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How to Grow Your Business Using TikTok

Written by Joe Fairless | Feb 25, 2021 8:17:47 AM

The social media sphere is a hotspot for entertainment, community, and collaboration. Best of all, these platforms offer opportunities to expand your reach, market yourself, and promote your business. Antonio Cucciniello, a real estate investor, is proof that present-day websites and modern applications are practical advertising tools. TikTok, specifically, has allowed Cucciniello to gain new clients and investors.

Much like any functioning member of society, Cucciniello is no stranger to social media. For years, Cucciniello posted videos to YouTube. After four years and 500 videos, he only amassed 300 subscribers. Meanwhile, his Instagram following was lagging, which proved detrimental to his active and commercial real estate investing efforts. Eventually, Cucciniello discovered the power of TikTok.

In the hopes of advancing his career, Cucciniello hopped on the bandwagon. He got his first taste of social media success after publishing a TikTok video. Within one day, Cucciniello’s TikTok post received 52 views, and he gained 150 followers by the end of the week. Before long, Cucciniello went viral, earning 130,000 views on a video that poked fun at terrible tenants. Since his partial claim to fame, Cucciniello’s devised a sound strategy on how to market on TikTok.

In his experience, Cucciniello’s found that instructional videos typically gain the most traction. Whether you’re discussing how to scale a business or change a tire, Cucciniello maintains that audiences love to learn. He then goes live to talk more in-depth about the content. To increase consumer engagement, he welcomes questions. According to Cucciniello, being controversial is one surefire way to go viral. However, he usually sticks to humor, dancing, and general amusement to appeal to audiences.

Cucciniello is far from the first to unlock TikTok’s marketing potential. In fact, many are gravitating to this platform in an effort to gain more exposure. As a result, industry experts are providing insight on how to scale a business on TikTok. By heeding the following advice, you can reap the benefits of TikTok’s massive following and ever-expanding platform.

How To Market On TikTok

Know What You’re Working With

Arming yourself with pertinent information is a crucial first step. After all, to get the most out of the platform you’re using, it’s critical to learn, analyze, and monitor it. For instance, watch videos that are circulating the platform, note similarities between them, and develop ways to apply this knowledge to your specific content.

Don’t Overthink It

While it’s important to be deliberate in your approach, don’t give entertainment the back seat. In other words, infuse some fun into your content. Even if you’re talking about active real estate investing, you can find ways to inject lightheartedness into your videos. In essence, if you find a happy medium between informative and entertaining, you’re bound to reel in a wide audience.

Work With Other Influencers

On TikTok, there’s strength in numbers. Find someone who’s on your same playing field, and collaborate. Studies show that traditional marketing doesn’t interest Generation Z. With that said, you have to think outside the box. By partnering with other influencers, you can subliminally market your platforms while giving viewers the engaging content they desperately desire. Not only will you be able to reach a dynamic viewership, but you’ll also start making beneficial connections.

Look Into TikTok Advertising

As a powerhouse in the social media realm, TikTok’s introduced unique campaign strategies to its platform. Native content, brand takeovers, hashtag challenges, and branded lenses are the marketing resources they’ve created. Each offers its own perks, so you’ll need to gauge which option is best for your business. No matter what you decide, TikTok’s taken a calculated approach to ensure that your marketing methods breed some results.

Stay True To Yourself

Above all else, don’t attempt to be someone you’re not. While it’s prudent to emulate a person’s recipe for success, recycling someone else’s content won’t prove effective. Instead, highlight the qualities and strengths that set you apart. Most importantly, don’t shy away from topics that interest you. Even if you think that commercial real estate investing won’t attract viewers, you’d be surprised how many niche communities there are on TikTok. Simply put, don’t stray too far from your roots, and you’ll inevitably succeed.

Using the above story and advice as inspiration, you can effortlessly grow your business on TikTok. Whether you’re into active real estate investing or tree shaping, there’s a place for all on TikTok’s inclusive platform. Build your brand with confidence and ease when you start your TikTok journey today.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or course of action.