Active and passive investors alike can agree — building relationships is imperative when it comes to real estate success. However, since the beginning of the pandemic, essential networking opportunities have had to be adapted to take place mainly on screens. After the virtual Best Ever Conference in 2021, attendees are even more excited than ever to be back in person in Denver, Colorado for the upcoming 2022 event.

Like in previous years, the Best Ever Conference 2022 will provide attendees with the opportunity to network with other top commercial real estate professionals and create lasting relationships proven to build wealth and evolve success. One of those professionals in attendance will be Suzy Sevier, co-founder of Adventurous Real Estate Investors.


Meet Suzy Sevier

We recently sat down for a quick Q&A with Suzy to learn more about her prior virtual BEC experience and her expectations for 2022.

Suzy has been involved in commercial real estate since August 2020, and she’s already accumulated an impressive portfolio. She is the owner and asset manager of 188 units totaling $12 million AUM.

Through Adventurous Real Estate Investors, Suzy and her husband and co-founder, Michael, work to create a positive impact through real estate investing. They specialize in “Return on Impact,” and they share in this journey by offering their partners investment opportunities and mentoring others.

Suzy has several reasons she will be attending the BEC 2022. “I have been told many great things about this conference by a diverse set of individuals, so I knew that this was a conference worth attending!” she said. “I loved the virtual conference in 2021, so afterward it was a no-brainer to purchase the ticket for next year.”

She has high expectations for the upcoming event. “The biggest impact I am looking to achieve for my business is more exposure,” she shared. “I love chatting with like-minded real estate investors, so this will be a great opportunity to meet more people.”

When asked who she looks forward to meeting in person, Suzy responded, “Everyone, since it will be my first in-person conference!” In addition to meeting like-minded investors, she is also excited to explore Colorado while snowboarding before and after the event.


Make Your Own Connections

Want to meet Suzy and other like-minded attendees to connect with? You can learn more about the Best Ever Conference and purchase your ticket today at


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