Best Ever CRE Blog

5 Most Popular Best Ever Podcast Episodes for October 2017

Written by Joe Fairless | Nov 14, 2017 9:26:50 PM

Here are the five Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever podcast episodes with the most downloads in the month of October.

#5 – JF1143: How to Be Successful When Just Starting Out with Dan Plant

Worried about his future as a W2 worker and wanting to take more control of his future, Dan started looking into real estate. He started with a flip, then another, and made money on both of his flips. Now with a child, he has moved into multifamily rental properties, still successfully making money there too. A fantastic episode to learn from, especially for the newer investor or completely new investor that needs to hear a newer investor success story. Dan is living proof that with the right mindset and education, you can start investing in real estate and be successful from the beginning.

What you’ll learn:

  • How Dan made 50% profit on his first two fix-and-flip deals
  • Why and how Dan transitioned from active fix-and-flipping to “passive” rental investing
  • How to approach taking over a rental property when inheriting residents
  • Dan’s Best Ever advice – budget for property management and capital expenditure expenses

#4 – JF1127: Josh Dorkin, Founder & CEO of BiggerPockets is Back For Part 2 of Our Interview

In Part One, we learned about the history of BiggerPockets and its founder, Josh Dorkin (click here to listen to part 1). In Part Two, Josh answered the top questions asked by the Best Ever Listeners.

What you’ll learn:

  • What feature of the BiggerPockets platform does Josh think is most underutilized?
  • When you were considering starting BiggerPockets, what was a number one fear holding you back from starting?
  • How has podcasting enhanced your business and opened up doors and connections that you wouldn’t have had otherwise?
  • What are your morning routines or daily practices that you do on a regular basis?
  • Josh’s Best Ever advice – figure out your why

#3 – JF1134: Below Market Rents Make More Money in The Long Run with Chris Heller

Chris is an agent and investor, and uses all his available resources and knowledge to succeed in the San Diego market. From REO’s to MLS listed houses, he’ll look at anything that makes money. He has a unique strategy for pricing his rental units, and it seems to work really well.

What you’ll learn:

  • The primary way Chris makes money
  • Types of properties Chris has had success investing in
  • How to price your rental rates
  • How to avoid or minimize facing challenges after purchasing an investment property
  • Best performing investment deal Chris has done
  • How to identify a shift in the market
  • Chris’s Best Ever advice – Make sure you get a great buy

#2 – JF1129: Buy Cash-Flowing Properties Online with Gary Beasley

Gary created Roofstock with intentions to attempt to democratize the real estate investing world. Not only does his company and the technology help him with his investing, but also helps anyone who would like to invest in single family homes anywhere in the country. They have already negotiated deals with property management companies, an important aspect when 90% of his investors are investing in markets they don’t live in

What you’ll learn:

  • How to manage out-of-state rental properties
  • How to measure the quality of renovations when purchasing a turnkey property
  • How to qualify a potential resident or requalify a resident you’ve inherited after purchase a rental property
  • The biggest challenges Gary’s faced launching a turnkey rental company
  • Top mistakes Gary’s made in his real estate business
  • Gary’s Best Ever advice – develop conviction around a thesis and then execute, even if other people don’t agree with you

#1 – JF1128: How to Purchase 4 to 10 Properties Per Month With Lease Options with Chris Prefontaine

It takes 120 leads just to close 4 to 5 properties. Chris has built an amazing company and team that finds those leads, makes the calls, closes properties, and helps with other aspects of the business. From an online automated bird dogging campaign to a dedicated full-time phone VA. If you want to invest at a high level, listen to this episode and take notes!

What you’ll learn:

  • How to generate lease-option and seller-financing leads
  • How to find a high-quality virtual assistant
  • How to structure lease-option and seller-financing deals
  • Chris’s long-term wealth building strategy
  • How to convince a seller to do owner-financing instead of selling outright
  • Chris’ Best Ever advice – don’t personally sign the loan and don’t use your own cash on deals

Which Best Ever podcast episode this month added the most value to your real estate business?

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or course of action.