Best Ever CRE Blog

12 Most Downloaded Best Ever Podcast Episodes of 2020

Written by Joe Fairless | Jan 7, 2021 8:00:00 AM

2020 was an unusual year for real estate investors with the onset and continued presence of the coronavirus pandemic.

Going into 2021, there is still a lot of uncertainty around the real estate market. What will be the impact of the new stimulus package – was it enough? How long will the eviction and foreclosure moratoriums last? How will the new presidential administration affect the real estate industry?

We want to ring in the new year by providing you with the Best Ever advice that will help you thrive in 2021, regardless of the answer to the aforementioned questions. That is, the most popular episodes on the Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever Show.

Here are the most downloaded episodes of each month for 2020.

January – JF1960: Starting A Real Estate Investing Business & Growing to 245 Units

  • Guest: Colin Schwartz, Founder of Brick Town Management
  • Guest Bio: Colin Schwartz has been a real estate investor since 2017. At the time of the interview, he owned 245 rental units with another 70 units under contract.
  • Top quote: “If you’re not constantly learning, you’ll soften a little bit.”
  • What you will learn: how to scale a real estate company with your own money and through partnerships.

Click here to listen to the full episode (or read the transcript)

February – JF1989: Learn The Difference Between Preferred & Cash-On-Cash Return

  • Guest: Theo Hicks, Host of Syndication School
  • What you will learn: detailed explanation of the differences between the preferred return and the cash-on-cash return figures presented to passive apartment syndication investors.

Click here to listen to the full episode (or read the transcript)

March – JF2016: Sacrificing Short-Term Satisfaction For Long-Term Happiness

  • Guest: Mark Owens,
  • Guest Bio: Mark has been an active, full-time real estate investor for 17 years. At the time of the interview, he owned and self-managed over 100 units and completed approximately 200 wholesales. His 100-unit portfolio consists of single families and 7 to 18 unit multifamily properties.
  • Top quote: “Manage your properties like a business, not a hobby.”
  • What you will learn: how to overcome the biggest enemy stopping you from being happy and successful – the desire for immediate gratification.

Click here to listen to the full episode (or read the transcript)

April – JF2047: 2008 vs. Coronavirus

  • Guest: Chris Clothier, partner at REI Nation
  • Guest Bio: Chris has been a real estate investor for 18 years. At the time of the interview, his company REI Nation managed an $800M portfolio consisting of single-family properties. He also personally owns $12M to $15M in residential and commercial real estate.
  • Top quote: “You need to be in planning mode. You have to plan for the 10 things that could happen.”
  • What you will learn: the biggest differences between the impacts of the 2008 economic recession and the coronavirus pandemic on the real estate market.

Click here to listen to the full episode (or read the transcript)

May – JF2075: Part-Time Real Estate Investor Benefits

  • Guest: Erik Schaumann, ETS Enterprises LLC
  • Guest Bio: Erik has been a part-time real estate investor since 2012. He started investing while working for the Shell Oil Company full time. At the time of the recording, he had over $1.7M asset under management, which included 9 single family properties and multiple syndication investments. Because of his passive cash flow, he was able to retire from his W2 job after 20 years to travel the world with his wife and 6 children.
  • Top quote: “Be realistic in what you are going to need. What is that final number? Be real, don’t overshot it because if you leave your job there are always ways to make money.”
  • What you will learn: how to quit your full-time W2 job through real estate investing.

Click here to listen to the full episode (or read the transcript)

June – JF2111: Going From a Duplex to 89-Units

  • Guest: Brock Mogensen, principal at Smart Asset Capital
  • Guest Bio: Brock has been a real estate investor for two years. During that time, he purchased a duplex, 89-unit apartment, 20,000 sqft of retail space, and 18,000 sqft of office space.
  • Top quote: “Partner with people that lack your strong suit and vice versa because I think those are the best partnership – where each can complement each other.”
  • What you will learn: how to get started in commercial real estate syndications with little experience and while still working a full-time W2 job.

Click here to listen to the full episode (or read the transcript)

July – JF2158: When Is The Best Time To Get Into Multifamily

  • Guest: Travis Watts and Theo Hicks, hosts of Actively Passive Investing Show
  • Top quote: “Everybody has an opinion, but the only opinion that matters is yours when it comes to choosing your future, where you want to go, what you want to. So try blocking out the noise, go inside, and decide what’s right for you”
  • What you will learn: how to know when it is the right time for you to start investing in real estate.

Click here to listen to the full episode (or read the transcript)

August – JF2168: Infinite Wealth Creation

  • Guest: Jim Oliver, founder of CreateTailwind
  • Guest Bio: Jim is the founder of Create Tailwind, a wealth coaching company that has helped thousands of individuals and business around the US create their own wealth and be their own bank.
  • Top quote: “Infinite banking is about the process of acting like your own bank, not the product.”
  • What you will learn: how to become your own bank and buy real estate with whole life insurance.

Click here to listen to the full episode (or read the transcript)

September – JF2201: The Hands-Off Investor

  • Guest: Brian Burke, president and CEO of Praxis Capital and author of The Hands-Off Investor
  • Guest Bio: Brian is the president and CEO of Praxis Capital, a vertically integrated real estate private equity firm. In the past 30 years, he has acquired over half a billion dollars in real estate, including 3,000 multifamily units and 700 single family properties. He is also the author of “Hands-Off Investor,” which is catered to the passive investor to teach them the ins and outs of investing.
  • Top quote: “Don’t take on too much debt.”
  • What you will learn: how to choose the right sponsor with which to passively invest, and the top tactics for asset management.

Click here to listen to the full episode (or read the transcript)

October – JF2232: Self-Made Millionaire

  • Guest: Willie Mandrell,
  • Guest Bio: Willie is a self-made multimillionaire real estate investor, broker, coach, lecturer, and author. He has been investing in buy & hold rentals for 13 years. At the time of the interview, his portfolio consisted of over 40 units worth $10 million.
  • Top quote: “What helps me is I wake up every morning with the same focus.”
  • What you will learn: how to raise money for real estate and whether to raise money as equity or as debt.

Click here to listen to the full episode (or read the transcript)

November – JF2266: Hidden Investing Secrets

  • Guest: Holly Williams, The Hidden Investing Expert
  • Guest Bio: Holly spent 25 years in the advertising industry as an executive while slowly dabbling in real estate. She has two decades of real estate investing experience and owns properties in New York, Texas, Mississippi, and the Carolinas.
  • Top quote: “Through multifamily syndication, I’ve grown beyond my wildest dreams and it’s changed my life.”
  • What you will learn: the financial and investing secrets of the top 1%.

Click here to listen to the full episode (or read the transcript)

December – JF2287: Raising Capital Using Crowdfunding Platforms

  • Guest: Chris Rawley, CEO of Harvest Returns
  • Guest Bio: Chris has been an investor for over 20 years. He is a full-time real estate investor and CEO of Harvest Returns, a platform for passive investment in agriculture. He also owns single family, multifamily, and commercial properties and income producing agriculture.
  • Top quote: “If you’re putting together a syndication, before you go and pay an attorney a lot of money, just look into crowdfunding platforms.”
  • What you will learn: how to use a crowdfunding platform to raise money for syndication deals.

Click here to listen to the full episode (or read the transcript)

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog post are provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any securities or to make or consider any investment or course of action.