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Co-Invest Like a Pro: A Simple Guide to the Fund of Funds (FOF) Model

Written by Samantha Parrinello, Viking Capital | Aug 1, 2024 12:12:42 PM

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As an investor, it's important to educate yourself by reviewing as many resources as you can. At Viking Capital, our team has created this simplified guide to Fund of Fund (FOF) investing to help explore this investment approach. 

What is the Fund of Funds (FOF) Model?

FOF pools investments to employ in other funds to achieve broader diversification. Fund managers spread risk across asset classes and tap into specialized expertise. 

Why Do Fund Managers Use FOFs?

Fund managers use FOFs for two main reasons:

  1. 1. Diversification of Investments: By investing in a variety of funds, managers can decrease risk and improve the stability of their portfolios.
  2. 2. Access to Experts: FOFs enable managers to take advantage of the expertise of multiple fund managers, benefiting from their specialized knowledge and strategies.

Why Co-Invest? 

Co-investing allows you to pool resources with other investors, making accessing high-value opportunities like real estate and private equity easier. This strategy spreads risk, shares expertise, and often leads to higher returns.

Benefits of co-investing:

  • Access to Larger Deals: More resources mean bigger and better investment opportunities.
  • Reduced Risk: Diversifying your investments lowers individual risk.
  • Shared Expertise: Benefit from the collective knowledge of your co-investors.
  • Lower Barrier of Entry: Most fund managers allow smaller investment amounts allowing you access to these larger deals with higher cost of entry.

How to Start Co-Investing in a FOF

  1. Define Your Goals: Understand what you want to achieve and what you're willing to risk. 
  2. Find Partners: Connect with and research to find investors who share your mindset. 
  3. Do Your Homework: Conduct comprehensive due diligence on potential investments. 
  4. Negotiate Terms: Clearly outline profit-sharing and responsibilities. 
  5. Monitor Investments: Keep track of performance and adjust strategies as needed.

Ready to invest but not sure how? Here are five ways to get started

  1. Self-Directed IRA: Take control of your retirement savings and diversify your investments.
  2. Liquidate Assets: Convert unwanted items into cash to reinvest in new opportunities.
  3. Cash/Savings: Use your savings for immediate investments and watch your money grow.
  4. Self-Directed 401(k): Maximize your retirement contributions and explore various investment options.
  5. Trusts: Protect your assets while potentially generating income for your beneficiaries.

Why Choose Multifamily Real Estate? 

Multifamily properties are a solid entry point for individual investors, offering a mix of cash flow and potential appreciation. They also serve as a hedge against inflation and provide tax benefits. 

Benefits of Multifamily Real Estate Investing: 

There are several key benefits to investing in multifamily real estate. Some of the main advantages include: 

  1. Diversification: Investing in multifamily properties allows for diversification of investment portfolios. - 
  2. Economies of Scale: Managing multiple units in one property can result in cost savings and efficiencies.
  3. Cash Flow: Rental income from multiple units can provide consistent cash flow. 
  4. Appreciation: Multifamily properties have the potential to increase in value over time. 
  5. Tax Benefits: There are various tax advantages associated with multifamily real estate investments. 

These benefits make multifamily real estate an attractive investment option for many investors. To learn about Viking Capital’s open investment opportunity Avondale Hills, visit our website.

Key Roles in FOF Investments

  • Investor (Fund Manager): Manages the investment process and makes key decisions.
  • Co-Investors: Contribute capital and expertise.
  • Advisors: Ensure legal and financial aspects are handled correctly.

Strategies for FOF Success

There are several strategies investors can use for FOF success.

Documentation and Adapting:

  1. Record Everything: Ensure clear agreements on contributions, profit-sharing, and responsibilities to avoid misunderstandings.
  2. Stay Informed: Keep up with market trends and remain flexible to adapt to changing conditions.

Finding Trustworthy Partners:

  1. Research Track Records: Investigate past investments and the financial health of potential partners.
  2. Network: Attend industry events and join forums to connect with like-minded investors.

Thorough Risk Assessment:

  1. Evaluate Market Trends: Understand the competitive landscape and emerging trends.
  2. Assess Financial Stability: Confirm the profitability and sustainability of potential investments.

Portfolio Diversification:

  1. Diversify your investments across various assets and industries to reduce risk.
  2. More opportunity for success and higher returns.


Investing in a syndication with FOF Investments offers a powerful way to pool resources, access larger opportunities, and diversify your portfolio more efficiently. By joining forces with other investors, you can overcome entry barriers and tap into a broader range of investment options.

To learn more about investing in a syndication with FOF investments, visit Viking Capital today.

About Viking Capital:

Viking Capital is a multifamily boutique with nimble investment sourcing, structuring, execution, and asset management capabilities. With $800 million in assets acquired, more than $230 million in equity raised, and over 5,000 units under management, Viking Capital is your path to early retirement. You can explore opportunities to invest in a syndication using the FOF model with Viking Capital here.


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