speakers and attend private events.


Laser Coaching

Richard said what he is most excited about for the BEC is, “filling the day with knowledge and discussions with other people who are as passionate about the space as I am.”

In addition to the speaker sessions and Mini Mastermind groups general admission attendees will get to experience, VIP ticket holders will also receive laser coaching with a Mindset Mastery coach to help them soak up even more knowledge.


Networking Perks

Richard added, “I need to network with experienced multifamily investors and find ways to provide enough value to them to bring me alongside them on these deals.”

While the conference provides countless opportunities for attendees to connect with other high-net-worth individuals, the VIP ticket pass goes one step further. As a VIP, Richard will have access to private meet-and-greets with keynote speakers, where he’ll be able to engage in one-on-one conversations with the experts.


Looking Ahead

When asked about the biggest impact he is looking to achieve for his business, Richard said, “I’m hoping my business can provide me and my family with the time and financial flexibility we desire. Further, I’m hoping to grow and scale my business so that I may eventually step out more and focus on more philanthropic endeavors — using my skills and business’ scale to accelerate progress.”

Want to meet Richard and other like-minded attendees to connect with? You can learn more about the Best Ever Conference and purchase your ticket at

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